The art of controlling the house

Chapter 583 Flying Sand and Walking Stone

Chapter 583 Flying Sand and Walking Stone
"Bang bang bang bang..." "Bang bang bang..." "chug chug..." "chug chug..."...

In the valley, gunshots continued.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

But soon, with the explosion of several grenades, the gunshots from Ni Ni's side gradually stopped, and there was no movement.

The gunshots from the opposite side continued to "chug" for a while before they stopped.Someone shouted: "Give it to me! Kill them all in one go! Don't leave alive!"


"Kill them!"

Immediately, several gunmen rushed out from behind the bunker with submachine guns, and rushed towards the hiding place where Ni Ni and the others were hiding.

Ni Ni's bunker was nothing more than a van. When the gunmen approached, Ni Ni's voice suddenly sounded, "Come on!"

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"...

"Tutu..." "Tu..."...

Fierce gunshots rang out again, and Ni Ni and a group of military police rushed out from behind the van, and they started a frontal confrontation.

Strange to say, the people who fell were all gunmen. Ni Ni and the others were obviously shot, but no one fell.

"Come on! Catch them all, don't let one go!" Ni Ni shouted again.

The soldiers seemed to be all right after being shot, and their spirits were lifted for a while, and they swarmed up and rushed directly to the opposite side.

Of course, even if it was a charge, it wasn't that kind of blind charge. They were all spread out, not to mention very layered, and they didn't walk in a straight line.Someone charged, lay down to cover, and cooperated quite skillfully.

Zhang Yu was watching from the mountain. From the fierce battle just now, he could see that the police were shot.But the bullet was blocked by the flesh and blood, presumably this must be the credit of the god's talisman.

With the power of the God Fighting Talisman, Zhang Yu can be sure that the members of the arms group will definitely be wiped out.Here, there should be no need for him to make a move.

But at this moment, there was a sudden "crash, clatter" sound from the surrounding area.

The stones around the foot of the mountain rose out of thin air, and then smashed into the valley in one go.

"Papapapa..." "Papapapa..." "Papapapa..."... Rocks were flying around, dust was flying, and it turned out to be flying sand and stones for a while.

Zhang Yu looked at it in a daze, what kind of situation is this?
Right now, there is no wind at all around. Even if there is a strong wind, it is impossible to say that all the stones on the ground will be blown up.

The target of these flying sand and rocks is not other places, but Ni Ni and others in the valley.

"Oops!" "What's going on?" "Ah..." "Ah..." "I was hit by a stone..." "It hurts!"...

When the stones were flying, there was another "rumbling" sound on the mountain.

The sound this time shook the ground even more, and Zhang Yu saw stones of different sizes from the opposite mountain, either rolling down the mountain, or falling directly into the valley.

Not only that, but Zhang Yu could also feel the same trembling under his feet.

He turned around hastily, and saw stones pouring down from above his head.


Zhang Yu's mouth suddenly opened wide. In desperation, he didn't care too much. With a flip of his palm, he hurriedly showed the polyparasol and opened it above his head.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

Good guy, just after the big umbrella opened, two stones fell on the umbrella one after another, and then bounced off by the big umbrella, and fell towards the mountain.

"Run!" "Run!" "There are rocks behind!" "Look for a place to hide!" " leg was hit..."...

The yelling in the valley was even worse, and it was all from Ni Ni and others.

Zhang Yu held the parasol to protect himself, and then looked down the mountain, and the rocks fell down like raindrops overwhelmingly.Now I can't see clearly, the situation in the valley, let alone where Ni Ni and the others are.


It's all stone!

Zhang Yu was already in a daze, he couldn't imagine why such a thing happened.


There must be something weird in here...

He never believed that there would be so many stones falling down on the mountain for no reason.

But what's going on with everything right now, he really can't figure it out.

at last!

Quiet in the valley.

Looking at the bottom, there is no figure of Ni Ni and others at all, and there are only stones.

"This...Ni Ni...Angkor...they..." Zhang Yu was dumbfounded.

It can be said that the people at the bottom of the mountain were all buried by rubble.


With a glance, Zhang Yu found that not all the people were buried by the rocks.

On the side of the arms group, there are no stones at all.More than a dozen men emerged from the bunker at this moment.

Among these men, there is a blond man who looks extremely conspicuous.In Zhang Yu's impression, he didn't seem to see such a person in the previous transaction.

"Mr. Gago, it's really thanks to you!" A man came to the side of the blond man and said out of breath.

"A few war policemen in the district have to let me do it myself. How do you do it?" The voice of the blond man was full of displeasure.

"This... is indeed a bit...unexpected..." The man said, glanced at the mountains on both sides, and said: "We have set up ambushes on both sides of the valley, and now there is no movement... I suspect... ...There are definitely more than this few people coming from the police...Maybe there are still people on the mountain...The boss asked you to come here, so naturally he knows that there is a gentleman in that you can be safe..."

"There are still people on the mountain..." Gago glanced at the mountains on both sides, followed by a faint smile.

He held his hands up, and less than ten seconds later, the rocks in the valley suddenly flew up out of thin air, and returned to the mountain by the same path.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the stones in the valley will be clean and smooth.Zhang Yu, who was hiding in the dark on the mountain, was able to see the situation below clearly again.

The three vans that Ni Ni and the others were in were all smashed to pieces by the rocks.Ni Ni and the others were either lying on the ground or kneeling on the ground, all of them were motionless, and they didn't know if they were dead or not.

"Go over and check, if anyone is still alive, shoot a few more shots! Then retreat!" Gago said carelessly.

"Yes! Give it to me!" The man next to Gago shouted immediately.

The rest of the men rushed towards Ni Ni with guns in their hands.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu knew that there was no further delay.

He immediately sacrificed 36 gold and five baht money swords and shot them down the mountain.At the same time, he also ran down the mountain.

Ni Ni and the others are lying down at the foot of the mountain, life and death are uncertain, if they can be rescued, they still have medicine on their body, so maybe there is still time to go down now.

"Puff..." "Puff..." "Ah..." "Ah..." "Ah..."...

The money sword turned into 36 copper coins, as if its eyes were swollen, and smashed at a group of men, including the blond man.

A group of men were tricked one after another, and were hit on the head or on the body by copper coins.Those who were hit in the head were killed on the spot, and those who were hit in the body were also knocked to the ground, unable to get up.

(End of this chapter)

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