The art of controlling the house

Chapter 589 Confidential

Chapter 589 Confidential
Fei Linjia listened to what Zhang Yu said, nodded slightly, and said: "In this world, there are two kinds of existence beyond ordinary people, supernatural beings and cultivators. As a cultivator, you naturally know that cultivation is not easy and the hardships involved. But supernatural beings are different, they will get some kind of super power by chance and coincidence, so as to be comparable to practitioners. It is said that thousands of years ago, there was a high-tech civilization in the world, and they had supernatural power , They will cause large-scale damage with every gesture. Their ambitions are very high. They will conquer the city and conquer the land, and all the places they pass will be turned into ruins. At this time, the practitioners in the world stepped forward. Under the leadership of a Taoist master, they defeated the supernatural beings and destroyed this high-tech civilization..."

Speaking of this, Fei Linjia paused, and then said: "However, the so-called centipede is dead but not stiff. This civilization seems to have collapsed, but there are still remnants left in the world. From time to time, people in the world will gain something inexplicably. Superpowers either destroy, or lie dormant, and grow stronger. Because the power of supernatural beings has cast a great shadow on human beings, especially for practitioners, they must be exterminated. Therefore, no matter what period it is, people with supernatural abilities must be eliminated. However, there are many ambitious people in this world. They shelter and accept people with supernatural abilities for their own use in order to achieve their own ulterior motives. "

"So it's like this..." Zhang Yu took a deep breath and nodded.

But then, a thought suddenly popped up in his heart, that is, is he a supernatural being?Or practitioners?

If you say that you are a person with supernatural powers, it seems that your own abilities are either from taking medicine or from cultivation.It seems to be no different from a practitioner.

If you say that you are a cultivator, you don't seem to have any master, and you rely on the system that suddenly appeared to make him strong.This also corresponds to Fei Linjia's description of supernatural beings. There are often people in the world who inexplicably acquire superpowers.I seem to be like this, I got the system inexplicably.

The only difference is that the system is different from what Fei Linjia said about superpowers, and it is also different from what Gago said.Fei Linjia said that the destructive power of supernatural beings is astonishing, but with her own ability, this is not enough.The important thing is that when using tricks, the supernatural person doesn't need real energy at all, so it can't be said to be consumed.As Gargo said, he has infinite power.I don't have this ability.

Even though he thought so in his heart, Zhang Yu still couldn't decide whether he was a supernatural person or a cultivator.It's just that I tend to be a practitioner myself.After all, being a person with supernatural abilities means that everyone can get it and punish him.

He deliberately asked: "Chief, how do you tell the difference between a superhuman and a cultivator?"

"According to my father, people with supernatural powers mostly manipulate the power of nature. They don't have the real energy in their bodies that practitioners possess. Their supernatural powers are said to be able to be used without restriction, but they actually depend on the load on the body. Once the load is exceeded, it cannot be used, and the cultivator can use medicine to replenish the true energy, which is not available to the supernatural. What's more, most supernatural beings do not have magical weapons, and cultivators can use magical weapons to improve Attack ability and the power of spells. Cultivators have various spells, and people with supernatural abilities have limitations, but there are also powerful people with supernatural abilities who have various attack methods." Fei Linjia said slowly.

"I said why is this supernatural person so difficult to deal with, and dare to say that his supernatural power can be used indefinitely, unlike me who has to rely on true energy." Zhang Yu nodded again, and then said: "By the way, about the supernatural person Why doesn’t everyone seem to know about it. Not to mention us ordinary people, even the members of the police team, it seems to me that only Captain Cao knows.”

"This is normal. The rulers of all dynasties will conceal it, even the government office. Because once everyone in the world knows it, those who have obtained the ability will not easily use it. Even if they use it, they will not use it easily. Kill all those who saw him. God knows who will suddenly get supernatural powers. If there are more and more supernatural beings, one day they will unite, and the threat to the world will be too great. Therefore, The matter of the supernatural person is a special secret, and it must not be disclosed to the outside world. In the Public Security Department, only a few high-level officials know, and when a supernatural person is discovered, they must be reported immediately." Fei Linjia said.

"What I said, even the members of the War Police Team don't know, it really is a secret." Zhang Yu said.

"Although it's a secret, there are quite a few people who know about it..." Fei Linjia said, suddenly smiled, and said, "To my surprise, it's actually you... I've already guessed that you are a cultivator. It's just that I didn't expect that it would be so powerful...and even kill the supernatural beings..."

"The main reason is that the ability user has too few tricks and won't change..." Zhang Yu said again.

"'s because of this, otherwise, it will be dangerous...Zhang Yu, you have performed very well, go back and rest the afternoon, I will come to the office to hold a meeting, mainly about The matter of making you a member of parliament..." Fei Linjia said with a smile.

"Thank you, Chief." Zhang Yu said sincerely.

"You're welcome, you deserve it. Remember, don't spread the word about people with supernatural powers," Fei Linjia said.

"I understand." Zhang Yu nodded.

"Okay, let's go back..." Fei Linjia waved her hand.

Zhang Yu got up to say goodbye, and when he left the reception room, he saw Catherine standing in the corridor, but there was a distance from the door.

Seeing him coming out, Catherine sent him downstairs first, and led him to the gate of the villa courtyard.

Director Lu's car had already left, and only Cao Dahua's car was waiting there.Zhang Yu bid farewell to Catherine, and left in Captain Cao's car.

After the car left the leadership compound of the government office, Cao Dahua said, "News has been sent from Ni Ni's side. Because of the explosion of the grenade, all members of the arms group were killed."

"They're all dead..." Zhang Yu frowned, and said, "Isn't's a waste of time..."

"I've sent people to arrest Brother Hei, but there's no news yet. These bastards... would send supernatural beings to ambush the police..." Cao Dahua gritted his teeth.

From his tone, it is obvious that he is quite afraid of people with supernatural powers.

It can be said that if Zhang Yu hadn't killed the supernatural beings, Ni Ni and others would have all died.Even the reinforcements will all die in the valley.

"The Arms Group's courage is too great, and they dare to confront the war police blatantly. By the way, are they from the Wula family that they suspected before..." Zhang Yu said.

"With the emergence of supernatural beings, the situation has expanded, even surpassing the arms case itself. If there is no sufficient evidence..." Cao Dahua shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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