The art of controlling the house

Chapter 610 Obstructing official duties

Chapter 610 Obstructing official duties
"The chief's meaning is..." Ni Ni succinctly said what Zhang Yu told her.

But after she finished speaking, she added something, especially the sentence about Cao Dahua's courage.

Then, she looked at Zhang Yu again and said, "Is there anything missing?"

"No, that's all." Zhang Yu said.

Cao Dahua's first reaction was to frown slightly, and he said after a while, "If this is the case, wouldn't it be equal to a confrontation between the Police Force and the Wula family?"

"Boss! What do you mean by that? Our purpose is to investigate the case, why is it like finding fault!" Ni Ni said a little dissatisfied.

"I know it's an investigation...but...if we confront the Wula family head-on...I'm afraid it's not right..." Cao Dahua said worriedly.

"Front-on conflict? Don't you count it now? You submitted the application, not the chief who asked you to search directly." Speaking of this, Ni Ni pouted, "No wonder the chief said that you are not as courageous as you imagined. It's that really doesn't look that big..."

Cao Dahua was so choked by Ni Ni that he didn't know what to say for a while.

He was indeed a little scared, after all, in his eyes, the Wula family was indeed a giant.Although the progress of the audit has not come to an end, as far as the current situation is concerned, the possibility of finding problems is extremely low.

If there is no problem, things may not end so easily.If there is another conflict between the Wula family, I am afraid that in the end, it is really impossible to let it go.

"Sir Cao, I have something to say, I don't know if I should say it or not," Zhang Yu said.

"You said..." Cao Dahua said.

"The chief has already mentioned the issue of courage, and you can't give you every kind of search warrant. I think what the chief said makes sense. Even if it's an audit, ask someone to question you during the process, isn't it? Is it normal? You are a dignified captain of the police force, if you need to write a letter of approval from the chief... Hehe..." Zhang Yu shook his head at the end.

What he said has another meaning, that is, you, the captain of the police force, do you want to do it?

Of course, if Cao Dahua can understand this, he can understand it, and if he doesn't understand it, let it be.

It can even be said that Zhang Yu's experience is not good at anything, and he has never been strangled in the office, but even he can faintly hear that Fei Linjia's mention of courage is not a good thing.

"I think what Zhang Yu said is right. The chief executive has already issued the approval document once, so he can't do it again. Besides, I think... if the chief executive has said something like this, if we don't respond, won't it appear that we are fighting The police force is too weak... so what about the arsenal, isn't it under the control of the office..." When Ni Ni said this, her blood was boiling.

Cao Dahua didn't answer, but judging from the expression on his face, he seemed to be hesitating.

Ni Ni was obviously anxious, and couldn't help but said again: "Boss! We finally got the chance to search the arsenal. We can't shrink back just because the other party is tough! If this is the case, what will the dead brothers think? Us? The motto of our military police has always been to defy power and serve the public wholeheartedly! Now that we have met the Wula family, do we have to forget this motto?"

"Stop talking!" Cao Dahua gritted his teeth, then widened his eyes.

Ni Ni was stunned immediately, and was a little at a loss for a while.

But Cao Dahua immediately said: "Don't be afraid of power, and serve the public wholeheartedly! Ni Ni, you are right. Now that you have reached this point, there is no reason not to continue to investigate!"

He immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

When the phone was connected, he said directly: "Old Chen, it's me... Immediately let all the people in the second, third, and fourth groups gather and come to the arsenal... Also, send someone to the prison to call The list of prisoners taken away from the prison by the ten-year arsenal...that's right, after getting it, send it to me to the arsenal..."

After hanging up the phone, Cao Dahua said, "Ni Ni, let's go to the arsenal!"

"Yes, captain!" Ni Ni exclaimed excitedly.

Cao Dahua and Ni Ni got out of the car, and then got into Cao Dahua's car, and the car drove towards the arsenal.

In fact, Zhang Yu was a little bit excited, and he wanted to follow him.But I am not from the Police Force, so don't make trouble for others.If there was a head-on conflict with the Wula family, and he, who is not a soldier, ran in, he would inevitably be caught talking about it and make use of it.

So Zhang Yu turned the car around and returned the same way.


In the Office of the Personnel Division of the Arsenal.

Unlike other units, there is no woman in the personnel department here.A total of four people, including the head of the personnel department, are all men.

Right now, these four dear friends are so good that they are actually playing mahjong in the office.

Also, the staff in the arsenal has always been stable, and they have nothing to do all day long.Even though the soldiers were checking the accounts, they didn't delay playing cards.After all, playing cards is a disciplinary issue in the factory and has nothing to do with the police team.

While playing kung fu, the door suddenly "clicked" and was opened by someone.


Hearing the sound, section chief Wang Jinbei was the first to call out.

The other three people also turned their heads to look.

I saw a beautiful woman walking in with four men.

Wang Jinbei recognized that this was a policeman.

That's right, the leading woman is Ni Ni.

"It's quite leisurely at work. I play cards during working hours." Ni Ni said coldly.

"What's your business? You're not my leader either." Wang Jinbei said indifferently.

"It's not my business, but there is something that requires your cooperation." Ni Ni said.

"What's the matter?" Wang Jinbei said carelessly.

"Show me the files of the prisoners who have been transferred from the prison to the arsenal over the years." Ni Ni said.

"Cut!" Wang Jinbei said with a look of disdain: "Before your people came to ask for it, didn't I already tell you that if you want a prisoner's file, you have to speak to our factory manager. Our factory manager didn't tell me to give the file to you." You, how can I give it?"

"Our military police team came to carry out official duties with a search warrant from the government office. Now you are asked to take out the files. You must cooperate, otherwise you will be obstructing official duties!" Ni Ni said seriously.

"On official business, you are only asked to check the accounts, but you have not been asked to check people. Our factory manager said that you have no right to check files. Therefore, it is useless to try to fool me!" Wang Jinbei said confidently.

"Could it be that you can only look at the account books when checking the accounts, and don't need someone to check? We don't know anything about the personnel situation in the arsenal, so how to check it? Therefore, looking at the personnel files is also within the scope of normal business affairs!" Ni Ni said sternly Said.

"Uh..." Wang Jinbei was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Have you forgotten what this place is? This is an arsenal. Are the personnel files that your military police team can check casually? Do you want to check?" , just go to our factory manager and tell me what to do?"

"Your factory manager is not here, but we have already greeted him yesterday, and he has promised to fully cooperate. If you don't cooperate now, don't blame us for being rude, and directly take you to the battlefield according to the obstruction of official duties. Police force!" Ni Ni said sharply.

After saying that, she waved her hand, and the four soldiers who came in with her immediately rushed forward and pulled Wang Jinbei up from the chair.

(End of this chapter)

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