The art of controlling the house

Chapter 616 The Qin Family

Chapter 616 The Qin Family
"That's how it is. It's not too early. I'm used to going to bed early and I'm tired." Fei Linjia said lazily.

"Leader, take your leave," Ulahan said.

"Farewell, Chief." "Farewell, Chief." "Farewell, Chief."

Cao Dahua, Ulahan and the others stood up with their own concerns, and left one by one.

At this moment, Cao Dahua admires Fei Linjia very much. It is really unexpected that although Fei Linjia has a disabled leg, she is extremely capable and sharp in her actions, even he has to admire her.

Lu Huaxun looked indifferent. When he came to Fei Linjia's house this time, he just said a few polite words in a symbolic manner, and didn't say a word of nonsense.

Fei Linjia is amazing, he has seen it tonight.Of course, it is quite normal for the members of the Tierwin family not to give face to the Wula family.However, tonight, Fei Linjia completely relied on reason to make Ulahan speechless.

Thinking about how before, Ulahan acted like a teacher asking for a crime, but now, no matter how upset he is, he has to hold back.

Wula Zongcai was so angry that it was all his own reasoning, but no matter what, the mistakes all of a sudden became his own.What's worse is that he was suspended from his job, so who should he reason with?If the news got out, I would lose all face.

However, the other party is the chief concubine Linjia, so he can't say anything.After leaving the mansion, Ula Zongcai gave Cao Dahua a hard look, and said in a low voice, "Forget it, let's wait and see!"

Cao Dahua pretended not to hear, just walked outside.He also knew that he had already offended the Wula family.But he also knew that when he first filed the application, he had almost offended him.

They got into the car separately, Ula Zongcai and Ulahan got into the same car.

The father and son were both in the back row. As soon as the car door was closed, Wula Zongcai said aggrievedly: "Father, Fei Linjia is clearly targeting us on purpose..."

"You have the face to say it!" Ulahan glared at his son, and said angrily, "As the director of the arsenal, don't you go to work? Especially at this time, why don't you watch it?"

"I..." Wula Zongcai lowered his head and said timidly, "I never thought that the courage of the Police Force...would be so big..."

"Then you also said that Cao Dahua was using chicken feathers as an arrow. Are you afraid that Fei Linjia will not find a reason to make use of it?" Ulahan said angrily.

"I, I also made a slip of the tongue for a while... I didn't expect... Someone caught me... This time, it's really disgusting..." Wula Zongcai said pitifully.

"Now that you have been suspended, Cao Dahua at the arsenal has no choice! This is all the trouble you caused by not going to work! decide what to do..." Ulahan said.

"I, I... The arsenal is all our people... The military police team can't make any waves..." Ula Zongcai stammered.

"Everything, I'm not afraid of anything, just in case. The arsenal's smuggling of ammunition, should no one who has nothing to do with it know about it?" Ulahan asked.

"Don't worry about this, I did it cleanly. Except for a few people like Ye Jun and Liu Meng in the warehouse, no one knows. They are all our people. Even if they want to kill them, they dare not say anything. " Wula Zongcai said confidently.

"Yeah." Ulahan nodded, gritted his teeth and said, "The matter is already like this, so let's settle the score with Cao Dahua after the three days have passed!"

Even he knew that Fei Linjia was targeting her deliberately, but Cao Dahua was just a pawn who was not afraid of death.

Ulahan can't do anything to Fei Linjia, at least for now, he can't get any handle on Fei Linjia.However, he has decided that Cao Dahua must pay the price.It would be best to get rid of Cao Dahua during Fei Linjia's tenure.

After all, the lost face must be regained.

After Concubine Linjia left, he took over as the chief and then dealt with Cao Dahua. Although he could take revenge, he seemed somewhat incompetent.


Cultural Palace, venue of Guqin Cultural Festival.

The Cultural Palace is very large, especially on the second floor, and there are two private rooms.

It's just that these two private rooms are generally not open to the public.

At the moment, in one of the private rooms, a man who can be 30 years old is sitting at the tea table with an elderly man in his [-]s, drinking tea and listening to the piano.

The elder in Pentecost is the curator of the Cultural Palace, named Cao Qun, who is quite famous in the Wunan Cultural Festival.The man at the same table is even more unusual, he is from the Qin family, named Qin Yuhui.

The Qin family is not ordinary. Back then, when all the heroes were competing for the throne, they were absolutely powerful.But because of the sudden death of the old man at that time, the three brothers who held great power refused to accept each other. As a result, the Qin family was divided into three, and they were called Sanqin ever since.

As a result, the originally huge family immediately changed from what it used to be.After years of changes, the three families have become sworn enemies.With the strength of other families, in the end Sanqin could only find their own backers in order to protect themselves.The first room took refuge in the Tierwen family, the second room took refuge in the Godin family, and the third room took refuge in the Duan family.

Qin Yuhui is the branch of the Qin family who has taken refuge in the Duan family, that is, the third room.He is usually arty, and he dabbles in antiques and the like.The same is true for guqin.

Right now, half of the players were playing, and the lottery was drawn again on the stage, and this time it was Chu Yunzhu.

After Chu Yunzhu took the stage, she behaved very calmly.Chu Yunzhu was wearing a white embroidered cheongsam. She held the piano and sat down. The piece she played tonight was also reported on the stage—Chu Feng.

The strings are caressed, and the tune is elegant and majestic. The sound and artistic conception of the piano are definitely not something ordinary girls can play.

Both Qin Yuhui and Director Cao closed their eyes, nodded and shook their heads.After playing a song, Cao Qun said with a smile: "Young Master Qin, Chu Yunzhu's guqin is definitely famous in our Wunan. If it is said to be second, no one will dare to recognize the first."

"It's really good...but..." Qin Yuhui didn't continue after saying this.

Cao Qun asked puzzled, "Just what?"

"When I saw the photo before, I thought it was very charming. But now, compared with the previous Xiao Yueying, she is still a bit inferior." Qin Yuhui said.

"Hehe..." Cao Qun laughed immediately, and said, "It's natural. Both Xiao Yueying and Chu Yunzhu are from Wunan University, and Xiao Yueying is a well-known campus belle of Wunan University, known as Wunan University. Shuangfeng."

"Then what does her family do?" Qin Yuhui asked again.

"Xiao Yueying's father is Xiao Zhendao, the chairman of Xiao Ding Group." Cao Qun said immediately.

"That's it..." A smile appeared on Qin Yuhui's face.

Seeing this, Cao Qun didn't say much, just showing a knowing smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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