Chapter 840
"It's about Jia Xu's life. I think you should have read The Romance of the Four Kingdoms," Fei Linjia said.

Zhang Yu nodded, "I've seen it."

"Jia Xu became famous for his chaotic martial arts. After many twists and turns, he served under Cao Zhao's command and was called a poisonous man. His praise and criticism have always been different in history. Most of the people who derogate him are those who are good-looking and praising him. Most of them are his admirers. As far as Jia Xu's strategy is concerned, there is no other wise man in the world. This is Jia Xu's comment on himself, and it is also the last epitaph he left for himself." Fei Lin Jiapo To say with emotion.

"Old man Wuwei, although he has the heart to serve the Han Dynasty, the world is in chaos, and it is not easy to save his life, so why talk about him. Follow the trend, move the camera..." Fei Linjia slowly read the above text .

Even if Zhang Yu's literary level is not very high, he is a person who has studied for 16 years after all.He couldn't recognize a few words on it, but when Fei Linjia read it, he could still understand the general meaning.

According to Jia Xu, he still wants to be loyal to the Han Dynasty, but people have already seen that the world is about to go into chaos. As a commoner, how can he have too much ability.The so-called chaos, when Wang Yun and Lu Bu stabbed Taishi Dong to death, the Liangzhou generals originally planned to surrender, but Wang Yun was headstrong and refused to surrender at all, and all Taishi Dong's men were killed.As Grand Master Dong's subordinate, Jia Xu naturally had to find a way out for himself.Therefore, he persuaded Li Jue and Guo Si, who planned to disband their troops and escape, to counterattack Chang'an, defeat Lu Bu, and kill Wang Yun, thus taking control of Chang'an.

Here, Jia Xu believes that Wang Yun is self-willed, and if he takes the opportunity to recover the Liangzhou Army, he may be able to help the building collapse.However, if Wang Yun wanted to kill the Liangzhou army, he was not only overwhelmed, but also narrow-minded, so it was difficult to achieve a major event.Handing Chang'an into Wang Yun's hands, I'm afraid it won't be easy.Death is also a matter of time.

After killing Wang Yun, Li Jue and Guo Si took control of Chang'an. Although Jia Xu was a civil servant, he also protected many Han officials.Later, he even helped the emperor escape from Chang'an.It's just that he didn't expect that after Cao Zhao coerced the emperor to order the princes, he even concealed his intention to abolish the establishment.On the surface, he regarded himself as the Duke of Zhou, and it was no secret that his son had usurped the throne.

"Yuan Shu's son arrogantly proclaimed himself emperor, and was eventually defeated in Shouchun. There was no news of the jade seal passed on to the country. Looking at Yuan Shu's life, the youngest son, the old man concluded that Shu must send someone to protect the youngest son and bring the jade seal to Yuan Shao's place in order to settle down. The old man secretly He sent the dead soldiers, intercepted them halfway, and recaptured the jade seal. This treasure was not handed over to Zhang Xiu, nor was it offered to Cao Zhao. He had two intentions. First, he hoped that the Han Dynasty could prosper, and dedicated it to the Holy One; second, he used it to save his life in the future. When Cao Pi proclaimed himself emperor, he secretly ordered people to imitate the jade seal. He only said that Xu Zhen got it from a magic place, and it was nothing more than creating an image of being ordered by heaven..."

What the hell!

After hearing Fei Linjia finish reading this passage, Zhang Yu couldn't help but be speechless.If this is the case, doesn't it mean that the jade seal that Fei Linjia asked her to put away is really the legendary Jade Seal!

Fei Linjia paused for a moment, and then read in a low voice: "It's also because of destiny that the children of the younger generation can come here. You can take the Jade Seal of Chuanguo with you, and there is another treasure "Three Shus of Poison Strategies", which can recognize the master by dripping blood, but only Only those who have a predestined relationship with this treasure will be able to succeed. This old man has also dabbled in Qimen Dunjia, and now he will leave the formation map at the end. After comprehending it, he can destroy it by himself. However, the dead bones of this old man, you must not wait Remember, this is the end. If you try to find it again, you will be buried here with the old man!"

"It turns out that he wants to recognize the master with a drop of blood..." Zhang Yu sighed.

No wonder it was useless to infuse it with true energy, so it was like this.

Fei Linjia obviously saw Zhang Yu's thoughts and smiled, "You want to try..."

"I have this idea." Zhang Yu was straightforward.

"Then try it. Let's see what magic weapon it is." Fei Linjia said.

Zhang Yu took the black jade card, bit his finger, and dripped blood on it.

The blood didn't change at all, and Zhang Yu didn't feel any connection with "Three Shus of Poison Policy".

According to the saying, you need a predestined talent approved by "Three Shus of Poison Policy", don't you think I am not.

Zhang Yu waited for 2 minutes, but there was still no response.He smiled helplessly and said, "Leader, this baby doesn't recognize me. Otherwise, try..."

The latter sentence, but the next one.However, Fei Linjia's interest was aroused.

Fei Linjia took out the nail clippers from her pocket, and there was a small knife on it. She pulled up the knife, cut a small incision on her hand, and dripped a drop of blood onto the black jade plaque.

Immediately afterwards, the two saw that her blood had disappeared.

What the hell!

Zhang Yu immediately looked at Fei Linjia, and saw that Fei Linjia's face showed a trace of confusion first, and then she seemed to be in a trance.

Zhang Yu understood that this must be the connection between Fei Linjia and "Three Shus of Poison Strategies".As for the use of this magic weapon, it is estimated that only Fei Linjia can know.

While Concubine Linjia was in samadhi, Zhang Yu looked at the formation inside the coffin.

Zhang Yu can roughly understand the formation diagram, but Zhang Yu doesn't understand the words on the side.

Among them, the most obvious ones are the seven dots, which look like the Big Dipper like a spoon.Around the Big Dipper, there are 36 small dots, and these dots are connected with thin red lines, which looks a bit dense.

"36..." Zhang Yu's mind moved, and he immediately thought of the number of Tiangang.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu realized whether this could be the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation.

It's just that I don't know the words above, which is somewhat embarrassing.

Zhang Yu could only look at Fei Linjia again, but Fei Linjia still had no expression on her face.Zhang Yu waited quietly, and after 3 minutes, Fei Linjia finally let out a sigh of relief.

She found Zhang Yu staring at her, smiled back, and said: "I kept you waiting for a long time. I really didn't expect it. This "Three Shus of Poison Policy" is really amazing. Now, I can't help but want to try it."

"Then you can try me." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

Fei Linjia shook her head, "It's not convenient at the moment, I'll talk about it later. By the way, there is a formation inside, have you read it?"

"Look... I can probably see that it is the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation, but I can't be sure. The main reason is that most of the characters on it don't recognize..." Zhang Yu said truthfully.

"Let me take a look for you..." Fei Linjia looked into the coffin, and quickly said: "You have hit the mark. The name of this formation is indeed "Tiangang Beidou Formation". It means that Tiangang 36 The stars assist the Big Dipper. These words are clearly the names of the Big Dipper and the 36 Tiangang stars... The Big Dipper stars are called Tianshu Star, Tianxuan Star, Tianji Star... Tiangang Star is Tiankui Star, Tiangang Star, Tianji Star, sky star..."

After she pointed out these star names to Zhang Yu, she continued: "The 36 Tiangang stars revolve around the Big Dipper... The specific statement above is: the dipper turns and the stars move, and they turn into gangs..."

Fei Linjia read the entire text to Zhang Yu.

After hearing this, Zhang Yu was immediately moved.Based on my own understanding of the formation, although this formation is a bit complicated, one method can pass a hundred methods, and Zhang Yu figured out the approximate number of ways in a short while.

(End of this chapter)

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