Chapter 241

After Ren Shuai finished modeling, he entered the studio.

The construction of the set is very innovative. On one side is a retro office with solid wood tables and chairs and bookcases full of books.

On the other side is a scientific laboratory with microscopes and a series of bottles and jars on the test bench.

The two sets have been carefully spliced ​​together, and they are perfectly combined, giving people a feeling of time and space colliding at a glance.

Ren Shuai glanced at his exquisite three-piece suit, then at Xiang Shujun's Frankenstein-like white coat, and immediately knew where he should stand.

The director was shooting Xiang Shujun's shots at this time, and Ren Shuai walked aside silently, watching and learning by the way.

The shot of the commercial is very short, but there are many shooting materials.

In order to better reflect the creative effect, the director may ask the actors to make different actions and performances during the shooting of the advertisement, and finally select a group of the best ones for editing.

At this time, Xiang Shujun was bending over slightly, lowering his head to get closer to the microscope, his brows showed his concentration.

"Okay, here's another one. The expression should be more exaggerated and dignified. It should show the feeling of being trapped by a mystery."

Xiang Shujun nodded, expressing his understanding.

He looked down at the microscope again, this time with a darker brow.

"Come on, Shujun, let's see the effect."

Hearing this, Xiang Shujun walked to the monitor to watch the replay.

Ren Shuai was watching the fun from the sidelines. He didn't know the quality of commercials, he only knew that it was the last word that people could remember.

However, Xiang Shujun's expression just now was too solemn, which made people feel a little uncomfortable.

He also noticed it himself, and shook his head in dissatisfaction: "Director, let's take another one. The performance of this one is not very good."

In fact, this shot of looking at the microscope has been shot no less than ten times, but it always fails to show the effect the director wants.

It stands to reason that it is enough to show that he is concentrating and being trapped by the case.

But the director just said that the performance he gave was not open enough, which seemed a bit restrained.

Advertisements are only a dozen or so seconds long, and they don't need to be performed with depth and layers like TV or movies.

It just needs a strong appeal, so that the audience can get the information that the advertisement wants to convey in a short time.

Most of Xiang Shujun's previous commercials only required him to show a sunny and wise smile, and there was no requirement for him to be solemn and contemplative at all.

It’s okay to make him smile exaggeratedly and brightly, but it’s a bit of a dilemma to emphasize contemplation and confusion.

Either the expressions were not exaggerated enough, and the director felt that the expressiveness was not enough, or the expressions were too exaggerated, showing bitterness and hatred, Xiang Shujun himself was not satisfied.

After these dozens of photos were taken, he was a little lost.

According to his consistent standard, he obtains the optimal quantitative index through rational thinking, and expresses the effect the director wants through technology.

But this time, he didn't know what went wrong, or there was a conflict between the indicators, so he was temporarily caught in a dilemma.

The director saw that Xiang Shujun was doing his best, but even he couldn't tell what was wrong, so he had to let the actors find their own status.

But the film crew couldn't be idle, the director turned his head and saw Ren Shuai beside him, and immediately smiled and said: "Then Shujun, you should rest for a while, let's take the shots of Mr. Li first."

Ren Shuai nodded immediately. He was already curious about shooting commercials and wanted to experience it.

Xiang Shujun felt that his filming progress was stuck, and he was a little embarrassed, but he knew that Ren Shuai's plot design was similar to his, and thought that if he couldn't perform the effect the director wanted, could Ren Shuai be able to act?
With the mentality of watching the excitement, he smiled very modestly and said: "Okay, I will look for the status again, you should take pictures of Mr. Li first."

Ren Shuai walked into the scene that belonged to him. As required, he needed to pick up a magnifying glass and look for clues in the newspapers on the table.

The director said: "Mr. Li, let's take a test shot first, and adjust if there is any need."

Ren Shuai nodded obediently.

After hearing the director call to start, Ren Shuai picked up the magnifying glass and began to carefully examine the contents of the newspaper.


The director immediately stopped, and said, "Mr. Li, we don't need to really look at it when we shoot, just make a gesture, and the magnifying glass doesn't need to be too close to the face, just make gestures there."

Ren Shuai nodded obediently, held the magnifying glass a little farther, looked up and asked, "Do you think this is okay?"

The director nodded, and also saw that Ren Shuai seemed to be a novice in advertising and didn't understand anything.

But the attitude is still very worthy of recognition, but he has a hunch that today's shooting may take some time.

After all, he is an inexperienced person, incomparable with those who have filmed many commercials, and has to be trained on the spot.

The director said patiently: "Mr. Li, we need to show a sense of urgency to find clues, and a sense of perplexity caused by the mystery. Pay attention to the expressions that are more exaggerated than when you are usually filming."

Ren Shuai nodded, thinking that intermediate acting skills should be perfectly controlled, right?

The director announced the start of the film again, Ren Shuai picked up the magnifying glass, his expression was just right, he could see both eagerness and confusion.

"Okay, it's okay, would you like to see the effect."

Although the director said so, he thought it would be troublesome for an actor to shoot such a story-based commercial. It would always be like acting on TV, which looks very entertaining, but in fact it is not what the commercial really wants to express.

Sometimes, advertisements require actors not to act so real, the more exaggerated they look, the more effective they are.

Ren Shuai knew that the director was not very satisfied, but he didn't say it out of face.

But he thought it was only taken twice, so take your time and don't rush.

Xiang Shujun, who was waiting on the other side, curled his lips slightly, thinking that Ren Shuai could do something, but the result did not exceed his expectations at all, and was even worse than he expected.

Xiang Shujun suddenly felt that it was completely unnecessary to compare himself with Ren Shuai. He really underestimated himself and valued Ren Shuai too much.

He thought to himself that an actor like Ren Shuai who relies on talent to cross the border mostly relies on intuition to act in TV, but when it comes to commercials, which require more technical support than emotional support, he seems unable to do what he wants.

At this time, Ren Shuai walked to the monitor, looked at his performance, and suddenly felt something.

Although I have never seen a pig run, I must have eaten pork.

He recalled the similar advertisements he had seen in his previous life, and when he compared his performance, he immediately found out where the gap was.

There are very few lines in commercials, and even if they are, they are very short sentences. Instead, they mostly rely on facial expressions and movements.

Ren Shuai found that although his eyes were in place, his expression was not prominent enough, and his movements were even a little stiff.

Since your own strength does not allow it, then call for cheating.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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