From janitor to actor

Chapter 269 Fresh try

Chapter 269 Fresh try
Fortunately, Mu Xiaoqing's voice was relatively soft, and Ren Shuai didn't hear him, otherwise he would definitely knock on Mu Xiaoqing's door at night.

Tell her horror storylines.

After Cui Shaoyu saw Ren Shuai, he asked a few people to eat hot pot together.

Of course Xie Jiu and Su Yu would not refuse, and neither of them would give up the opportunity to eat a big dog.

Oh, no, it should be said that a rich and beautiful sister invited me to dinner, who would refuse?

The atmosphere during the meeting was very good, and Cui Shaoyu also showed off to Ren Shuai his record today, and talked to him about the contract.

Ren Shuai counted, and another 80 yuan came in immediately, and he was already considering whether to buy a car.

In his previous life, he had been thinking about this matter, but unfortunately he was limited by his number plate. In this life, he finally had unlimited numbers and was limited by funds.

Now his pension is a little more abundant, but he can consider buying a scooter.

The atmosphere of eating hot pot is very good, and everyone gets acquainted with each other after chatting.

It's just that the happy time was very short. It was already late for them to end the reading session, and with the addition of eating hot pot, it was already almost 12 o'clock at midnight.

Tomorrow, the film crew will officially start the production, and several main creative personnel can only reluctantly say goodbye to each other and return to the hotel to rest.

Early the next morning, Ren Shuai was woken up by the alarm clock.

He looked at the time and found that he had slept for half an hour, and the alarm clock went on and on and was turned off six times.

Fortunately, it was late last night to eat hot pot, so everyone needed to catch up on sleep, and he wasn't the only one who got up late.

Because the production crew started the machine on the first day, there were a lot of things to deal with, so the scene seemed a bit messy.

However, Xie Jiu has rich shooting experience after all, so he quickly controlled the rhythm and began to advance in an orderly manner.

Ren Shuai's first scene today was not against Mu Xiaoqing, but against a young actor who played the role of a patient in the film.

This young actor wears two cute braids, only seven or eight years old, and his big Shuiling eyes sparkle with aura.

When Ren Shuai read the script, he knew that there was a child character in the sick building, but he didn't expect that the little girl was so beautiful, how could she act scary.

After Xie Jiu set up the sub-camera, he was ready to start the machine and put the actors in place.

Little actors are quite special, especially the cute and clever little girl, who is very attractive, so the director gave her the play very carefully.

Ren Shuai also took the opportunity to listen from the sidelines. It was the first time he acted opposite a young actor, and he didn't know how the effect would be.

This little girl's name is Little Cotton, and she looks soft and cute.

Although she is young, she has more acting experience than Ren Shuai.

She started filming at the age of five, and she is seven and a half years old this year. She has been filming for two and a half years and has appeared in various dramas.

The reason why she agreed to make a horror film this time is also because there are many roles for her in this drama, and her parents agreed after careful consideration.

After a period of training from Xie Jiu, Little Mianmian went to work smoothly.

According to the description in the script, although the character played by Little Cotton does not look very old, he is very mature in mind, and has deceived the heroine many times by relying on his innocent appearance.

Every time she came into contact with Ren Shuai secretly, she would reveal her true colors, looking deep and sinister.

Today, the content of her play with Ren Shuai is that the two of them are chatting in the room.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, how could a bright little girl act so gloomy and sinister?

Just before starting the machine, Xie Jiu quietly walked up to Ren Shuai, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Li, this little girl is very spiritual, but she is also very affected by the environment, so whether this scene can be performed well depends entirely on your help." Played."

Ren Shuai thought for a while, but he didn't dare to give him an affirmative answer, so he could only slightly nodded and said, "Let's take a picture first and try."

After turning it on, Ren Shuai stood in the shadow, looked at the little girl reflected in the light through the mirror, and said in a low voice, "Tell me carefully, what did she do today?"

When Ren Shuai spoke his lines, he didn't use a dubbing card, mainly because he was afraid that the dubbed sound effects would be too gloomy and scare the little girl, but his own voice was more magnetic, so it wouldn't sound so scary.

Little Cotton quickly entered the state, her face was slightly lowered, her eyes were quietly rolled up, showing her unusual state through the light at this time, and then she let out a giggle.

"Why do you care so much about her? Does she have, what is there, what is special?"

Little Cotton may have been a little nervous at the beginning of the filming. Although the performance was very good, he stumbled when speaking the lines.

Xie Jiu didn't stop, but showed an encouraging look. He didn't want to dampen the enthusiasm of the young actor as soon as he came up. .

Xiao Mian showed an encouraged look, and read the lines again, and this time it went very smoothly.

The little girl's immature voice came out of her mouth. If you don't look at her expression, just listen to the voice, you will find it very sweet and beautiful.

But combined with the expression of Xiao Mian's lowered head, it immediately brought out a strange texture.

Ren Shuai immediately took up the lines, did not treat Xiao Mianmian as a child, glanced at her very sharply, and said, "Control your curiosity, be careful, you will die soon."

Little Cotton shrank her neck immediately, and then giggled again: "I'm just curious, who wants to gossip about that woman, you make me stare at her every day, it's so annoying."

The design of her lines is very mature, and when Xiao Mian said this sentence, her expression was deliberately impatient, which seemed a little deliberate.


Xie Jiu yelled to stop, got up and walked to Xiao Mian's side and said, "Mian Mian, you don't need to act too hard, you can just talk like you usually do, otherwise it will look too artificial."

Little Mianmian blinked her big eyes, turned around twice, and then nodded.

But looking at her, it was obvious that she didn't quite understand what the director meant.

Xiao Mian obviously felt that she was not exerting herself during the performance, so why did the director say she was exerting herself.

Ren Shuai looked at Little Mianmian and suddenly thought of his little niece.

When she was at home, her cousin was such a good-tempered person, and when she was explaining homework to her niece, she almost ran away.

This proves that children's brain circuits are completely different from those of adults. According to Xie Jiu's way of telling dramas, Little Mianmian must not be able to understand.

The minds of young actors are immature, there is no need for them to understand the content of the performance, just tell them how to do it.

So Ren Shuai squatted beside Xiao Mianmian and said, "Wait, when you speak your lines, keep a straight face, don't make any expressions, and have a more cheerful tone, looking very happy."

If a child pretends to be deep on purpose, it will look a little funny.

But if you say this sentence with a blank face, it will look even more scary.

When Little Cotton heard this, she immediately understood.

She nodded her head, looked at Xie Jiu and said, "I know, Brother Director, we can shoot again."

This time, after Ren Shuai finished reading his lines, Xiaosongsong said his lines expressionlessly, and his movements seemed a little stiff, which added to the weirdness.

Xie Jiu couldn't stop nodding at the monitor, and he could see that the effect of this shot was very good.

He thought to himself, Mr. Li is really experienced, he even knows how to teach young actors.

 Please recommend, ask for a monthly ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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