Chapter 304
Seeing that Zhou Xu had finished praising the actors, the host was about to ask the next question.

But before she could speak, Zhou Xuan continued, "I especially want to praise Teacher Li."

The host was taken aback for a moment, but quickly covered it up, showing a listening expression, thinking in his heart that the supporting role is not an addition, and thought he would just skip it.

Like a few treasures, Zhou Cun praised Ren Shuai's various outstanding performances, and specifically mentioned that Ren Shuai would continue to cooperate in his new work.

When the host heard this, it was no wonder that Zhou Suo kept praising him heavily. It turns out that there will be cooperation in the future.

"I'm curious about the main content of our play, but I know it's not convenient to spoil it, so can you briefly talk about the relationship between the characters."

Zhou Xuan smiled and said: "Xu Yang and Wei Yan are a pair of CPs, and Su Xin and Zhao Li are also a pair. This setting is relatively ordinary, but the process of establishing the relationship between the characters is the more interesting part."

The host nodded, then glanced at Ren Shuai who was sitting on the edge, and asked, "Then what role did Teacher Li play?"

At this time, the main creators all looked at Ren Shuai, and then turned back to the host. Everyone showed an expression of guessing for yourself.

The host is very good at observing words and expressions, and immediately understood the meaning of everyone, and said with a smile: "Is Teacher Li's identity very special, then let me guess it?"

The hostess usually does her homework before the interview, and she has a clear understanding of the biography of each guest, but she knows that Ren Shuai is only a supporting role, so she didn't check his information.

And according to the script, Ren Shuai only has three questions, and there is no gossip about himself, so he doesn't need to know too much.

Seeing that although Ren Shuai has a good appearance, but given his age, he will definitely not have emotional entanglements with the protagonists. Moreover, Ren Shuai has a very unique temperament. In workplace dramas, he must be a boss-level existence.

The host made some calculations in his mind, and said confidently, "Mr. Li should be the leader of the company who plays a certain protagonist."

Several guests were all looking like she really couldn't guess it, and they smiled in unison.

The host knew at a glance that she hadn't guessed correctly, and from the expressions of several people, he knew that the guess was not relevant.

That being the case, she guessed outrageously, so that the broadcast effect of the show would be better.

"Then I guess Teacher Li and one of the two heroines are lovers." She opened her mind.

As soon as she said this, several main creators stared wide-eyed, suspecting that the host had read the script in advance, otherwise how could they have guessed so accurately.

Zhou Xuan hammered his palm with his fist and exclaimed, "You guessed so accurately!"

This time the host was surprised.

She just said it casually, but she guessed it right.

This kind of plot setting, if he hadn't known in advance that Zhou Xuan was the screenwriter, he would have thought it was some thunder drama.

Fortunately, the host has excellent professionalism, and quickly restrained his admiration, but still said a little bluntly: "The relationship between this character is very attractive, I can't help but want to turn on my phone and watch it immediately."

After saying this, she quickly changed the subject and asked, "Thank you, Teacher Zhou for your answer, then let's interview the director..."

After the host, Zhou Suan and the director finished their conversation, they were invited to go down for a rest.

But just now the director also praised Ren Shuai in addition to his several leading actors in the crew.

This made the host a little curious, how could He De, such a small supporting role as Ren Shuai, let the director and screenwriter praise him so much.

She has been a host for many years, and she knows all those famous old actors, but she has only heard of Li Laifu's name once or twice recently.

And it's because he starred in an old fairy in a fairy tale movie, and his roles are pitifully small.

If this is really an old artist with a detached status, he won't always play a small supporting role.

She was a little puzzled, but soon turned her attention back to hosting.

"Wei Yan, can you tell me about the biggest achievement of acting in this drama?"

"Well, I have gained a lot. Not only have I met many new friends, but I have also learned more about acting skills. This is all thanks to Teacher Li." Wei Yan said with a happy smile.

The host thought to himself, what's wrong with these main creators, do they keep talking about Mr. Li?
She doesn't believe in evil, and starts to interview the leading actor Xu Yang.

As a result, Xu Yang also praised Ren Shuai in terms of acting skills. He was under pressure throughout the play because of his acting skills. If he hadn't received Ren Shuai's guidance, he might still be regarded as a useless idol.

Now Xu Yang is counting on this drama to help him change the public image.

The hostess felt that she had made some mistakes. She really shouldn't have come to the interview without doing her homework. She didn't even find out Ren Shuai's resume, so she was very passive now.

The hostess thought to herself, she would bring the topic to Ren Shuai for a while.

The interviewee at this time was finally Su Xin's turn.

She sat for a long time without saying a word, and her heart became more and more nervous.

Especially when she saw other people talking eloquently, she felt even more uncertain.

The hostess looked at Su Xin and said, "Su Xin, can you tell me about the emotional scene between you and Teacher Li in the film?"

Su Xin was taken aback, thinking that this question was different from what was written in the script.

Although the script stated that she would ask about some content during the filming process, she did not stipulate what to ask specifically, and she only prepared conventional answers.

I didn't expect to ask her about an emotional scene, and it was still with Ren Shuai.

This reminded her of the scene when she was filming, and she inevitably blushed a little.

She, who was already nervous, suddenly lost her voice.

"I, I feel that Mr. Li's acting skills are very good, and the emotional scenes are also very good, very powerful, especially for helping me."

Her current state was three parts nervous, three parts shy and four parts happy.

This state can make people think about it at once.

The host didn't know why, and thought that Su Xin and Ren Shuai were not only a superficial emotional scene, but a passionate scene.

Just now Su Xin also said that Ren Shuai could help take her with him, which made people couldn't help but think about it.

Did the two have some indescribable sparks in the play?

After Su Xin answered this question, Ren Shuai was the first to show surprise, wondering what Su Xin meant, did he want to have an affair with him?
Cui Shaoyu never greeted him, it was a bit too sudden.

Su Xin also seemed to know that her performance was a little misleading, so she quickly added: "I have no other intentions, and the roles played by Mr. Li and I broke up soon in the play."

After the host heard this, he showed a meaningful smile, and felt that the sentence Su Xin added later meant that there is no silver three hundred taels here.

Ren Shuai sighed speechlessly.

The host seemed to have discovered a treasure. A novice like Su Xin could easily be scammed.

She thought to herself, she had to dig a little.

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(End of this chapter)

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