From janitor to actor

Chapter 347 Strange Things

Chapter 347 Strange Things
Everyone in the live broadcast room swallowed their saliva in unison, waiting for Ren Shuai's next words.

Ren Shuai's eyes gradually deepened, and he said in a low voice: "I always felt that there were other voices in the rustling sound, so I couldn't bear curiosity, so I went closer to listen, and it turned out..."

Ren Shuai paused when he said this, and the people in the live broadcast room and netizens all urged each other in their hearts.

Ren Shuai seemed to have heard it, and continued: "The rustling sound was actually mixed with other voices, which were very low, like raving."

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt that the surrounding temperature seemed to drop a little.

Although Ren Shuai didn't say anything too scary, his voice and tone made people feel chills for no reason.

Coupled with the inexplicable aura around him, everyone who saw him felt as if their hearts had been caught by something, and they were a little hairy.

Chai Ming shrank his shoulders, feeling the need to break the terrifying atmosphere, and hurriedly asked, "What's the sound?"

Ren Shuai glanced at him appreciatively, liking such a curious audience.

Chai Ming almost backed away from this look, but since he was sitting on the sofa, he had nowhere to go.

"I listened carefully for a long time, and found that the raving seems to be saying..."

Ren Shuai's voice became deeper and deeper, as if accompanied by rustling: "Don't come to the grove, don't come..."

When netizens heard the voice, they were so frightened that they immediately picked up the quilt and wrapped themselves tightly, feeling like they were actually there.

Although the more courageous netizens were not scared off, they no longer dared to look directly at Ren Shuai, as if meeting his eyes would inexplicably weaken the san value.

The other four people sitting in the live broadcast room have unconsciously kept a distance from Ren Shuai, as if they can gain a sense of security.

After imitating the voice from the broadcaster, Ren Shuai suddenly raised his head, making the camera tremble with fright.

This caused the camera to shake slightly, and the terrified netizens suddenly went crazy.

"Oops, oh, my picture just shook a bit, it's really not dizziness."

"My side is shaking too. Could it be that something came to me along the Internet?"

"No, it turned out that they were all trembling. I was taken aback and thought I was hallucinating."

"It's more terrifying if it's all shaken. Has the live broadcast room been attacked?"

"My God, after watching so many episodes, I'm finally going to witness history?"

The camera finally stabilized the lens. The host had long forgotten to watch the barrage. At this time, the air was very quiet, and no one interrupted Ren Shuai.

"After I heard that voice, my first feeling was that I had heard it wrong."

After Ren Shuai finished speaking, he continued: "However, in order to prove that there are no auditory hallucinations, I decided to go to the grove to have a look."

As soon as he finished speaking, the eyes of several people looking at him changed instantly.

It seems to have seen some kind of human fighter who is not afraid of death.

I have heard warnings not to come to the grove, so why do I still want to go.

Ignoring their eyes, Ren Shuai continued: "It was cloudy that day, there was no moonlight, and the street lamps were dimly covered by tree shadows. I didn't dare to turn on the flashlight, and slowly touched the edge of the grove."

"Just when I was about to step in, I suddenly heard the sound of Xixisuo."

Everyone held their breath, and no one made a sound, quietly waiting for the next step.

Just when everyone was concentrating, Ren Shuai suddenly raised the volume.

"I took a closer look, and there was a black shadow shaking inside, and it was getting closer and closer to me!"

Everyone was startled, and the netizens were startled by the suddenly raised voice across the screen.

Ren Shuai said quickly: "I was also taken aback, so I immediately shouted and asked."

After hearing this, several frightened people suddenly complained in their hearts, are you serious?
Since he was taken aback, he still dared to shout and ask, why not run away?

At this moment, Ren Shuai suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a deep expression: "This shout seems to have really worked, and the black shadow approaching me stopped immediately."

Netizens immediately stopped making complaints about the barrage, and were once again attracted by Ren Shuai.

"Then, the most terrifying scene appeared. More black shadows suddenly appeared in the woods, quickly approaching in my direction."

A picture suddenly appeared in the minds of netizens, accompanied by Ren Shuai's voice and tone, inexplicably terrified.

At this moment, Ren Shuai stood up suddenly, leaning his upper body directly towards the screen.

Netizens who were holding their mobile phones and concentrating on it were so frightened by the sudden embarrassment that they threw their mobile phones away.


"I go!"


Sounds like this appeared in various communities, awakening many neighbors who had already fallen asleep.

Ren Shuai sat back without realizing it at all, and then said quietly: "Those black shadows are approaching at the same speed as I was just now."

He had no idea that the sudden slap in the face just now not only frightened the cameraman, but also frightened the director who was staring at the monitor.

"Ms. Li, you almost scared me to death."

Chai Ming stroked his chest with his hands, looking as if he was still in shock.

Ren Shuai looked at him like this, which was in stark contrast to his tall and burly appearance.

On the contrary, Zhuang Wenting next to her didn't show anything abrupt, but her face turned pale three degrees, her eyes were a little straight, and her lips were trembling a little.

The two hosts have experienced many battles and are effectively immune to all kinds of horror stories, but what Ren Shuai just said still made their hearts beat wildly, and they couldn't calm down for a long time.

"I was just demonstrating what was going on at the time."

Ren Shuai explained a little, and Chai Ming patted his chest, exhaled and said, "Then what happened next?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's attention was attracted again.

Netizens in particular wanted to know what happened after the horrific scene just now.

Ren Shuai didn't hold back anyone's appetite, and said directly: "What happened later still baffles me."

"Those black shadows appeared under the light, I finally saw the situation clearly, it was actually..."

"What is it?" Chai Ming asked.

"People, all people."

After Ren Shuai finished speaking, his expression became more dignified.

The others felt his tone and expression, and suddenly realized that things were not that simple.

It stands to reason that there is nothing scary about people, but with Ren Shuai's serious expression, the people inside must be abnormal.

Isn't it a living person?
Netizens began to diverge their thinking and analyze what Ren Shuai saw.

Even words like living corpses appeared on the barrage.

Zhuang Wenting, who was almost scared to death just now, came back to her senses and said, "What's wrong with people?"

Ren Shuai took the time to glance at the barrage, and seeing the increasingly exciting expressions of several people, he replied: "People are fine."

After he finished speaking, he explained: "They are all living people, and they are all alive and running fast."

"Then what's the matter with your expression?" Chai Ming asked.

"I thought about it carefully, and all the people who ran out of the woods were boys."

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(End of this chapter)

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