From janitor to actor

Chapter 350 Friendly Interaction

Chapter 350 Friendly Interaction
After a round of interaction, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room became lively again.

Netizens really didn't expect that an actor of Ren Shuai's age had never filmed a kissing scene.

Everyone uniformly typed the words "clean and self-care" on the public screen.

Ren Shuai didn't think there was anything wrong, he had only been in the showbiz for a few months, so it was strange that he hadn't filmed a kissing scene.

But Chai Ming and Zhuang Wenting next to him don't think so. They think that Ren Shuai must be a good teacher, and he has some concerns in his heart, so he didn't kiss the scene.

The sacrifice is great.

After this question, I asked Ren Shuai about his interaction with Mu Xiaoqing on the set, especially if he had any close contact.

Ren Shuai joked after seeing it: "I seriously doubt that there are many media personnel mixed in among the live broadcast viewers. What kind of tiger and wolf problem is this?"

Netizens don't think melons are big, and they are naturally happy to see actors answering tough questions.

The sharper the better.

Seeing the anticipation in the barrage, Ren Shuai was hesitant to speak, pondering over and over again, unable to speak.

Seeing him like this, everyone looked forward to it even more. Listening to gossip was much more interesting than horror stories.

Seeing that Ren Shuai hesitated, the host felt that there might be something wrong with it.

Moreover, Mu Xiaoqing also graduated from Meiying, and Ren Shuai is Meiying's teacher, so maybe the two have known each other for a long time.

"Mr. Li, is there anything inconvenient for you to say?"

The host added a handful of firewood. On the surface, he seemed to be thinking of the guest, but in fact he urged him to speak quickly, don't hesitate.

The bigger the material, the better, so that their programs can have a higher viewing volume.


Ren Shuai sighed, shook his head helplessly and said, "It's not inconvenient to say, but do you want to hear the truth?"

As soon as these words came out, the bullet screen suddenly became lively, shouting that Ren Shuai must tell the truth.

Seeing the strong reaction, Ren Shuai could only spread his hands and said, "Well, you guys forced me to tell the truth."

The four people sitting next to him also kept nodding, with the flames of gossip shining in their eyes.

Ren Shuai said, "No."

After speaking, he shut his mouth and said no more.


what not?
What does this mean?
The host asked the audience: "Mr. Li, what do you mean by no?"

Ren Shuai said with a sincere expression: "You guys asked me to tell the truth. Originally, I wanted to see if I could arrange the interaction between Mu Xiaoqing and me on the set to create some program effects, but everyone pays attention to seeking truth from facts, and I can't. Bullshit, we didn't interact at all on set."

"how is this possible?"

Chai Ming blurted out this sentence, and it was only after he finished speaking that he realized that he shouldn't be so rude.

Ren Shuai didn't mind at all and said, "I can't help it, I can't spoil it, but because of the filming, Mu Xiaoqing stayed away from me the whole time, and there was no interaction at all."

Originally, Mu Xiaoqing also hoped to discuss acting skills with Ren Shuai and learn some experience, but no matter what, Ren Shuai's role in the play was too scary, especially the psychological pressure caused by it can be said to increase by tons.

Although Mu Xiaoqing wanted to get close to Ren Shuai intellectually, she kept an absolutely safe distance physically and physically.

Even when she saw Ren Shuai, she couldn't help but wobble.

At that time, Mu Xiaoqing was a fusion of contradictions. She felt that Ren Shuai's acting skills were excellent and admired him very much, but at the same time, she felt chills all over her body and dared not touch him.

Fortunately, after the crew finished work and left that environment, Mu Xiaoqing was able to get out of that state smoothly.

At this time, when netizens heard Ren Shuai's disappointing answer, they were inevitably unwilling.

Obviously, he seemed hesitant to speak, thinking that there was something big, but it turned out that the clowns were themselves.

It was in vain to suppress their drowsiness and their eyes to light up in anticipation.

At this time, everyone was itching with hatred, but they were helpless. They felt that Ren Shuai was really a master at manipulating people's mentality.

Ren Shuai seemed very tolerant and said: "I know everyone is a little disappointed, but it's okay. Although we didn't have much interaction on the set, there are a lot of rivalries in the play, and the interaction is particularly exciting. If you are interested, you can watch it."

When netizens heard the word stimulation, they felt that they could do it again.

The two have exciting interactions in the play, isn't that... This play must be watched!
When everyone heard Ren Shuai throwing this kind of bait, they looked as if their scars had healed and forgot about the pain. They completely forgot how Ren Shuai used his acting and speech skills to manipulate their mentality just now, and waited wholeheartedly for the launch of "Sick Building No. 88".

Some imaginative netizens have even made up a lot of plots in their brains.

Since it is a sick building, it must be inseparable from patients, doctors, and nurses.

However, there are still smart netizens who know how exciting it is to ask questions in the bullet screen.

Ren Shuai replied: "The blood flows backwards and the blood pressure soars. Netizens with heart disease, high blood pressure and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are not recommended to watch."

When everyone heard this, they immediately felt relieved.

Originally answering an unremarkable question, Ren Shuai manipulated the ups and downs, especially for his new drama, which attracted a large audience.

Cui Shaoyu, who had already returned home at this time, nodded with satisfaction at the phone, admiring Ren Shuai's wisdom.

After she got home, she didn't plan to watch the show anymore, but she routinely checked her mobile phone before going to bed, and found that someone on Weibo had spontaneously promoted it.

So Cui Shaoyu thought that the part of Ren Shuai telling the horror story should have passed, so she quietly took a look, and it shouldn't be a big problem.

So after Cui Shaoyu entered the live broadcast room, he never came out again.

When she entered, it happened to be a question-and-answer session, and she couldn't help admiring Ren Shuai's operations one after another.

Netizens are now completely following Ren Shuai's rhythm.

This is all due to Ren Shuai's experience of watching live broadcasts in his previous life. As the saying goes, if you have never seen a pig run, you have never seen pork.

Ren Shuai watched a lot of live broadcasts, so he naturally learned a lot of the routines of the anchors. He followed suit, and if he played a little bit, the effect became very good.

At this moment, "Midnight Gossip" has changed from a mildly fearful and deserted program to a relaxed and lively live broadcast. Everyone is happily immersed in the interaction with Ren Shuai's answering questions.

Unknowingly, the show is coming to an end, and the question finally comes to the one that netizens are most concerned about.

Although the atmosphere was good just now and everyone watched the live broadcast very much, they still haven't forgotten the question that has always been on their minds.

Why did Ren Shuai say that something unfortunate would happen?
And what is the unfortunate thing?
Seeing everyone's attention coming here again, Ren Shuai smiled mysteriously.

"Must you want to know the answer? Can you afford to be curious?"

Hearing the sudden change in Ren Shuai's tone and asking two consecutive questions, netizens unconsciously tightened the quilt.

Although there is a hint of foreboding, curiosity is one of the greatest driving forces behind human progress.

How could it be possible to give up seeking knowledge because of fear!

Ren Shuai looked at the barrage, nodded, and spoke with a solemn expression.

 Ask for a recommendation

(End of this chapter)

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