From janitor to actor

Chapter 353 A Big Problem

Chapter 353 A Big Problem
Zhou Xuan saw Ren Shuai getting off the car from a distance, and walked up to say hello with a smile on his face.

In the eyes of the rest of the crew, this move was like seeing a ghost.

Zhou Cui is notorious for his bad temper, especially when he is very harsh on actors. Basically, he has a bad face, and he can't see a smile all day long.

As a result, today was uncharacteristically, not only rushed to the set in advance, but also had a smile on his face.

This made the crew even more curious about Ren Shuai.

Ren Shuai didn't expect that Zhou Xuan would come to greet him in person. He felt that he hadn't reached that kind of position yet, and besides, he was only filming a scene for a few days.

"Teacher Li, please hurry up, I am looking forward to the stars and the moon, and finally I am waiting for you."

Zhou Xuan actually didn't intend to put all his eggs in one basket. After he made an appointment with Ren Shuai at the beginning, due to investment problems, the filming was postponed. He was worried that Ren Shuai would not have time.

So I went to look for replacement candidates.

But after many searches, he couldn't find anyone with the same temperament as Ren Shuai.

Moreover, Ren Shuai's temperament fits very well with his characters in the play. Zhou Yu, who wants to present the work to the fullest regardless of the cost, naturally focuses on Ren Shuai.

In this play, Ren Shuai plays a role in the hero's dream, that is, the hero in old age.

Although he looks old, his soul is still young.

It is precisely this that Zhou Xuan likes Ren Shuai.

Zhou Xuan was also very puzzled, Ren Shuai's eyes and demeanor obviously didn't look young, but he still gave people the impression that he was full of vigor, as if there was still a young man living in his body.

It was this sense of contradiction that made him feel unusual the moment he saw Ren Shuai.

Ren Shuai smiled and nodded in response, thinking that Zhou Xuan must be in a very urgent mood to greet him in person. It seems that the filming progress of the crew should be stuck on his role.

Without wasting any time, he went straight to the dressing room and prepared to enter the shooting.

The staff who stood watching began to whisper in private.

"Which actor is this, it seems a bit unfamiliar?"

"The image is pretty good, but I don't recognize it either."

"Screenwriter Zhou personally greeted him. He is definitely not an ordinary person. Maybe he is a senior artist in the drama circle."

While everyone was discussing, the heroine quietly came to the scene.

The content of today's scene is the scene where the male protagonist finds his girlfriend after dreaming that he is getting old.

The role of Ren Shuai is the appearance of the male protagonist after he grows old in his dream.

The heroine's other scenes have finished filming, and I heard that the crew has been waiting for a certain senior's schedule, and even she needs to adjust the time to cooperate.

The heroine of this play is Sun Ling, a new-generation actress who has just emerged.

Zhou thought that he chose her because he valued the greenness in her eyes that had not completely faded away, with a very innocent feeling.

Sun Ling is not from a major. He participated in the filming of a rural drama by chance before. Because his simple and innocent image was remembered by the audience, he gradually entered the entertainment industry.

After she signed with the company, she studied acting very hard, but she still deeply felt her shortcomings in this area.

She heard that she was very happy to be able to play with the old actors.

Especially when playing with the actor Zhou Sui had been waiting for for a long time, it was unavoidable that I felt a little nervous.

In addition, because she watched a show last night, she suffered from insomnia, and she was in a dazed state.

That's why Sun Lingcai came to the crew early, just to find out the status in advance, so as not to perform abnormally in a while.

Due to the confidentiality regulations of the crew, and Zhou Cang's seldom showing up, even she, the lead actress, didn't know who she was acting with.

Not long after, Ren Shuai had finished styling and changed into costumes.

He had read the script a long time ago, so it was no problem to directly enter the shooting.

Zhou Xuan was by his side the whole time, looking at Ren Shuai with satisfaction and expectation.

Ren Shuai was almost taken aback.

He thought to himself, since he is much older than Zhou Cun, he shouldn't make people think anything bad.

Ren Shuai glanced at Zhou Chen, and didn't dare to chat with him any more, so he hurried out of the dressing room and went straight to the set.

At this time, Sun Ling was deducing the content of the script repeatedly in her mind, thinking that the first impression is very important, she is still a half newcomer, she must leave a good impression in front of the senior, maybe after being approved, the senior will still be able to Help her a little bit.

However, Sun Ling was already a little afraid of Zhou Xuan's arrival, and with the addition of having to meet an old drama partner, the pressure in his heart doubled.

At this moment, a series of footsteps sounded, and Sun Ling, who was sitting on the chair, was startled and turned around to look.

In the end, it didn't matter after seeing it, she was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she dropped the script on the ground.

"Yes, is it you?"

Sun Ling lost her composure and stood up from the chair, looking at Ren Shuai with an extremely complicated expression.

Ren Shuai was a little confused by her, thinking do we know each other?

Standing aside, Zhou Xuan was also puzzled, wondering if there was any story between the two of them?

He is worthy of being a screenwriter. In just a short moment, he has already made up an emotional and ethical blockbuster by observing the expressions of the two of them.

Sun Ling finally realized that she had lost her composure. She quickly bowed and nodded, and kept apologizing: "Mr. Li, I'm sorry, I was a little bit scared just now."

Ren Shuai couldn't help touching his face, wondering if I look scary?

Zhou Xuan asked directly: "Xiao Sun, did you know Mr. Li before?"

Sun Ling subconsciously nodded, then quickly shook her head and said, "Ah no, we don't know each other."

Seeing this, Zhou Xuan became even more puzzled, thinking that the relationship between these two people is unusual, and there must be some ulterior story between them.

Ren Shuai was even more puzzled than Zhou Xuan, thinking that I don't know you at all, why do you look like a frightened little white rabbit.

People who don't know think I'm a big bad wolf.

"Who is this?" Shuai Ren turned his head and asked Zhou Xuan.

Seeing Ren Shuai pretending not to know Sun Ling, Zhou thought about it, and smiled meaningfully: "This is the heroine of my film, called Sun Ling."

Seeing him smiling like that, Ren Shuai immediately felt that he had suffered some injustice.

Seeing his innocent appearance, Zhou Cun thought to himself that he is indeed an old actor, his acting skills are amazing, he is obviously acquainted, and yet he pretends to be so real.

Zhou Xuan obviously didn't introduce the two of them at the beginning, but Sun Ling was able to call out Teacher Li at once, so he must be someone he knew.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, there is something wrong with the heroine, and she showed such an expression to him as soon as they met, and she seemed hesitant to speak. This is not to misunderstand others.

No, obviously Zhou Xuan has misunderstood.

He had to ask.

Ren Shuai said, "Hello Miss Sun, have we met before?"

Sun Ling quickly waved his hand and said, "No, I haven't seen it before."

Although she said so, her guilty look was obviously saying: I have seen it, but I can't admit it.

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(End of this chapter)

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