From janitor to actor

Chapter 365 Venue Rental

Chapter 365 Venue Rental
Ren Shuai directly told Cui Shaoyu what he learned from Shen Luxi, and then continued to shoot.

It was just that Sun Ling was suffering alone. She had been waiting for Ren Shuai to speak on the phone, but when Ren Shuai hung up the phone, the director announced that the break was over.

Until the evening, when all the scenes between her and Ren Shuai were finished, Sun Ling didn't have a chance to ask the doubts in her heart.

Ren Shuai looked at Sun Ling who was still reluctant to leave before leaving, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

The filming of the crew went very smoothly, and Ren Shuai will be able to finish the filming and leave the crew in one day tomorrow.

It went so smoothly, Zhou Xuan rolled his eyes with a smile.

According to the schedule, they originally had to shoot for five days, but Ren Shuai performed exceptionally well, and the filming went smoothly even with the rival actors, so the schedule was advanced by two days.

In this way, Zhou Xuan can save two days of shooting expenses, how can he not be happy.

Not only Zhou Xuan, but the director also praised Ren Shuai.

Anyone who has two extra days of rest out of thin air will feel in a good mood.

So the shooting atmosphere on the second day was very pleasant.

Seeing that after shooting another shot in the afternoon, it can be finished in advance.

But there seems to be something wrong with the crew.

When the machine on their side was just set up and was about to shoot the last shot, there was a loud noise outside.

Although the simultaneous sound is basically not used when shooting videos, the noise from the outside still has an impact on the shooting.

Especially for the emotions and performance of the actors, it will cause interference.

Zhou Cun felt very dissatisfied with this situation, and immediately signaled the drama manager to go over and ask about the situation.

After a while, the drama manager came back to report the situation.

"A group of people came to the entrance of the film crew, claiming to be from another film crew, and the one who brought them here was the person who rented the venue to us."

When Zhou thought about it, he immediately looked at the person in charge of setting the venue and asked, "What's going on?"

The person in charge of setting the venue looked aggrieved and said: "I clearly signed the contract for five days, and you said you would refund for two days, but I only refunded the rent for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. They must have made a mistake."

Before Zhou Xuan could continue to ask about the situation, someone walked in from the door.

The person who came was the person in charge of leasing this site.

When he saw Zhou Cang and the others, he was very surprised and said, "Haven't you already withdrawn the rent? Why don't you leave?"

The staff in charge of setting the venue was afraid that Zhou would lose his temper, so he quickly asked back: "We obviously only refunded tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, why did you bring someone else here this afternoon?"

"Don't you know that the calculation starts at 12:30 noon? Besides, I only charge you [-]% of the handling fee if you cancel the lease temporarily. It's already interesting enough, why are you still staying in the venue?"

The person in charge of the venue had a face full of flesh, and he looked like a stubborn stubble, and he spoke very aggressively, with an air of righteousness.

Ren Shuai was preparing to shoot over there, and heard the noise here.

Seeing someone coming in, he looked like he was looking for trouble, so he walked over to check the situation.

At this time, the person who set up the venue for the crew was very annoyed: "Your contract clearly didn't say that you have to leave at 12 noon."

The flesh-faced man suddenly said angrily, "Haven't you booked a hotel? Which hotel's room is fully booked, and if you don't check out from 12:[-] noon, who will let you stay for a whole day!"

When everyone heard what he said, they immediately felt a little unreasonable.

However, they had never encountered a similar situation before, especially since the person in charge of the venue had a vicious look.

Although Zhou Cun has a bad temper, he is not very courageous.

As a scholar with a pen, he didn't dare to rush straight up when he saw this kind of stubble, so he didn't answer for a while.

The aura of the production team weakened immediately, and there were so many people that they couldn't stand up to a strong man.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, hearing this incident was the fault of that flesh-faced person, that's why he looked aggressive.

Although they are reasonable, they obviously don't have enough strength, and they are afraid that if they disagree with each other, they will be beaten.

Ren Shuai looked at the man's physique and sighed, it would be a pity not to play the thug.

He took two steps forward and said calmly, "Since the contract doesn't mention 12 o'clock, then it has to be calculated by 24 o'clock."

Seeing that someone on the other side dared to refute him, the strong man immediately showed a disdainful smile, and took out a two-sheet contract from his pocket.

"Didn't you see the small print at the end of the contract? The final interpretation of the contract belongs to Party A, and Party A is me."

When Ren Shuai heard the other party's words, it was obvious that he wanted to play tricks.

The others saw the strong man pointing at the contract with a reasonable look, and they didn't know how to refute for a while.

Ren Shuai didn't panic at all.

He reached out to take the two-page contract in the strong man's hand, and glanced through it.

Then he said in a very professional tone: "According to Article 30 of Yezhou Contract Law No. [-], paragraph [-], any contract that does not specify the lease time shall be handled as a natural day."

The strong man was a little dazed when he heard the words, but he still said sternly: "Don't talk about it with me, I don't understand."

However, Ren Shuai calmly handed the contract back to the other party, saying: "There is also a regulation in the Contract Law that if one party breaks the contract and fails to perform its obligations according to the contract, the breaching party must pay three times the contract amount to the other party. "

After speaking, he added: "If Party A refuses to implement, the court has the power to take coercive measures."

Seeing Ren Shuai's calm and indifferent appearance, the strong man was full of legal provisions, and when he talked about enforcement, his heart suddenly became empty.

He does business by renting venues. Although he is not afraid of a lawsuit, if the court enforces it and forcibly closes his venue for a few days, the loss will not be small.

In an instant, the strong man changed his attitude.

He put away his domineering attitude and said: "Let's stop talking about legal provisions, let's just understand each other.

You see, you suddenly refunded the rent for two days. I didn't hesitate and agreed directly.

Now that another film crew has finally come to rent, you should help me and withdraw early. "

At this time, the director suddenly jumped out and said, "What is early withdrawal? Our crew hasn't finished filming yet. You can withdraw it if you say so. Who will make up for the bad shots?"

Ren Shuai showed a slight smile, looked at the strong man and said, "The reason why you agreed with us to withdraw from the venue is because you charged a 30% handling fee, which is also stated in the contract, and you didn't suffer any disadvantages. knock off."

The brawny man seemed a little afraid that Ren Shuai would teach him the law, so he said, "Just treat yourself as a little bit of a loser, isn't there a saying, a loss is a blessing."

Ren Shuai replied unceremoniously: "I wish you happiness like the East China Sea."

The strong man choked suddenly.

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(End of this chapter)

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