Chapter 367
The main reason for our crew to shoot is to make it auspicious.Well, we have no choice but to leave early, and we don???t have much to say, it???s almost this year, brothers, take care, I

None of what Ren Shuai said was false, but the atmosphere he created made people feel very weird and very intriguing.

It seems that there is something wrong with this place.

The film crew is very concerned about this aspect of the shooting, for fear of some accidents during the shooting process, especially personal casualties must be avoided as much as possible.

Not to mention whether the progress can be completed, it may not be possible to shoot even.

When Zhou Xuan heard what Ren Shuai said, he felt a little weird in his heart.

It is true that the heroine left after filming only one scene in the morning, but that was because it was finished.

And the reason why they returned the venue was because the shooting progress was too fast and the task was completed ahead of schedule.

These situations are all facts, but I don't know why when Ren Shuai said it, it felt like there was something hidden behind it.

Zhou Wei glanced at the person wearing gold-rimmed glasses, thinking that the other party might have misunderstood, or he should explain something.

After all, we are all colleagues, and it is not easy to work.

Then Zhou Xuan said very frankly: "Actually, we just finished the production ahead of time, and the heroine also left early because of the completion of the production."

Ren Shuai listened to Zhou Xuan's words, and quickly nodded in agreement, "Ah, yes, yes, yes."

As a result, the man with gold spectacles gave Zhou Wei a sideways glance after listening, but smiled gratefully at Ren Shuai: "Senior, thank you very much, I will go back and tell the crew about the situation."

After finishing speaking, he quickly left the field with another person.

Before leaving, I could vaguely hear the conversation between the two.

"There must be something wrong with this place, otherwise we wouldn't have left after filming for half a day. Let's tell the crew as soon as possible. Before signing the contract, we feel that we should return this place."

Zhou thought when he heard the conversation between the two, he suddenly thought about it, why didn't he react just now.

Since that strong man came here to find fault with them, it is natural to reciprocate.

Ren Shuai said goodbye to a large group of people on the set, and returned to school by car.

According to the original plan, Ren Shuai will fly to Yuanzhou to take a makeup photo in three days.

But before that, Ren Shuai still has two things to do.

Firstly, the reason for Lu Zhentian's troubles was not clear, and secondly, he has a class the day after tomorrow.

This is the first time Ren Shuai has taught students since the start of school.

Although it is a dubbing appreciation class, the courseware that Ren Shuai should do is still to be done.

He needs to pick a film that is long enough to show in class.

When choosing courses, Ren Shuai was suddenly blessed.

He thought to himself, since it was chosen at random, why not find his own work to play.

Although there may not be many students who choose courses, it is a little bit more recognized.

Ren Shuai directly downloaded "Who is the real murderer" and finished his preparations.

He has nothing to do today and is going to attend a professional class.

After all, Ren Shuai is already a registered student in the acting department, so he can't keep skipping classes.

Early in the morning, Ren Shuai came to the classroom according to the schedule.

Today's class is drama and film studies, which happens to be Ren Shuai's shortcoming.

He now has practical skills, but lacks theoretical support.

Ren Shuai arrived very early, and there was no one in the classroom yet.

After waiting for a while, students entered the classroom one after another.

Ren Shuai probably had a habit in his previous life. After entering the classroom, he subconsciously chose the seat at the back.

After the other students came in, seeing him sitting there, they thought it was the teacher, so they carefully kept their distance.

As a result, Ren Shuai occupied the entire rear seat by himself.

After a while, people basically came together.

Both Chai Ming and Zhuang Wenting came late, so they sat down in the front row without noticing Ren Shuai behind them.

However, a few students whispered in private. They clearly remembered that last week's class was still a middle-aged teacher who wore glasses, but why did they change to a handsome and delicate male teacher this week.

It's just that the teacher sat behind, feeling a little pressure for no reason.

While they were thinking this way, the teacher stepped into the classroom and announced the start of class.

Everyone couldn't help feeling curious, and turned to look at Ren Shuai.

At this time, Teacher Xie Ding also saw Ren Shuai in the back row of the classroom, and his heart tightened.

He heard that the school would conduct a wave of spot checks before the start of the school year. Seeing that Ren Shuai has a good temperament, he must be the leader of the school.

He cleared his throat nervously. Although he had taught this class for many years, he was always complained that the content was boring.

During the final exam, there was a lot of mourning, and everyone complained that the exam for this course was too difficult.

Teacher Xie Ding thought that the school leaders had objections to him, so he sent someone to attend the class without notifying him.

He clicked on the ppt that had been completed five years ago and hadn't been revised, and said nervously, "Students, let's continue with Chapter 2."

After he finished speaking, the newly selected class representative reminded: "Teacher, we haven't finished Chapter 1 last time."

Teacher Xie Ding hummed, but in his heart he scolded the class representative for meddling in his own business.

As a teacher, how could he not know which chapters to talk about, but Chapter 1 is all about the general framework and learning principles and goals, and there are no special features at all.

In addition, his ppt has not been revised for many years, and the rumor that his class is static and boring will be confirmed.

He deliberately skipped to Chapter 2, just to tell some changes.

Ren Shuai was a little displeased, he didn't understand this class in the first place, if he didn't even listen to the overview, wouldn't it be even more difficult to understand.

Teacher Xie Ding was pointed out by the students at this time, and he had no choice but to continue to give an overview.

But he still wanted to make a change, so he didn't plan to follow the content in the textbook.

He began to quote from many sources, introducing various schools of thought inside and outside the continent, and then led back to Yezhou to introduce the thesis he wrote some time ago.

Ren Shuai didn't understand this class in the first place, but after being taught by him like this, he was confused and even more confused.

Ren Shuai couldn't help frowning.

When Teacher Xie Ding talked about his research, his eyebrows were beaming, but when he saw Ren Shuai frowning, his heart suddenly jumped.

Oops, I was too involved in the talk, I forgot that there are school leaders here.

The content he said does not belong to the textbook, and some things are even figured out by himself, which may not be accurate.

Ren Shuai's expression immediately made him feel guilty, thinking over and over whether there was something wrong with what he just said.

As soon as he thought about it, what he said stopped.

The students were a little curious, not knowing what happened to the teacher. It seemed that they forgot the words during the lecture.

Just as Ren Shuai felt he understood a little bit, he stopped when he saw the teacher was being tapped.

Students have started whispering.

The class representative was very understanding. He had studied the teacher's thesis and knew what the follow-up content was, so he immediately reminded him.

"Teacher, it's time to talk about the theory you proposed yourself."

The teacher was reminded by this and immediately made up his mind.

Rep must be changed!

(End of this chapter)

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