Chapter 377
Ren Shuai had already been on the plane for a long time, and with the crazy play all afternoon, his physical fitness bottomed out, and he slept until dawn.

He didn't wake up until Xiao Jin knocked on the door.

Today is the day to sign a contract with Stephen's team. Although it is just a formality, the sense of ceremony is also very important.

The team needs to pack up for Ren Shuai and attend the signing meeting exquisitely.

Each actor talks about signing the contract individually, but the time will not be staggered too much, and it is inevitable that they will meet face to face.

Therefore, the image aspect naturally cannot be stretched, and there may be other opportunities by chance.

Cui Shaoyu didn't know why, but he didn't show up this morning. It wasn't until Xiaojin went to find her that she didn't get up yet.

Cui Shaoyu came late after Ren Shuai's styling was done.

Her make-up was relatively heavy today, and she apologized to Ren Shuai for being late, and she was not competent as a manager.

However, Cui Shaoyu looked at Ren Shuai with complicated eyes, and he hesitated to speak.

Ren Shuai asked curiously, "What's wrong with you?"

Cui Shaoyu hesitated for a moment, but still said: "Last night, I watched four episodes, No. 88."

Hearing this, Ren Shuai finally remembered that the TV series he starred in premiered last night, and he was so busy playing that he forgot about it.

But what does Cui Shaoyu's current state have to do with watching TV dramas?
Due to the time difference, the TV series premiered at Yezhou at 8:10 p.m. in Yuanzhou at [-]:[-] p.m.

Originally, horror movies broadcast at night were not very friendly to Cui Shaoyu, and sitting alone in the hotel watching them made the horror feel even more escalated.

But this is Cui Shaoyu's first fully invested work.

No matter how scared your own child is, you have to watch it.

She turned on the stereo to play some melodious and soothing music, and then turned on the computer to start watching.

From the very beginning of the story, the horror atmosphere is fully rendered, and the rhythm is very fast, and every step grabs people's hearts.

The more Cui Shaoyu watched, the more frightened she became, but the plot was very gripping, the more frightened she was, the more she wanted to watch it
As the heroine, Mu Xiaoqing's acting skills are very professional, which can especially make the audience have a sense of substitution, especially in the first episode, she vividly interprets that sense of fear.

The reason why the effect is so good is that she was really scared by Ren Shuai in this scene.

Cui Shaoyu felt the same way. As a cowardly person, he was still watching horror movies late at night in a foreign country. The impact he suffered can be imagined.

Even though she already knew the whole plot, it didn't stop her from being afraid.

Especially after Ren Shuai appeared on the stage, she felt so oppressive that she couldn't breathe through the screen.

From ten o'clock to early morning, Cui Shaoyu suffered from insomnia.

She didn't dare to disturb others, so she could only huddle on the bed by herself.

In this way, she couldn't bear to fall asleep until after five o'clock in the morning. When Xiao Jin woke her up, she had two dark circles under her eyes, which she could only cover up with heavy makeup.

Now that she sees Ren Shuai, she still can't help but think of the scenes in the play, and she trembles a little.

Ren Shuai saw that Cui Shaoyu had nothing to say while he was talking, and his expression was not very good, so he thought to himself: Could it be that the first broadcast on the 88th hit the street.

He was mentally prepared for this. After all, it is normal for a niche horror film to be watched by no one.

However, as an investor, Cui Shaoyu has a lot of confidence in the film, and signed a sharing agreement with the platform.

Once the film hits the market, she may not even be able to recover the filming cost.

No wonder she didn't look motivated early in the morning, all she lost was white money.

Ren Shuai could only look at Cui Shaoyu sympathetically, and comforted him: "It's okay, it's only been four episodes, and the later episodes will be more exciting and exciting. If you watch more, maybe it will get better."

He originally wanted to ask Cui Shaoyu to look at the market feedback again, and wait for the bullets to fly for a while, maybe the ratings will increase.

But Cui Shaoyu was taken aback after hearing this, thinking, Mr. Li, you can actually say such words in a comforting tone?

She suffered from insomnia all night after watching the first four episodes, and she would have to suffer from insomnia for a month after watching the more exciting episodes.

Cui Shaoyu quickly waved his hand and said: "No, I really can't watch it, my heart can't take it."

Ren Shuai encouraged with a smile: "Believe in yourself, this is just a small blow, just get over it."

Cui Shaoyu could only smile wryly, this is a small blow, but after another look it will be a big blow.

Even if it was her own child, she didn't dare to look at it.

The two of them had no idea that they had broken up with each other.

Ren Shuai saw Cui Shaoyu's expression of respect and indifference, and wondered what the show was going to do to make Cui Shaoyu, who has always been positive and optimistic, so depressed.

With curiosity, he clicked on the system interface and checked the approval level.

The last time I saw it, there were still more than [-], because he had used the card a few times recently, and his recognition had declined again.

Ren Shuai originally hoped that this TV series would help him increase his balance, but judging by Cui Shaoyu's appearance, he might have no hope.

However, the moment Ren Shuai saw the recognition, he was in a daze.

Shouldn't it be dizzy counting the wrong decimal point?
He repeated the count three times before confirming that the recognition had reached six figures, directly breaking through the [-] mark.

Ah this...

Ren Shuai fell into thinking, what else is there for his recently launched work, and why it has suddenly gained so much recognition.

He suddenly thought of one, looked at Cui Shaoyu and said, "Is Director Ma's movie released?"

Recently, Ma Chumpeng's movie has been hotly promoted, but the schedule has not been finalized yet.

Cui Shaoyu didn't know why Ren Shuai asked this suddenly, and replied directly: "Not yet."

After hearing this, Ren Shuai didn't understand. Obviously, no works have been released recently, so where did the recognition come from?
Isn't the No. 88 sick building fluttering?
He thought about it, could it be that Cui Shaoyu's expectations for the No. 88 ward were different from what he thought.

As far as the amount of recognition is concerned, the ratings will not be too bad. Could it be that Cui Shaoyu thinks he is not earning enough.

Ren Shuai looked at her, shook his head and sighed, "Relax, don't put too much pressure on yourself."

Cui Shaoyu nodded, but said with a bit of resentment: "I really can't relax when I see you. The pressure and impact last night were too strong, and I haven't gotten used to it yet."

As soon as this remark came out, Ren Shuai suddenly felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong.

The staff standing around all turned to look at the two with melon-eating expressions.

What Cui Shaoyu said was too easy to be misunderstood.

Ren Shuai hurriedly asked: "Where is the pressure and impact coming from?"

Cui Shaoyu took it for granted, "You gave it to me."

Uh, a black line appeared on Ren Shuai's forehead, thinking that Cui Shaoyu really didn't wake up, and his words didn't sound right today.

The surrounding staff seemed to see something big-handed, with a strange light shining in their eyes.

The assistant Xiao Jin also looked at the two of them, and had infinite associations in his heart. No wonder the manager's sister got up so late, and Teacher Li also didn't get up early as usual, and had to wait until he called.

Could it be that the two of them last night...

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(End of this chapter)

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