From janitor to actor

Chapter 386 New Variety Show

Chapter 386 New Variety Show

Far away, Ren Shuai saw a familiar figure, followed by about six or seven staff members, it was Esilina.

At this time, she was dressed in the shape of an elf, with her pointed ears pricked back, and her two bright eyes flickering, giving people the illusion that she should be like this.

Even the staff next to Esilina couldn't help but keep glancing at her.

Ren Shuai was overjoyed.

It seems that there is no need to wait until the machine is turned on to collect debts. Isn't the opportunity just right here?

He stood still, looking at Esilina with burning eyes, as if he was aloof from a creditor.

From a distance, Asilina also saw Ren Shuai.

But at this time, Ren Shuai's style and makeup are very different from his own style, and his aura of debt collection is too strong at this time, which even makes Esilina feel afraid to look directly at him.

As a result, Esilina didn't recognize him at all.

Seeing her guilty look, Ren Shuai secretly said that you can't escape this time, and he will block her way with his steps.

However, the staff had sharp eyes and quick hands. Seeing that Ren Shuai had a tendency to move forward, he trotted two steps quickly, blocking the way between Ren Shuai and Esilina.

"Hey, I said..."

Ren Shuai opened his mouth, wanting to remind her.

However, Esilina seemed a little afraid of him, she made eye contact with him, and hurriedly stepped into the dressing room.

The bodyguards beside her immediately stood at the door like pillars, as if strangers should not approach her.

Ren Shuai had a surprised expression on his face. He really didn't expect that a popular female star could renege on a bill for thousands of dollars.

Isn't this too stingy?
Esilina, who had just entered the room, let out a breath slowly. Ren Shuai's aura just now made her feel a strong sense of oppression.

Seeing her performance, the agent joked, "The actor just now was really powerful, but you shouldn't be so scared, right?"

Asilina stuck out her little tongue, and smiled a little embarrassedly: "I don't know why, seeing his eyes, my heart beats faster and I feel nervous."

The agent said: "The actors selected by Director Stephen are naturally very good. He looks like he is from Yezhou. He must be very influential in Yezhou. You should say hello to him."

Yezhou people...

Esilina suddenly thought of Ren Shuai, and her thoughts drifted away in an instant.

Ren Shuai outside the door looked at the bodyguard's physique, and then weighed his force value. Compared with thousands of dollars, a small life is more precious.

He took a deep look at the bodyguard, then turned and walked towards the studio.

After Ren Shuai left, the muscular bodyguard wearing sunglasses slowly relaxed his tense muscles.

He has long heard that there are martial arts masters in Yezhou, who can often hurt people invisible through internal strength.

Just now he almost thought he was going to die in the line of duty.

Ren Shuai's aura gave him a sense of crisis as if his life was being threatened, and his whole body tensed up instantly.

Before leaving, You Qi left a meaningful look in his eyes, which made the bodyguard consider whether he should change jobs.

Ren Shuai didn't know at all how much the makeup effect on his aura was at this time, but he just thought angrily that Esilina was not authentic.

He kept this state and walked into the studio.

The photographer was a little irritable at this moment. He is a gold medal photographer, and every minute is precious. As a result, the actors who will be filming later did not come over for a long time. He had already asked his assistant to call him in advance.

The photographer impatiently said to the assistant: "Which actor is so big..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he saw Ren Shuai walking into the studio with full aura, and he choked back the words that followed.

Can't afford to offend.

The photographer had this idea the moment he saw Ren Shuai, and made a decisive turn in the second half of the sentence.

"The archmage is worthy of being an archmage, and his temperament is really extraordinary."

Ren Shuai saw the photographer, nodded and smiled and said hello.

The photographer quickly smiled back and said, "You are Mr. Li, it's an honor to meet you."

The photography assistant looked at the photographer who was behaving abnormally, and there were infinite question marks in his heart, thinking that this archmage should have a lot of background, even the photographer who has always been bad-tempered would not dare to make a mistake.

I don't know if the first impression was too intimidating. The photographer kept rainbow farts while taking pictures, and praised Ren Shuai from inside to outside.

The shooting process also became very smooth.

"Ms. Li, you are so photogenic, you don't even need to edit the pictures later."

After taking the last photo, the photographer sent a final blow of praise.

Ren Shuai was still a little angry at first, but he became extremely comfortable under the offensive of the photographer's one-man exaggeration group.

If you can talk, talk more.

Ren Shuai bid him farewell with a little reluctance, thinking that he is worthy of being a gold medal photographer, and he deserves such a mouth.

While walking to the dressing room, Ren Shuai thought, since the shooting mission ended so soon, he could sneak out to play again tonight, and experience the night market life in Yuanzhou.

At this moment, Cui Shaoyu walked over.

"Mr. Li, I just received an invitation to a popular variety show called "Run away, everyone". Do you intend to participate?"

Ren Shuai knows that this show is a bit similar to the running man in his previous life. It is full of top-notch resident guests, and flying guests participate in each episode.

But this show focuses on young people, how could a person of his age be invited?
"Why did they invite me?" Ren Shuai asked curiously.

"Because the 88th became popular, this program is broadcast on the same platform as the 88th. The platform has operated a bit and temporarily invited you as a flight guest to participate in the latest recording."

Ren Shuai suddenly realized that it was the platform who did it himself, no wonder he was invited.

In order to promote the works on their platform, they really spare no effort.

Seeing that he was silent, Cui Shaoyu thought that Ren Shuai would not like this show, so he persuaded him: "This show has a very high ratings, I know you don't like to participate in variety shows, so you should make some sacrifices to promote TV dramas, okay?" .???

Although participating in variety shows cannot help Ren Shuai increase his recognition, he will never refuse activities that can promote his works.

He just cares about the notice fee.

"The ratings of this variety show are so good, let's use it to promote No. 88, will the platform deduct your share fee?" Ren Shuai asked sideways.

Cui Shaoyu had no doubts about him, and was moved by Ren Shuai's consideration for her, he quickly waved his hands and said, "How is it possible, the program team still has to pay you an announcement fee, and it's quite a lot."

Hearing this, Ren Shuai felt relieved and nodded in agreement.

Cui Shaoyu thought to himself, Teacher Li is still worried about her share fee, it is so heartwarming, and when the celebration banquet is held, he must give him a big red envelope.

Ren Shuai didn't know at all that such a remark would yield unexpected gains.

If I had known earlier, I would have said more.

Cui Shaoyu smiled and said, "I've booked a ticket for tonight. We have to pack our bags and go back as soon as possible. The variety show will start recording the day after tomorrow."

"In such a hurry?"

Ren Shuai's plan to visit the night market ran aground in an instant.

???Ask for a recommendation

(End of this chapter)

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