From janitor to actor

Chapter 389 Bet

Chapter 389 Bet
Seeing the blue team leave the room, Mu Xiaoqing looked at Ren Shuai with a bitter face.

"Mr. Li, is five minutes too short?"

"That's right, it will take ten minutes just to understand this topic." Cui Zixun continued.

As a man of science and engineering, Ren Shuai has always been a strong point in mathematics, especially when he was a child, he was baptized in the Olympiad, so he has never been a problem in this regard.

He has already scanned the topic just now, it is not difficult, five minutes is enough.

The topic is like this, three friends A, B, and C are playing a game. In each round of the game, two people play against each other, and the other person acts as the referee. The person who loses in each round will be the referee in the next round. , It is found that A has played a total of 17 rounds, B has played a total of 25 rounds, and C has been a referee for 7 times.

Q, Who is the referee for round 5 during the game?

Not to mention the first few rounds, it would be difficult for Cui Zixun to figure out how many rounds he played.

Several people looked at their watches with helplessness on their faces.

But Ren Shuai can't be blamed for this, after all, he agreed out of good intentions.

Besides, the three of them don't know how to do it at all.

"Why don't we just look for the next clue?" Mu Xiaoqing was afraid that Shuai Ren would not come down, so she quickly changed the subject.

Ren Shuai didn't answer, and took the time to calculate silently for a while.

Seeing that five minutes was almost up, the blue team members at the door were ready to come in.

"It's A."

Ren Shuai looked at the staff and answered simply and forcefully.

"Congratulations on your answer."

The staff smiled.

Mu Xiaoqing, Cui Zixun and Qiu Yun looked at each other, but they still haven't realized what happened.

"Wow, Teacher Li actually figured it out, it's amazing!"

"Hahaha, now let's see how Suotu and Afan are so nervous."

The cheers of several people immediately attracted the attention of the blue team at the door. Hearing that Ren Shuai answered correctly in just five minutes, Suo Tu walked into the room with some disbelief.

In fact, he had already seen the topic just now, and he had been silently calculating in his heart.

However, the time is too short, and the final answer has not yet been obtained.

I just didn't expect that the red team answered first.

Afan glanced at Suotu, and asked in a low voice: "Didn't you say they have nothing to do?"

Suo Tu looked at the question again, suddenly smiled and said: "This question is difficult to solve, but it is easy to get it right."

After Mu Xiaoqing and the others heard this, their expressions were a little unhappy, but Suo Tu was right, there were only three people, A, B, and C, and the probability of being right was as high as one-third.

Ren Shuai smiled back and said, "The process is not important."

After speaking, he reached out to the staff, holding their clues.

Seeing that the important clues fell into the hands of the red team, the blue team was a little anxious, Suotu immediately said: "Of course the process is important, how about we make a bet, if you tell us the process of solving the problem, we will give you a clue for free To the red team, if you can't tell, I will answer and obtain this clue."

This is what Ren Shuai was waiting for. He just said that the process is not important, he just wants to catch fish.

"Well, it's not very good, we are taking important clues, you only have ordinary clues, it's not worth it."

Ren Shuai shook his head and waved his hands, looking unhappy, as if he wanted to leave.

Suo Tu immediately jumped into the trap, stepped forward and said, "Then two clues, this should be fine."

Ren Shuai continued to shake his head.

Mu Xiaoqing, Cui Zixun, and Qiuyun saw that he refused to agree, and thought that Teacher Li was probably right because he couldn't tell the process of solving the problem, so this bet could not be accepted.

The three of them hurriedly chimed in.

"Ms. Li is right, we don't gamble."

"It's not worth it at all, no gamble, no gamble."

"Don't covet our important clues."

Seeing the actions of the members of the red team, Suo Tu became more and more determined that Ren Shuai had the right answer.

He quickly took out the heavy bet and said, "How about we bet on all four clues at hand?"

Ren Shuai laughed secretly in his heart when he heard the words, but he couldn't agree too easily, lest the other party go back on his word.

Seeing his hesitation, Suotu simply used the aggressive method: "You can't, you just got the answer right, and you don't know the process at all, right?"

Ren Shuai's acting skills exploded, he smiled awkwardly, and excused: "There are still three people in your team. You bet so big, can they agree?"

As soon as the words fell, the other three people headed by Afan nodded quickly and said: "We can afford to bet, this is the clue, it's all here, if Suotu loses, you all take it away."

As they spoke, several people took out four gray envelopes.

When Mu Xiaoqing and the others saw that Ren Shuai was kicked out of the shelves, they might not agree, and they were worried for him.

Before she could take any action, Ren Shuai let out a long sigh, nodded helplessly and said, "Well, I'm really reluctant, and I don't want to trap you."

Suo Tu smiled happily and said, "Then tell me, why is the answer A?"

After putting away his helpless eyes, Ren Shuai showed an imperceptible smile on the corner of his mouth.

Mu Xiaoqing and the others sighed one after another, feeling that the clues in their hands were about to fly.

This is their only hope for a comeback. After watching the game this morning, they are bound to lose.

At this moment, Ren Shuai said straightly, "First of all, since the question mentions three people, A, B, and C, then the battle combination can only be AB, BC, and AC. From this, we can know the total number of rounds of the three-person battle.

It is known that C has served as a referee 7 times, so the battle between AB and AB is 7 rounds.

A played 17 rounds, so it can be seen that AC played 17-7, which is 10 rounds.

B participated in a total of 25 rounds, and the BC battle is 25-7 equals 18 rounds.

To sum up, we can see that there were 35 rounds in the game, so the following questions are simple. "

Ren Shuai finished speaking in one breath and looked at Suo Tu.

Others showed an expression of ignorance, feeling that Ren Shuai's speech was clear and logical.

Suo Tu also found that he underestimated his opponent, but he would not be fooled by Ren Shuai's words.

He has already calculated these steps mentioned before, the key is to see how to judge the referee in the fifth round later.

Ren Shuai tried to get away with saying "it will be easy in the future", but he couldn't escape his discernment.

"Please tell me about the next steps in detail." Suotu said without hesitation.

Ren Shuai looked at him in surprise, and said, "The following is mathematical reasoning at the middle school level. Everyone here must be able to understand it. Do you still need me to explain it?"

Others were ashamed after hearing this.

This is really not Ren Shuai's Versailles, he really thinks so.

Suo Tu touched his nose with a slightly dark face, he was also a prospective high-achieving student studying in a prestigious school, and he couldn't afford to lose this person.

But the matter has come to this point, Ren Shuai cannot be easily let go.

"You'd better talk about it."

Ren Shuai was a little surprised, but still explained: "According to the known conditions, although it is impossible to know who the referee of the fifth round is, but each round of the battle has winners and losers, and any two consecutive rounds cannot be the same two people.

There are a total of 35 rounds, and BC accounts for 18 rounds, so the beginning and the end must be BC, separated by AB and AC in the middle. From this we can see that the odd-numbered rounds are all BC, and the referee in the fifth round is naturally A. . "

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(End of this chapter)

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