Chapter 406
The male contestant on the stage was suffocated, he was just bragging a little, but Ren Shuai really wanted to see it.

"Well, I, today, ahem, the venue may not be enough."

After hesitating for a while, the male contestant finally found a reasonable excuse.

However, when the host heard the director's prompt, he hurriedly said enthusiastically: "It's okay, our program team has prepared an outdoor venue for the contestants. If they can't use it here, they can go directly to the outside to shoot, and the live footage can be broadcast in real time in the studio."

The male contestant suddenly felt as if he was sitting on a stick, neither did he agree, nor did he not agree.

Just when he couldn't hold back and wanted to retire, Ren Shuai spoke up.

"Maybe, this player has already warmed up before the match?"

When the male contestant heard this, he nodded and said, "Yes, yes, yes, I have done dozens of flips before going on stage, so I have warmed up enough."

At this time, the audience in the audience could see that he was bluffing just now, and gradually laughed.

Seeing that Ren Shuai took the initiative to give the other party a step, the host said: "In this case, please start your unique show."

The male contestant heaved a sigh of relief, gave Ren Shuai a grateful look, and walked to the stage in front of the vat with a slightly embarrassed expression.

Hu Manli quite agrees with Ren Shuai's noble hand, such a big-hearted talent is more respected.

However, Lou Peter was a little reconciled. It was obvious that the player's backflip was better than Ren Shuai's, but he failed because of a bragging.

He finally had a chance to get back on the field, and he didn't want to miss it.

At this moment, the male contestant on the stage rose into the air, his feet staggered back and forth, and his toes touched the water in the tank, like a dragonfly touching the water.

As soon as he was about to cross the eighth tank, he suddenly felt powerless and lost his balance instantly.


The whole person fell into the tank.

There was an uproar downstairs.

This is not volleying across the water, it is clearly a boulder smashing the tank.

The male contestant stood up from the tank wetly and turned his back to the camera, not daring to show his face.

During the warm-up just now, in order to attract attention, he did too many backflips and consumed too much energy, resulting in a lack of stamina.

This time the stage was completely screwed up.

Lou Peter saw that he was like a drowned rat, suddenly his eyes lighted up slightly, thinking about it.

"Mr. Li, you still have experience and know that over-warming up will consume unnecessary physical energy. It seems that this player needs to learn a lot like you."

He looked at Ren Shuai very flatteringly.

Weasels give New Year's greetings to chickens?
Ren Shuai smiled and said, "I dare not be that."

Lou Peter didn't care about Ren Shuai's answer, and said to himself: "Since this contestant said that he is paying tribute to you, he definitely wants to ask for your advice, so why don't you give him a blessing and go up to show his strength, and let us all have a good time together?" Eyesight?"

Ren Shuai finished eating the tenth Roujiamo, wiped the corners of his mouth and said, "Oh, I can't use it if I eat too much. If everyone really wants to see it, I have a good idea."

Lou Peter looked at Ren Shuai kissing the empty dinner plate, shocked that he had killed ten Roujiamo, but also regretted that Ren Shuai's excuse was not easy to refute.

Anyone who eats so much food should not exercise immediately.

"What can you do?" Lou Peter asked unconsciously.

"Since it's not convenient for me to perform for you, let's find a student to show it for me."

student?Where are the students from?

Lou Peter looked at Ren Shuai suspiciously, but found that Ren Shuai was also looking at him.

Look no further, it's you.

Ren Shuai smiled and said kindly: "I think Mr. Lou's bones are rare, his aptitude is excellent, and he is a good material for martial arts. How about it, I will teach you the secret of not passing on, and you can show everyone the real superficiality for me. "

When the audience heard this, they immediately cheered up, and they all set up small benches and prepared to eat melons.

Only Lou Peter was dumbfounded.

What, I'm the one who's going to watch the show.

He quickly waved his hand and said: "You are kidding too much. How could I learn it in such a short time? It's almost the same as looking for Niu Pengpeng."

Niu Pengpeng, who had been sitting next to him with a low sense of presence, was suddenly named, and immediately replied: "I have retired for more than ten years, and my skills have long been returned to the coach. Besides, I am learning diving. I want to jump when I see the water. You Do you want to see me show the water splash of the diving tank?"

Seeing what he said, Lou Peter said helplessly, "If you don't go, you can't let Manli go, right?"

"I'm going, I'm going."

When Hu Manli spoke suddenly, several people were stunned, including Ren Shuai.

Ren Shuai just wanted to dig a small hole for Lou Peter, so that he would retreat in the face of difficulties, and not let himself perform on stage at every turn.

Unexpectedly, Hu Manli suddenly jumped out to fight.

Where did this come from?

Ren Shuai was a little confused.

But Hu Manli has her own little girl in her heart. As a dancer, she has a solid foundation. Although the eight-port tank is very challenging, she believes that she has the possibility of success.

In this way, it not only helped Ren Shuai respond to Lou Peter's provocation, but also had a close communication with Ren Shuai.

Kill two birds with one stone.

"I believe that Teacher Li's ability will definitely teach me."

Hu Manli didn't give him a chance to refuse at all, she got up and walked to Ren Shuai, waiting for him to teach him his unique skills.

Lou Peter regretted it so much, he would not have mentioned this if he knew it earlier.

Seeing that she looked confident, Ren Shuai didn't say anything, so he got up and walked to the stage with her.

He asked in a low voice, "Are you sure?"

"Don't worry, I've got the bottom of my heart, I can still jump over those tanks."

Hu Manli gave Ren Shuai a reassurance while walking.

Ren Shuai breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "It's just a show, don't get hurt because of it."

Hu Manli was moved immediately, and said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, don't you still have special skills to teach me?"

"Stunt, what stunt?"

She didn't really think that there was some kind of unique knowledge in martial arts, a black line appeared on Ren Shuai's head.

Hu Manli covered her mouth and smiled, a mischievous mirth appeared on her clear face, she said in a low voice, "I'm just kidding, I know you are teasing Lou Peter."

Did you know you still come up to perform?

Seeing Ren Shuai's doubts, Hu Manli didn't answer, how could he let him know the girl's little thoughts.

But after stepping onto the stage, Hu Manli was a little panicked.

These tanks were much larger than what she saw off the stage, far beyond the distance she expected.

Ren Shuai noticed the change in her expression, and hurriedly asked the staff to remove a few tanks.

But Hu Manli gritted her teeth and said, "Let's start."

This is unnecessary.

Before Ren Shuai had time to stop her, she climbed onto a high platform that was level with the water tank.

Hu Manli bit her lower lip stubbornly. She didn't want to be bragging in front of Ren Shuai one second, and retreat in the next second.

What a shame.

The audience thought that during the exchange with Hu Manli just now, Ren Shuai had taught her his unique skills, and they all looked forward to witnessing the miracle.

As everyone knows, the two of them have no idea.

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(End of this chapter)

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