From janitor to actor

Chapter 413 Salary Raise

Chapter 413 Salary Raise
Hearing that Ren Shuai was going to schedule the appointment in June, the leader once thought he heard it wrong.

After repeated confirmation, Ren Shuai expressed helplessly that he was going to join the filming team soon, and he was far away in Yuanzhou, which was really helpless.

The glasses leader asked doubtfully, "Do you still have a film contract with Yuanzhou?"

He really didn't expect that Ren Shuai, a concierge-turned-actor, would step out of Zhoumen to accept plays before he graduated.

At this time, Vice President Chu, who was standing beside him, quickly winked at Ren Shuai, thinking that the leader invited you on his own initiative, how could he take away his kindness.

Even if you have a job, you should turn it down and go to the appointment first.

Ren Shuai nodded and smiled, "I just signed the contract not long ago, and there is a movie to be made in Yuanzhou."

Seeing that Ren Shuai didn't notice the sign in his eyes, Vice President Chu quickly interrupted and said, "If it's not an important role, it doesn't matter if you join the group two days later, let's focus on the copyright issue first."

Ren Shuai smiled wryly and said: "It seems to be an important role, and the crew has repeatedly ordered that the application cannot be overdue, otherwise I will definitely have a meeting with the leader first."

Vice-principal Chu was a little curious about what important role Ren Shuai could receive, and besides, it was Yuan Zhou's crew.

The glasses leader was a little speechless. He felt that Ren Shuai was not sincere enough to cooperate. It was just a filming by a crew. It didn't matter if it mattered two days later or two days earlier, it could be adjusted.

"What crew are you participating in, and you can't even adjust the time?"

The tone of the glasses leader was already slightly displeased.

Ren Shuai was also very helpless, Stephen's crew found a bunch of stars to play, and everyone's schedule was full, so the time was finally fixed, so naturally it couldn't be changed.

He could only explain: "The director's name is Stephen, and he is well-known in the industry, so the crew has stricter requirements. It's really not that I don't want to change the time. The leader, please forgive me."

When the glasses leader heard these words, he hadn't paid any attention to what Ren Shuai said in the second half of the sentence.

Several of his favorite movies were made by Stephen, so he can be regarded as a loyal fan.

He is very familiar with the films shot by Stephen, and Ye Zhou's face is rarely seen, even if there are not many scenes.

Ren Shuai actually said that he was going to play an important role in Stephen's movie, which was nothing short of lying.

Think he is the kind of leader who doesn't understand business!

This time, he must have been caught talking big. He is a man who is very familiar with Stephen's works.

Before the leader of glasses made an attack, Vice President Chu had already opened his mouth in surprise, in a rather high-pitched voice.

"You mean that Stephen?"

Ren Shuai thought for a while and nodded. The only famous director in the industry seems to be Stephen.

Vice-principal Chu is silent. Stephen, the great intercontinental director, has become a bit famous in your mouth. I really don't know why you left cough cough... It must be strength. The students trained by our school are really embarrassing.

"Leader, look, Lao Li is really not evasive. There are indeed objective difficulties. Stephen is a famous director at any rate, and the crew configuration is also a bit high. It is understandable that he has stricter requirements on the actors."

The leader of the glasses choked, thinking that these two people really sang together, and Stephen became a bit famous in their mouths, and it was no matter what, he was really good at being humble for others.

But he couldn't rub the sand in his eyes, looked directly at Ren Shuai and asked, "You said you would play an important role in Stephen's movie, can you tell me how important it is?"

Ren Shuai thought for a while, and the non-disclosure agreement did not ask for not to say how many scenes, but this kind of thing is not easy to describe, and can only be quantified.

"Although they say it's an important role, I think it's only about [-] minutes long."

The glasses leader gasped after hearing this.

Just over twenty minutes?
A movie is less than two hours in total, and Ren Shuai can actually play for 20 minutes.

That's not just an important role, it's probably the protagonist.

As everyone knows, what Ren Shuai is talking about is pure scenes. If it is interspersed in the film, basically there are scenes of him in the whole film.

The leader pushed down his glasses, coughed and said, "It's understandable, the show is bigger than the sky. By the way, since your role is so important, there must be many opportunities to communicate with Director Stephen, right?"

Ren Shuai was not sure: "It should be, I heard that he likes to do it himself."

"That's great, heck, I mean it's great, it's a rare opportunity to work with a great director, you can learn more experience, and by the way, you can get an autograph or something."

"The leader is right, Lao Li, you must seize such a rare opportunity." Vice-principal Chu echoed.

Ren Shuai immediately recognized the subtext and nodded in agreement.

The leader of the glasses finally let Ren Shuai go, but the promotion of the game teaching cannot be delayed because of this. He can only settle for the next best thing and let Ren Shuai's agent go to the appointment on his behalf.

However, he still made an appointment with Ren Shuai to meet on June [-], under the pretense of discussing the staged progress.

Ren Shuai understood, knowing that his appointment is not the point, but Stephen's signature is.

After agreeing, he finally got away and rushed to the cafeteria.

Before leaving, Vice President Chu patted him on the shoulder with satisfaction, implying that a salary increase is expected.

Ren Shuai is very happy that Lao Chu can get along with him.

When he walked into the cafeteria, Chai Ming and Zhuang Wenting had ordered meals and were waiting for him.

"Mr. Li, we ordered a classic casserole for you, thank you for the work you introduced last time."

Zhuang Wenting smiled happily. Although she was almost scared to death by "Midnight Gossip" last time, when she received the announcement fee, her mood suddenly rose.

Chai Ming unscrewed a bottle of ice soda, handed it to Ren Shuai and said, "Mr. Li, you have a drink."

Ren Shuai was a little flattered, thinking that the two of them might have other plans for him.

If you want to open the back door in elective courses, then there is no way.

He is a teacher with professional ethics.

Seeing Ren Shuai showing hesitation, Zhuang Wenting quickly explained: "Actually, we just want to ask you, is there any skill in the werewolf killing game that can allow us to sweep the audience?"

Ren Shuai breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, he really looked up to these two students, his mind was full of games, and there was no such thing as classes.

"That's right, that's right, in class just now, you won every round, and the rhythm took off. How did you do it?"

Without him, only familiar with Seoul.

Of course Ren Shuai couldn't say that, after all, it's not worth eating in vain.

"It's actually very simple. You guys are just like understand."

Chai Ming and Zhuang Wenting nodded as if they had found a treasure.

The two were waiting to go back to the dormitory and kill the Quartet.

However, Ren Shuai understood that the methods he taught were useful when he first played, but after a long time, they became useless.

However, the casserole meal between the two of them was not a loss at all.

But Ren Shuai still underestimated them a little. Chai Ming and Zhuang Wenting finished their casserole meal and began to test left and right, wondering if there were any job opportunities to introduce.

Two little foxes actually want to gain two benefits with one casserole meal.

Ren Shuai chuckled secretly, and practiced Tai Chi: "There are many opportunities, but you are students, so you should give priority to your studies."

Chai Ming and Zhuang Wenting smiled obsequiously and said, "We also have social practice requirements."

Ren Shuai thought to himself, it's okay to introduce, but at least it's a buffet to start.

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(End of this chapter)

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