From janitor to actor

Chapter 416 Live Advertising

Chapter 416 Live Advertising
"Ms. Li, it's already this time, do you still have time to play with Xiaoqing?"

Cui Shaoyu's tone was a little hurried.

Ren Shuai was puzzled and said, "It doesn't matter if it's too late, just play on the spot when the time comes."

"Have you read the script of the opposite play?" Cui Shaoyu asked.


Ren Shuai felt something was wrong, could there be something wrong here?

Cui Shaoyu planned to remind him before boarding the plane, but he heard that Mu Xiaoqing had already contacted him, so he didn't say anything more.

But I didn't expect that the two of them haven't met the script yet.

"This time, an advertiser spent a lot of money to add embedded advertisements to the original script. The platform designed several advertisements, but they were not satisfied. I didn't know where I heard that you would edit advertisements. The roll call is done by you yourself."

Big question marks popped up above Ren Shuai's head.

This is another price.

Hearing Ren Shuai's silence on the phone, Cui Shaoyu said anxiously: "I thought Mu Xiaoqing also knew the news, thinking that since she has already contacted you for the show, she will definitely bring it up, what should I do now, the current editor must be too late. "

Ren Shuai thought to himself that although there are still two hours to go before the broadcast, it is not easy to integrate the advertisement into the script skillfully.

Cui Shaoyu sighed and said, "Oh, blame me for this matter, if it's a big deal, you will breach the contract, you don't need to feel pressure."

breach of contract?

Ren Shuai asked suspiciously, "Did you even sign the contract for editing the advertisement?"

Cui Shaoyu responded: "It was the advertisers who asked to join the terms, and they also paid a very high fee."

Ren Shuai heard the words, and immediately hurried to the dormitory.

There are still two hours before the broadcast, isn't it just a placement advertisement, it's not a big problem.

"It's not your responsibility. Don't blame yourself. I didn't read the script sent by the platform carefully. By the way, what is the placement of the advertisement?"

Ren Shuai comforted her, and quickly cut to the chase.

How could the advertising fee that was obtained just fly away like this.

He is really not afraid of paying liquidated damages, but mainly because he is worried about affecting the company's reputation.

"It's a toffee, a subsidiary of Xiangzizi, the big sweet cat brand toffee."

Ren Shuai stopped walking.

The advertisement he shot before he participated in "Talent" was Xiangzizi Milk.

At that time, he was criticized in various ways by the director of the commercial, and he even reported to the advertising company, saying that the commercial was all Ren Shuai's idea, and it had nothing to do with him as the director, leaving himself clean.

But Ren Shuai didn't know that after the editing of the ad was completed, he took it to the company to show the boss, and the boss praised him strongly, praising Ren Shuai as an advertising genius, and the advertisement should be designed like this.

Concise, crisp, straight to the point, the key is to remember!
This is how today's Big Sweet Cat's active invitation came.

Ren Shuai smiled immediately, and it seemed that Xiang Zizi was very satisfied with the commercial he shot last time.

That's fine.

Don't say two hours, he can finish placing ads in two minutes.

"Okay, I've got an idea."

After Ren Shuai hung up the phone, he walked unhurriedly to the dormitory.

Looking at the mobile phone that had ended the call, Cui Shaoyu was a little unresponsive.

What did Teacher Li say just now?
Already have an idea? ?
This is too exaggerated, why didn't she find out that Mr. Li has the ability to edit advertisements before.

Cui Shaoyu once again lamented that he had vision.

Since the establishment of the entire brokerage company, the most sensible decision was to sign such a treasured actor.

After returning to his residence, Ren Shuai took a look at the script, modified it a little, added a few lines, and sent it to Mu Xiaoqing.

At that time, just follow the script and read it directly.

After briefly setting up the scene, Ren Shuai began to test the live broadcast equipment.

The engineers on the TV station started to connect the video communication of each guest.

In addition to the two protagonists Ren Shuai and Mu Xiaoqing, director Xie Jiu and screenwriter Su Yu participated in the live broadcast today.

Others have professional staff for debugging equipment, but Ren Shuai is the only one who does it by himself.

The platform staff was a little worried, thinking that after all, he was the leading actor, and there was no one around to help him.

Besides, regarding electronic equipment and networking, seniors like Ren Shuai don’t know so much. The staff always feel that communicating with him will be handicapped.

In the end, the first one to get through was Ren Shuai.

"Test, test."

Ren Shuai's voice and picture came clearly.

"Well, the communication is good."

The staff stumbled before remembering to respond. They never expected that Ren Shuai would be so dexterous, much better than his professional counterparts.

After passing the test, Ren Shuai was bored, and saw a figure flashing in the camera of other people, and then making intermittent voices.

He clicked on the beauty function and tried it, and found that the effect was amazing, directly turning him into a purebred alien.

Decisively close.

After a five-minute countdown, the live broadcast started, and the host began to greet netizens.

The finale of "Number 88" is broadcast today. According to the time calculation, this live broadcast is just after the netizens watched the finale.

Soon, as can be seen from the number in the upper right corner, more and more people entered the live broadcast room to watch.

The host just said hello, and the number of people soared from a hundred to ten thousand.

The majority of people entered the live broadcast room directly after watching the finale.

At the end of the story, Mu Xiaoqing successfully escaped from the sick building. Ren Shuai stood behind a window in the sick building and watched her go away. Although he couldn't see his gaze clearly, it seemed meaningful.

The heroine played by Mu Xiaoqing opened her eyes from the hospital bed. She became a vegetable, broke free from the shackles in her heart, and finally regained her life.

As a suspense film, it is a rare HE ending.

However, there are still careful netizens who watched carefully and found that the ward where Mu Xiaoqing woke up had exactly the same furnishings as ward No. 88.

Many people are scratching their heads, wanting to know whether the ending is just a coincidence of framing, or there is another deep meaning.

The host first asked everyone to greet the netizens one by one, and then began the procedural question and answer.

This time, the questions were all settled in advance. The main creators only need to follow the script and talk about interesting things on the set.

Soon it was time for Mu Xiaoqing and Ren Shuai to play against each other.

According to the requirements of the script, the two will star in a relaxed version of the daily life of the sick building.

Ren Shuai is still the man behind the scenes pretending to be a good old man, and Mu Xiaoqing is a new patient, and the two are going to perform the most classic scene in the plot.

It was when Ren Shuai's identity was exposed that Mu Xiaoqing discovered his true identity.

Mu Xiaoqing, who received Ren Shuai's message, read the script and noticed the embedded advertisement inside, feeling that the design was average.

But after putting down the script, the implanted advertisement would always flash in her mind from time to time, and she began to be gradually surprised. She didn't expect this advertisement to have magical powers.

Simply brainwashed.

 happy double eleven
(End of this chapter)

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