From janitor to actor

Chapter 420 Horror Story?

After Ren Shuai finished speaking, Xie Jiu's face turned green.

He especially remembered that when he heard half of the story, he felt serious discomfort, not only mentally, but also physically.

Chills, sweating, muscle weakness, as if the body was hollowed out.

Xie Jiu absolutely didn't want to go through that horrible memory again. At that time, he finally admitted his illness and resigned. He didn't expect to escape the first day of junior high school, but not the fifteenth day.

He glanced at the water glass on the table and the power supply under his feet, thinking how about knocking over the water on the power supply before he started talking, it would definitely short-circuit.

Just when Xie Jiu was eager to try, Ren Shuai looked up at the screen, and Xie Jiu stopped with his half-stretched hand.

Killing eyes.

He felt that Ren Shuai was looking at him, and he interpreted many important meanings in that look. In short, it was just a sentence, and he had to listen to it, and he had to listen to it non-stop.

If he dared to do something wrong, Ren Shuai might find a chance to tell him again in person.

Xie Jiu gritted his teeth, extended his head with a knife, and retracted his head with a knife. Eighteen years later, he is still a good man.

He summoned up his ambition, withdrew his hand holding the water glass, turned to hold the mouse, and clicked on mute.

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Ren Shuai didn't know at all that just raising his eyes to look at the camera casually brought such a huge psychological pressure on Xie Jiu.

However, he felt that Xie Jiu's expression was a bit weird, and he seemed to have an indescribable joy.

Ren Shuai squinted at the group chat icon in the lower right corner, and said, "How about letting Director Xie tell the first half of the story? He didn't talk much tonight, and his sense of participation is too low."

Before the host said anything, Mu Xiaoqing and Su Yu immediately agreed.

"Yes, yes, thank you for the explanation."

"Yeah, let Director Xie tell us about it, just to let everyone experience the feeling of a director telling a play."

The two thought to themselves that Xie Jiu's storytelling was much less harmful than Ren Shuai.

The host didn't hear the director's objection, and thought that it was only the first half anyway, and Ren Shuai would have to talk about it later, so he nodded and said, "Okay, I haven't heard much from Director Xie, and his horror stories are quite exciting. of."

Then the scene fell into a brief silence.

I saw Xie Jiu looking at the screen very seriously, looking very devoted, but he just didn't speak.

"Director Xie, can you hear us?" the host asked quickly.

The staff on the other side quickly checked the communication status, and then sent someone to contact Xie Jiu to see if something went wrong.

However, the communication is normal, Xie Jiu's image is also very clear, and his expression changes from time to time, as if he heard some scary plot.

Ren Shuai almost tensed up, and quickly took a sip of water to press it down.

Xie Jiu gradually realized something was wrong. Why did everyone else seem to be talking on the screen except Ren Shuai who didn't move his mouth?

Is the story over so soon?

He tentatively turned up the volume a little, and he heard everyone's friendly calls.

"Thank you, are you still there?"

"Thank you, are you okay?"

"Director Xie, what happened to you?"

Xie Jiu panicked immediately, and quickly responded, "I'm here, I'm here, what's wrong?"

The few people breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Xie Jiu had fallen victim to evil, and before Ren Shuai started to speak, he entered a state of horror ahead of time, and others did not make a sound when asked, and his expression was particularly weird, which was scary to watch.


Ren Shuai suppressed a smile and said, "Director Xie may have been recalling the content of the story just now, and he should be ready now."

Everyone was slightly stunned, thinking that this story must be very scary, just recalling it, it looks so scary.

Xie Jiu said out of the situation: "What are you ready for?"

The host hurriedly told him the program team's decision, and Xie Jiu was instantly out of his wits.

I really should invite Teacher Li to eat shrimp and pig heart.

He definitely did it on purpose.

Xie Jiu gritted his back teeth and said, "I'll tell."

He said inexplicably with a trembling tone: "It is said that in a certain corner of the city, there is a place with the same name as No. 88 ward, called Hotel No. 44. Many customers who stayed in room 1404 mysteriously disappeared the next day. Never appeared again."

I don't know if Xie Jiu did it on purpose, but the trembling tone and erratic eyes immediately made people feel bad.

Ren Shuai even felt that if he didn't use the item card, the effect would not be as good as what he said.

Xie Jiu still said in a trembling but cold voice: "Mr. Li has a friend who is very courageous and likes to take risks, so he decided to live in room 1404 at midnight. If you’re hungry, don’t open the menu to order, you have to wait until dawn.”

Everyone unconsciously breathed lightly, but Xie Jiu breathed a little more heavily.

Although telling the story was not as scary as listening to it, he could always think of Ren Shuai's voice and smile when he told it, his heart began to tighten unconsciously, and the speed of speech accelerated a lot.

"Mr. Li's friend didn't believe in evil, and he didn't sleep until 12 midnight. Sure enough, he was hungry, so he took out the menu from the drawer.

After opening it, the first page of the menu is not a recipe, but a paragraph of text that slowly emerges:

A pair of feet in red high heels walked into the hotel.

He continued to turn back, the second page, the third page.

It goes up 2 floors.

It goes up 3 floors.


It goes up 14 floors.

The hands that flipped through the menu trembled, and the text changed:

The feet in red high heels walked to the door of 1401.


He turned back three pages.

Winter winter!
There was a rapid knock on the door of 1404, as if kicking with high heels.

The next day, Teacher Li's friend disappeared..."

When Xie Jiu spoke up to this point, he felt like a rubber ball that had been punctured. He leaned softly on the back of the chair, breathing heavily as if he had done a heavy physical labor.

It's not that the story itself is so scary, the main thing is that I can always think of the tone and expression of Ren Shuai's brief description at that time.

Others could only feel a slight chill, especially those who were staying in the hotel watching the live broadcast, and suddenly they didn't dare to order food in the room.

Mu Xiaoqing and Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief. Although they felt uncomfortable after hearing the story, it was much better than Ren Shuai's immersive narration.

At this moment, Ren Shuai seamlessly said: "The story is not over yet. After that friend disappeared, I decided to investigate and found that hotel and stayed in room 1404."


The story that was supposed to come to an end suddenly had a follow-up, especially when Ren Shuai told it in the first person, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

No one spoke, and even the barrage fell silent.

Ren Shuai said with a look of reminiscence: "At that time, it was a cloudy day. I went a little late. After checking in, it was past 23 o'clock. Fortunately, room 1404 was not booked out."

Everyone was sweating, it's no wonder that such a room can be booked.

"After I entered the room, I didn't feel anything unusual. It was clean and spotless. It didn't take long for it to be 12 midnight."

"It must be too late. I was suddenly hungry. After searching for a long time, I found a yellowed menu under the bedside table."

"I opened the menu and there was a sentence on it: A pair of feet in red high heels walked into the hotel.

It goes up 2 floors.

It goes up 3 floors.


It goes up 14 floors. "

Hearing this, the audience unconsciously held their breath.

Ren Shuai paused for a second, and continued: "I found that there were no dishes on the menu. I suspected that I had misread it just now, so I turned a few pages forward, turned back, and turned back, and there were really no dishes."

"I studied the first 14 pages of that cookbook many times that night, and there was really only one boring paragraph that made me fall asleep."

"When I left the hotel the next day, there was a power outage, so I had to walk up the stairs and found a pair of red high-heeled shoes that someone threw in the corridor..."

From janitor to actor

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