I'm not really a god of rebirth

Chapter 713 The Severe Challenge Facing Donglai

Chapter 713 The Severe Challenge Facing Donglai

Li Dong briefly told Yu Feifei about Katerina.

After hearing this, Yu Feifei thought about some of the relationships carefully.

Then he said to Li Dong and Hu Yue: "I was in Zhongzhou during this time, and I also learned about some of their royal family's internal situation. To be honest, Kabir's situation is not very good. He is just the current king. His nephew is not the most core child. In addition, he is in a high position at a young age, especially Kabir, you should all know that he is a bit arrogant, looks down on this and that, and sometimes speaks very Straight, he often contradicts some important members of the royal family face to face, making them unable to step down. Therefore, many people in the royal family are quite jealous of this guy. If the king and the crown prince didn't value him highly, I'm afraid he would have been pushed down a long time ago. But this time, Murray put pressure behind his back, which gave confidence to those who hated him, and those people stepped forward to accuse Kabir. Because of this, he was originally in charge of the cooperation project with us, but now he is forced to Even the position of the chief operator of Saudi Arabia may not be able to keep. And if Kabir loses power, it may be difficult for our projects to go forward, let alone the oil pipeline project. I don't know how important the Katerina you are talking about is, but judging from the current situation, even if Kabir has received strong support from the polar bear, I am afraid that he can only keep his current status. It's just a seat, and he probably won't be able to keep those few projects of ours. It is very likely that we have contributed money and effort, and as soon as those projects are completed, Murray will take action behind the scenes and occupy them all. "

"So, what do you mean?" Hu Yue pondered for a while and asked.

Yu Feifei said: "Wait and see. To be honest, the current situation is very unfavorable to us. There are various calculations and constraints in the country. Many people are waiting to see our jokes, waiting for us to have an accident , and then they rushed forward and divided us up. As for Zhongzhou, Murray is staring at us, and may attack us at any time. Kabir, the only one who is regarded as a strong support, is now unable to protect himself .So the best thing for us now is to wait and see what happens, and stand still. As long as we don’t move, the ones who are anxious are others.”

Hu Yue pondered for a while, then looked at Li Dong, and asked, "What do you think?"

Li Dong nodded: "I think what Feifei said makes sense. How many cooperation agreements have we signed with SARS?"

Yu Feifei replied: "A total of 22, including water supply, chemical plants, processing plants, highways, railways, ports and other major areas, with a total investment of more than 1000 billion U.S. dollars."

Li Dong smiled: "22 projects, 1000 billion US dollars, in the eyes of many people, this is a lot of meat."

Yu Feifei said: "That's right, those people are all staring at me eagerly."

Li Dong said: "Then let them keep an eye on it. All projects should be postponed. When asked in China, they say that Murray is putting pressure on the investment and that the investment is blocked. Let those old guys settle it for us. Shashina When asked, I told them directly that Donglai would not discuss any cooperation with anyone without Kabir’s presence.”

Yu Feifei looked at Hu Yue again, waiting for Hu Yue to speak.

Hu Yue said calmly: "Just do as Li Dong said."

Only then did Yu Feifei nodded: "Okay."

Li Dong said again: "How is the bank? Did you encounter any obstacles?"

Yu Feifei shook her head and said: "There is no obstacle from the bank. Everything is going smoothly. So far, we have opened more than 100 branches in more than 800 countries around the world, absorbing more than 5000 billion US dollars in deposits, and distributing Loans of more than US$1 trillion. Our current main customer groups are still some domestic enterprises and individuals. Relying on the resources we accumulated in the country in the early stage, we can achieve such good results in such a short period of time, but only It is obviously not enough to serve these domestic corporate customers, so in the next step, we must truly expand our business, strive to expand our foreign business, and become a truly comprehensive multinational financial group. But we must do this step , definitely cannot do without the support from above, and for this, we have to rely on the two of you to fight for it more.”

Hu Yue said: "I got some rumors that the upper management intends to select several financial institutions as pilots to carry out external financial business, including fund exchange, direct financial investment by enterprises and individuals, etc. I am going to fight for it and get a pilot qualification. "

Yu Feifei said: "That would be great. As long as we can get this pilot qualification, it will be more convenient for us to carry out many businesses. However, we are just a newly established bank after all. Such a pilot qualification , can I get it?"

Hu Yue said: "If you don't get the pilot qualification, then we may have to wait for the $[-] trillion in financial assistance."

Yu Feifei smiled: "It feels so good to be blackmailed by such a naked person."

Hu Yue said: "Nonsense, where is the threat? We are just making a legitimate appeal. Is it too much to exchange a pilot qualification for five trillion dollars?"

Yu Feifei shook her head quickly: "Not too much, not at all."

Hu Yue said, "Let's just say, where can we find someone as generous as us?"

Li Dong said helplessly: "Okay, you two stop, the domestic side is not a big problem, and what I am most worried about is the foreign side."

Hu Yue said: "Are you worried that they are targeting our banking business?"

Li Dong nodded: "You should be clear that the current global financial system was established by Murray and his allies. We are now in their system, the arena is set by them, the rules are set by them, and even Even the referee belongs to others, how do you say we play with them? We can only obey their rules, obey their orders, and even at critical moments, they can directly kick us off the ring."

Hu Yue frowned slightly: "Isn't it? I admit that what you said is true. Today's international financial system was indeed established by Murray and his allies, but it is precisely because of this that they should abide by them. The established rules and order? If they break the rules without authorization, wouldn’t that be the same as overthrowing their foundation?”

Li Dong sneered: "Overthrow the foundation? Do people need that? They just need to find an excuse and kick us out of the international settlement system."

After hearing this, both Hu Yue and Yu Feifei were stunned.

Both of them are elites in the financial field, and they have a very good understanding of today's international financial system.

If what Li Dong said is true and they are really kicked out of the international settlement system, then this will definitely be a disaster for their bank.

A bank that is excluded from the international settlement system will have nowhere to go internationally.

Because, even an ordinary exchange business cannot be handled.

Cold sweat broke out on Yu Feifei's forehead, and she couldn't help but said: "They can't do this, can they? We are just conducting business normally, and we haven't violated any regulations?"

Li Dong said: "Regulations? Regulations are just a tool they use to protect their own interests. When we threaten their interests, we have violated their regulations."

The reason why Li Dong is so sure is because in his previous life, that's how they dealt with Bei Xiong.

Directly kicked several banks of the North Bear out of the international settlement system.

If it wasn't for Katerina's ingenuity to come up with a clever strategy, I'm afraid that this one move would have defeated the polar bear.

But even so, it hurt the North Bear's vitality.

They were able to deal with Bei Xiong like this in the previous life, but in this life, they may deal with Donglai like this.

Hu Yue said: "If this is the case, then we really have nothing to do, let alone arresting him without a fight, it will definitely be greatly affected."

Li Dong shook his head: "So we must prepare in advance."

Hu Yue asked: "How to prepare?"

Li Dong said: "In addition to adding several more settlement systems, the best way is to establish an international settlement system that belongs to us."

Hearing this, both Hu Yue and Yu Feifei were shocked.

Perhaps only those who really understand know what the international settlement system means.

It is true that there are several international settlement systems in the world today.

But the most important of these is the settlement system established by Murray.

This international settlement system covers almost [-]% of countries and banks.

In a word, without this international settlement system, it is almost impossible for banks to carry out general international settlement business.

Some non-U.S. dollar businesses can only be carried out within several other international settlement systems.

It is conceivable how big this impact will be.

As for re-establishing an international settlement system, it is even more difficult.

Last year, China had already started to build an international settlement system based on Chinese currency.

But up to now, this system is still just a prototype.

Hu Yue said: "You mean, assist the higher authorities to fully promote the Chinese currency cross-border payment system?"

Li Dong nodded: "Well, although this is very difficult, it may be difficult to complete in ten or twenty years, but we must do it."

Yu Feifei said at this time: "If you want to build an international settlement system, or even a system that can replace the US-based settlement system, the most important thing is that the Chinese currency becomes an international currency, otherwise, this is just empty talk, at most it is a regional A permanent, small-scale settlement system is of little significance. But to make the Chinese currency an international currency, this...how can this be done by our company? Not to mention, just the oil alone is not We can control it? We just went to investigate and did nothing, and Murray took action. If we really try to control oil, hehe, then World War III will probably break out directly."

Li Dong looked at Yu Feifei and said, "Do you really think that the third war is very far away? Perhaps, the third war in the conventional sense is indeed not easy to break out, but the financial war is still very possible, even now There are already signs of a financial war. And the destructive power of a financial war is no less than that of a conventional war. You should be very clear about this.”

Yu Feifei was stunned again.

Indeed, large-scale financial wars are no less destructive than conventional wars.

Even crueler.

And most importantly, through financial war, it is entirely possible to overthrow the dominance of American Knife.

Although this difficulty is a bit big.

Now Meili's international settlement system is based on the dominance of Meidao.

Almost all international trade, especially oil trade, is settled in US dollars.

It is also because of this that almost all international trade cannot bypass the settlement system of Meili.

This also makes the settlement system of great significance.

Once kicked out of that settlement system, it is tantamount to being unable to move an inch.

And as long as the dominance of the US dollar is overthrown, in international trade, especially in oil trade, it is not necessary to use the US dollar for settlement, then the settlement system of the US dollar can naturally be bypassed.

However, this difficulty is really a bit big.

Because the dominance of the US knife is maintained by powerful force.

But Hu Yue thought more deeply than Yu Feifei, and after pondering for a while, he asked Li Dong: "You asked Kabir to contact Katerina, isn't it for this reason?"

Li Dong said: "Think about it, if the North Bear and Sars announce at the same time that they don't need dollars to pay for oil, what will happen?"

Hu Yue and Yu Feifei said in unison: "Impossible."

Li Dong said: "I know it's impossible, but we can assume it."

Hu Yue said: "If that's the case, there will definitely be three wars, not just a financial war."

Yu Feifei next to her nodded in agreement.

If Bei Xiong and Sars really announced at the same time that they would not use US dollars to pay for oil, then there is no need to even think about it, and Murray's missiles and cannons will definitely bombard them immediately.

Li Dong said again: "Then, what if it's just Bei Xiong who announces that he won't settle with dollars?"

Hearing this question, both Hu Yue and Yu Feifei fell silent.

At the same time, it was announced that it would definitely be played.

Because northern bears and SARS are the top three oil-producing countries today.

In particular, Sars is the leader of the Zhongzhou Oil Production Alliance and plays a pivotal role in the international crude oil trade.

Once SARS announced that it would not use the US dollar to settle oil, it would be tantamount to subverting the US dollar's dominance.

Murray is absolutely intolerable.

However, if only the polar bear announces, then this is hard to say.

For one thing, the weight of the North Bear's crude oil trade is not comparable to SARS after all.

Second, the North Bear's fist is very hard.

For that little share of crude oil, Murray might not be willing to fist bump with the North Bear.

But Hu Yue still said with some doubts: "But, Bei Xiong won't make this decision without a reason, right?"

Li Dong sighed: "Yes, for no reason, of course not."

(End of this chapter)

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