The Northern Stories of Chef Lao Tan

Chapter 216 A pair of distressed little brothers and sisters

Chapter 216 A Pair of Lovely Brothers and Sisters

The Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical University is the largest and authoritative hospital in Hohhot, the first choice for ordinary people to see a doctor.

Lao Tan finished the examination here, and the test results will have to wait for a while, so he walked out of the hospital gate in the gap, went outside to get some air, and smoked a cigarette by the way.

Today is Wednesday. Although there are not as many people seeing the doctor as on Saturday and Sunday, it is still bustling with people.

The huge parking lot was full of cars. Some cars couldn't park and had to park at the shopping mall across the road, and some even parked directly on the sidewalk. It didn't matter whether it was a violation or not.

Lao Tan finished smoking a cigarette and didn't want to go in. Zhou Xiaomei was inside, but when he came out, he would call him.

He stood at the entrance of the hospital, where taxis stopped from time to time, patients with sick faces and anxious family members got off the cars, and after paying the fare in a hurry, they sent the patients in with their arms or backs. There will be comfort and cries.

This is a common situation at the entrance of the hospital, and I haven't seen Xiaohe come here yet.

A yellow taxi stopped, a middle-aged man got off the co-pilot, opened the rear door, and a woman got out.After the woman came down, she bent down and helped an old man down. The middle-aged man bent down in front of the old man. The old man swallowed the corner of his mouth in pain, and slowly lay on the man's back with the help of the woman.

This is a couple who came to see a doctor for an old man.

Lao Tan watched the family of three enter the door, and let out a sigh of relief, thinking that they were considered filial children.

After a while, a red taxi stopped at the door. There was no one on the co-pilot. The rear door opened directly, and an eleven or twelve-year-old boy got out of the car.

After the little boy got down, he turned around and lowered his head, and took out a little girl about four years old from the car.The little girl was blushing and listless, obviously suffering from a high fever.

No one got out of the car again.

The little boy put the little girl on the ground, first lifted up his trousers, then tightened the buckles of the sandals, then picked up the little girl and walked through the door.

Old Tan was surprised, why is there no adult?

What was even more surprising was the expression on the little boy's face, which was very calm. Although he was anxious, he was not flustered, and looked like an adult.

The little boy is as old as Lao Tan's son, but he has no family.Perhaps seeing the little boy think of his son, Lao Tan couldn't help but follow him.

The little boy came to the registration office with the little girl in his arms. The female staff in a white coat only saw the boy's face exposed through the glass window.

"Auntie, give me a number, my sister has a high fever." The little boy seemed to want the aunt inside to see his sister, and hugged her in his arms vigorously.

The aunt inside was a little stunned, but seeing the little girl's red and distressed face, she asked, "Where are your parents?"

"No, my sister was sick last night. She still had a fever after taking medicine," the little boy said.


After registering, the little boy carried his younger sister to the consultation room. The younger sister kept her eyes closed, her little head drooping on his elder brother's shoulder.

Old Tan's heart twitched, and he silently followed behind the pair of little brothers and sisters.

There were more than a dozen people lined up at the door of the consulting room, all of whom were seeing a doctor.The little boy stood at the back of the line, with an anxiety that didn't match his age.

A woman sitting in a waiting chair saw the brother and sister, stood up, and made room for the little boy.The little boy said thank you gratefully, then sat down with his sister in his arms, and looked towards the door of the consulting room.

At this moment, how much he hopes to take his sister in immediately.

He rubbed his cheek against his younger sister's forehead, the younger sister weakly opened her eyes, looked at her elder brother weakly, and closed them again——
Standing three meters away, Lao Tan couldn't help but feel a sore nose when he saw this scene——
He walked over with complicated emotions, knelt down in front of the little boy, and asked as quietly as possible: "Your sister has a fever?"


"What about Mom and Dad?"

"Not here——" The little boy spat out the two words he had just answered to the aunt at the registration office, looked at Lao Tan, as if he felt that the bandit-like bald uncle in front of him was a good man, and said: "Dad is doing plumbing at the construction site, and the construction site is in the middle of the market. Ning, my mother left with someone—grandma is also sick——"

A wave of pitiful distress rushed into Old Tan's heart. He knew what the little boy meant when his mother left with someone else and grandma was sick, and he could imagine the scene.

He glanced at the little boy, stood up slowly, then walked quickly to the door of the consulting room, opened the door and walked in.

After 2 minutes, Lao Tan came out of the consulting room, and the doctor came out together.

The little girl developed pneumonia from a cold and required hospital treatment.

When he heard that he needed to be hospitalized, the little boy hesitated, opened his big clear eyes full of anxiety and helplessness, and said to the doctor in a pleading tone: "Auntie, can I not be hospitalized? I don't have that money, only one hundred and thirty .”

Listening to the child's words, two balls of hot tears welled up in Lao Tan's eyes.

He tried not to let the tears flow, wiped the back of his hand, and said to the doctor: "I will pay for the hospitalization of the child."

The doctor looked at Lao Tan in surprise.

Old Tan didn't say anything, he bent down and said to the little boy, "Let's go, let's go through the formalities."

"Uncle——" Although the little boy was a little confused and still in disbelief, he immediately realized that he had met a kind person, so he choked up and said, "Thank you, I will ask Dad to pay you back——"

The little boy bowed deeply to Old Tan.

This bow broke Lao Tan's heart.

This bow made the doctor's eyes moist——
This bow made the noses of the patients blocking the door of the consultation room feel sore——
What a caring and sensible child.

To be honest, this is not a novel, but a true story that happened in our world.The author sighs, if the little boy met not Lao Tan at that time, but any kind, conscientious, and sympathetic person, it would be the same.

The rest was simple. Zhou Xiaomei took the test sheet and found Lao Tan who was going through the hospitalization procedures. Lao Tan simply told her about the little boy's situation.So the soldiers divided into two groups, Zhou Xiaomei led the little boy to the ward, and Lao Tan went to go through the formalities.

By the time Lao Tan finished the formalities and came to the ward, the little girl was already on the drip.

In the communication between Zhou Xiaomei and the little boy, I learned that the little boy's surname is Cao, his name is Xiaojun, he is 11 years old, and he is in the fourth grade of primary school.My younger sister, Xiaoying, is four years old.My father worked as a plumber, and my mother felt that life was hard after giving birth to a younger sister.

There is a grandmother in the family who is not in good health and can barely cook.

Now a family of four rents a bungalow next to the Jinqiao store. On weekdays, my father goes out to work to earn money to support the family, Xiaojun goes to school, and my sister is at home under the care of my grandmother.School was about to start, and my father went to Jining to earn more money, leaving three grandparents and grandchildren at home.

Last night, my sister started to have a high fever, and Xiaojun gave her paracetamol.When I got up this morning, my sister’s fever still persisted, and my grandma suffered from emphysema, which was an old problem, and I couldn’t get out of the cough. Xiaojun had to bring his sister to the hospital alone.

Xiaojun wanted to borrow Zhou Xiaomei's mobile phone to call his father. Lao Tan saw that Xiaoying's illness was not too serious, and felt that the child's father would have to ask for leave to delay earning money after knowing about it. There was no need to tell, so he refused.

As the saying goes, a good person has to do it to the end. He asked Zhou Xiaomei to stay with the child, and went to the doctor's consultation with the test sheet.

Lao Tan's high blood pressure is quite serious. It belongs to primary nephrogenic H-type hypertension. The high pressure is [-] and the low pressure is [-]. The pressure difference is large, accompanied by high and irregular heart rate. Rest and treatment are required, and the doctor requires hospitalization.

Old Tan felt that what the doctor said was a bit mysterious, so he didn't plan to be hospitalized, so he asked for some antihypertensive medicine to go back and take it, and adjusted slowly.The doctor responsibly did not agree, saying that he would not prescribe medicine if he was not hospitalized, for fear of accidents.

I know my own body well, Lao Tan knows what caused this situation, long-term lack of sleep, drinking too much alcohol, worrying, and family affairs are not going well, so it is strange not to have high blood pressure.

Antihypertensive drugs are only for control. If you want to completely lower your blood pressure, you have to quit alcohol, and you can’t smoke. Go to bed before [-] o’clock every day. It’s best not to work. Don’t worry about anything. , Just exercise when you have nothing to do, and you will be able to return to normal in less than two years.

But is all this possible?

This is only a matter of blood pressure, and there is something wrong with the lungs and trachea.Needless to say, bronchiectasis can recur at any time if blood pressure cannot be lowered.And due to long-term smoking, the lungs have already had shadows, but it seems that no lesions have occurred, that is to say, there is inflammation, but it is not cancer.

The kidney must be bad.When I was young, I used too much force to unload the cement and injured my waist. At that time, I was young and strong, and I felt that nothing happened. Now I found it, the waist injury and kidneys belonged to yin deficiency, and the lumbar muscles were strained, and the waist was moderately prolapsed.

Poor lungs, lumbar muscle strain, kidney yin deficiency, these are common diseases of middle-aged men, there is no need to make a fuss, even if they are in good health, they will have similar symptoms when they go to the hospital for examination.

The problem was the stomach, part of the mucous membrane was shed, accompanied by inflammation, and a small lesion appeared on the upper left. The doctor suggested to make a section to see if it was a lesion.

Lao Tan accepted the doctor's suggestion face to face, but it was not him when he left the consultation room, and he didn't go at all.He thought it was drinking, and it would be good if there was no stomach bleeding.

Going back to Xiaojun's sister's ward, she told Zhou Xiaomei that there was nothing serious except high blood pressure, and that she would just drink less alcohol in the future.Of course Zhou Xiaomei didn't believe what he said, she thought she would ask the doctor later.

Lao Tan and Zhou Xiaomei can't be here with the little siblings, there are a lot of things going on in the restaurant.He left Xiaojun's phone number and the address of the Jinqiao store, told the child to call him if he had something to do, or go to the restaurant to find him, and then left another 300 yuan before leaving the hospital.

"This little brother and sister are quite pitiful—" Zhou Xiaomei said.

"Come over and take a look if you have time in the evening," Old Tan instructed.

(End of this chapter)

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