Grassroots lawyers also have spring

Chapter 293 This old woman is not lying to me!

Chapter 293 This old woman is not lying to me!
what does it mean!If you can't go, a lawyer can!In the words of Zheng Tongzi, "roll the calf"!
"Your debt is not easy to chase! There are one-way tickets in that place, and you can't come back after you go there. I don't have that ability!" Wang Chuan was annoyed, and teased the other party when he had nothing to do.

"Cut! It's said that your lawyers are all hands and eyes, but that's all! You won't even get your bill back." The other party said drunkenly.

"I can't, but someone can!" Wang Chuan joked.

"Who?" The other party's big tongue became more serious.

"Professional debt collectors! You can see that they are green dragons on the left and white tigers on the right. They can definitely help you solve the problem. You should call them!" Wang Chuan laughed secretly.


The other party didn't speak for a long time, and Wang Chuan suddenly heard a bang, as if something fell to the ground and hit the wine bottle, and the wine bottles all over the floor rolled around making noises.

What's the matter!I met a drunkard at night!Wang Chuan put down his phone and cursed secretly.

In the afternoon of the next day, Wang Chuan and Fatty Wan took Mr. Yuan's stamped indictment to the Shijingshan Court and the Mentougou Court to file the cases separately.

On Friday, the law firm notified all lawyers to pack up their belongings and move on Saturday and Sunday.The newly rented office is upstairs, covering more than 400 square meters, and a large terrace of more than 20 square meters is also presented as a gift.

It used to be an education and training institution, and the lease contract expired before the Spring Festival. The other party went to Guomao for business development, and the house was vacant.

There are four meeting rooms, one big and three small.There are three offices, one for Lao Niu and Mu Huaijin, and one for the financial office.The front desk is also much more atmospheric than before.

Because there is no need for additional decoration, Zhengyang Law Firm only spent less than 3 yuan on a few LOGOs, added some workstations, desks and chairs, made a partition, and started business!

Zheng Yi and Fatty Wan like the large terrace of more than 20 square meters, which saves them the pain of running up and down to smoke.

In order to make full use of the space, Mu Huaijin bought a set of tables and chairs suitable for placing outdoors, and put them on the large terrace. When the weather is good, you can sit and chat and enjoy the scenery (of course, the smog in the sky is not good for the scenery) look).

While Zheng Wan and Zheng Wan were enjoying the open air, Sister Wang and several others divided up several well-lit workstations by the window, and left the workstation by the wall facing the door of Director Niu's office to the two of them.

On the Tuesday of the first week after moving, Wang Chuan received a call from the Shijingshan Court. The labor dispute case of Bai Huo, the young man surnamed Bai, was scheduled to start at 01:30 pm on Monday, April [-]th.

He just came back from the Chinese New Year, and the law firm didn't have many cases. On Thursday, Wang Chuan was sent to the legal service office to be on duty.

There was not a single consultation in the morning, but there were a few photocopies. Zhang Dahuyou was listlessly drinking coffee.

It may be because of the recent deals and a lot of commissions. Zhang Dahuyou bought a lot of Magpie Wo brand coffee bags, replaced the glass tea cups, and bought a small porcelain one with a handle at the binary store. Cup And A Small Spoon.

At this time, she was stirring the hot coffee in the small porcelain cup with a small spoon!It looks petty!

"Xiao Wang, why do you think this crooked nut likes to drink this dark thing? It's so bitter, you have to add sugar! What's even more annoying is that a bunch of xenophobes are holding plastic coffee cups all day long. Walking around, it seems so delicious!" Zhang Dahuyou took a sip of the coffee in the cup, and his bitter facial features almost moved.

After finishing speaking, she took a large bag of white sugar on the side, and put sugar into the coffee cup as if free of money, to neutralize the bitterness of the coffee!
"Sister Zhang, I think people put sugar cubes in their coffee. Isn't it a bit inappropriate for you to take such a big bag of white sugar?" Wang Chuan laughed.

"What kind of candy? Candy cubes? Oh..., I know it's the kind of candy with a square shape and a layer of paper on the outside! I ate it when I was a child, and it's still sold in supermarkets now.

I need sugar cubes for coffee!What is Chinese but Chinese and foreign! " Zhang Dahuyou said puzzledly.

After hearing this, Wang Chuan covered his face with his hands and closed his mouth!

At this moment, a young man in his twenties with a cropped cut came in from the door.

When Zhang Dahuyou saw a customer coming to the door, he hurriedly put on a very professional look, and looked at the young man with a cut head: "Hi, is there anything we can do for you?"

"Hello, I would like to inquire about labor matters." The young man with a cropped head said timidly, and looked at Zhang Dahuyou.

"For legal issues related to labor, you have found the right person. This lawyer Wang is an expert in labor law. He can answer your questions as long as they do not travel across the globe."

Zhang Dahuyou's appetite was getting bigger and bigger. Seeing that there was nothing to gain from a simple labor consultation, he directly pushed the client to Wang Chuan.

Seeing that Wang Chuan was only a few years older than him, the young man with an inch cut couldn't help feeling suspicious: Isn't this old woman lying to me, she has become an expert at such a young age?Although there are a lot of parallel imports of experts these days, no matter what, you have to find someone who looks better and is older to act as a facade!

The young man with an inch cut hesitantly walked up to Wang Chuan and sat down.

"What question do you want to ask?" Wang Chuan asked with a smile.

Although Zhang Dahuyou's words made him feel a little...embarrassed, but the scene still needs to be sustained.

"I want to inquire about the trial period.

I joined an animation company at the end of last year and signed a one-year labor contract with a two-month probationary period.As a result, after the probationary period expired, the supervisor said that I failed the assessment and wanted to extend the probationary period, which ended up being extended for another three months.

Later, when I became a full-time employee, the company often defaulted on wages, and I almost couldn't pay my rent.Later, I checked on the Internet and said that in this case, I can ask the company to pay compensation.

I just want to ask, can I ask for compensation in my situation, if I resign! "After the young man with an inch cut finished speaking, he stared at Wang Chuan.

"How long has the company owed you your salary?" Wang Chuan asked.

"It's been almost two months, and the salary from years ago has not been paid. It is said that the business is not good, and the company may go bankrupt." The young man with an inch cut said.

"Well, first of all, the company defaults on your wages, you can go to the labor inspector to complain, or you can directly apply for labor arbitration, asking for back wages and economic compensation.

Secondly, according to the law, the employer and the same employee can only agree on a probationary period once. If your company unilaterally extended your probationary period, it can be regarded as agreeing on a probationary period again, which violates the law that only one probationary period can be agreed upon. The company can be required to make up the difference between the salary of the next three months probationary period and the salary after becoming a full-time employee.

Again, you can also ask the company to pay compensation for the extended probationary period, and compensate one day's wages for each additional day.If you exceed the statutory probation period for three months, the company should pay you three months of compensation, that is, three months of salary.

How much do you pay per month? "Wang Chuan asked.

(End of this chapter)

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