Grassroots lawyers also have spring

Chapter 370 There is no spirit of contract at all

Chapter 370 No contract spirit at all
"Okay, the plaintiff and the defendant don't talk anymore. I'll ask you and you can answer." The male judge said impatiently.

"Plaintiff, what position do you work in the defendant's financial department?" the judge asked.

"I... I'm just a small accountant, not a financial manager!" The old lady said cruelly after hearing what the female lawyer had just said.

"Plaintiff, you said that you are not the chief financial officer. Why is your name on the person in charge under the financial statement? Is this your signature?" the male judge asked.

"No,'s...someone else wrote my name." The old lady had an idea.Since she just said that she is not the financial manager, now she can only bear it to the end, even if she is killed, she will not admit it!

"Do you want any identification?" the male judge asked.

"Appraisal?" The old lady hesitated for a moment, then turned her head and asked the female lawyer beside her in a low voice.

"If you need to pay an appraisal fee for the appraisal, you have to think about whether this signature is true or not." The female lawyer said in a very low voice next to the old lady's ear.

"Don't apply for an appraisal." The old lady immediately said loudly.

What a joke, you need to pay money to apply for an appraisal, and the old lady doesn't want to waste the money she spent!

"Plaintiff, let me ask you again. The retirement document issued by the Social Security Center states that you were the chief financial officer during the defendant's work. How do you explain this?" The male judge stared at the old lady and asked.

The female lawyer lowered her head and stopped talking.

The old lady opened her mouth, and seeing the female lawyer hiding, she hurriedly said: "That was filled in by the defendant, I don't know."

"You need to sign and confirm the application for retirement. Have you not read the application document?" the judge continued to ask.

"If you don't know, you don't know. Anyway, I have my pension. I don't care about the rest." The old lady said with a firm heart.

"Okay, let's start the court debate now..." Seeing the old lady tilting her head, the judge understood half of it.

It should be said that the trial process was quite smooth. After signing the transcript, Wang Chuan walked out of the court, called the client, and explained the situation of the trial.

After eating outside at noon, Wang Chuan received a courier from the Shijingshan Court after returning to the law firm in the afternoon, and Mr. Hu's case was judged. As expected, the lawsuit was dismissed.

After Mr. Hu knew that the administrative litigation case was lost, he clamored for an appeal. When Wang Chuan discussed the lawyer's fee for the second trial with him, Mr. Hu vowed to ask Wang Chuan to write the appeal first, and when he came back from other places in the past two days, he would sign the contract and pay the payment , paid the attorney fees.

In the next few days, Wang Chuan called several times to urge him, but until the last day of the appeal period, he did not see Mr. Hu, nor did he see the lawyer's fees paid by Mr. Hu for the second trial.In the end, the matter of appeal was settled.

On this day, Wang Chuan took stock of the unresolved cases in his hands, and suddenly saw the labor dispute case of the International Trade and Health Corporation in the Chaoyang Court.

This case was held in November last year, and it has been more than three months now, and I don't know if it has been sentenced. Seeing that the court was about to go to work in the afternoon, Wang Chuan picked up his mobile phone and dialed the judge's number.

"Hello, Judge Zhao, I am the agent of Wanhui Company, I would like to ask whether the judgment of our labor arbitration case has come out yet?
That's right...the other person's name is Gao Huai, you can check it out for me.OK After finishing speaking, Wang Chuan hung up the phone.

About 10 minutes later, Wang Chuan's cell phone rang.

"Hello, Judge Zhao....The verdict is out, okay...I'll go to you tomorrow morning to get the verdict." Wang Chuan said with a smile on his face.It is estimated that the judge has too many cases, so he forgot about this case!
The next day, when Wang Chuan returned to the law firm from Chaoyang Court, he went straight to Lao Niu's office with the verdict.

"Director, Mr. Kang won the case." Wang Chuan said with a smile.

"Nonsense, I don't know I won. Didn't I win the first trial? How much was the sentence?" Lao Niu hurriedly put down the pen in his hand, took the verdict from Wang Chuan, and read it.

"A total of 54 yuan was awarded. The previous sentence was more than 6000 yuan. This is the verdict of the first instance." Wang Chuan said and handed the verdict of the first instance to Lao Niu.

Lao Niu took out his calculator and calculated: "I remember last time I said that the lawyer's fee for the second trial should be calculated at 30.00% of the difference between the second trial judgment and the first trial judgment, right?"

"Yes, that's written in the agency agreement." Wang Chuan hurriedly said.

"Well, if the odds are erased, the second-instance judgment subtracts the salary returned by Gao Huai from the first-instance salary, and then multiplies it by 30.00%. Good guy, the second-instance lawyer's fee is 5000 yuan!

It is not bad that a labor dispute case can have so much legal fees.Well done Xiao Wang! "Lao Niu beamed with joy.

"I'll go to Mr. Kang tomorrow morning and ask them to pay the lawyer's fee." Lao Niu said with a smile, "I'll reward you with a big red envelope as soon as the lawyer's fee arrives."

"Director, that's what you said. I'm waiting for your big red envelope!" Wang Chuan hurriedly said as he got off the donkey.

However, Wang Chuan was destined to have no blessings to enjoy such windfalls as the big red envelopes. At noon the next day, Lao Niu walked into the office with an angry expression on his face.

Seeing that the director's complexion was not right, Wang Chuan felt a little bit in his heart. Yesterday, Lao Niu said that he would go to see Mr. Kang this morning, so it couldn't be...

"Niulu, what's the matter? You don't look very pretty!" Mu Huaijin walked into Lao Niu's office and said.

"Don't mention it, Wang Chuan worked on a labor dispute case. Mr. Kang of Wanhui Company had already agreed to pay the lawyer's fees at 30.00% of the difference between the second trial and the first trial, and the two parties also signed an agency contract.

This morning I excitedly took the verdict to Mr. Kang to ask for the lawyer's fee, but they said that the higher-ups thought the ratio was too high and asked for a reduction in the fee, but I refused.

You said, isn't this a hooligan? "The old cow said angrily.

"It's a hooligan, without any spirit of contract. By the way, isn't their family a foreign company? Why is it like this!" After Mu Huaijin finished speaking, she looked at Lao Niu.

"What kind of foreign company, fake foreign devils! It's a return investment!" Lao Niu exclaimed angrily.

The so-called return investment, to put it bluntly, means that domestic natural persons or legal persons invest funds overseas to set up companies (mergers and acquisitions or new establishments), and then invest in the country in the name of foreign companies in order to obtain preferential policies for domestic foreign-funded enterprises or to achieve some kind of investment. special purpose.

As soon as the return investment appeared, the state found something wrong and immediately checked this investment model. Since then, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange has successively issued the "Notice of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on the Foreign Exchange Management of Domestic Residents Financing through Overseas Special Purpose Companies and Return Investment" "(Huifa [2005] No. 75) and "Notice of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange Concerning Issues Concerning Foreign Exchange Management of Domestic Residents' Overseas Investment and Financing through Special Purpose Companies and Round-trip Investment" (Huifa [2014] No. 37), regarding round-trip investment stipulated.

(End of this chapter)

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