Blind Box Life Show

Chapter 1 The Smiling Proud Jianghu in the Community

Chapter 1 The Smiling Proud Jianghu in the Community

Just after the National Day, Rongcheng City, Renhe Xincheng Community, tennis courts, two old men are dueling.

It is said that it is not only the outcome, but also life and death.

The thing is, Renhe Xincheng is located in the suburbs of Rongcheng, next to Shuangliu International Airport.The green water in the community is shady, surrounded by curved water, swimming pool and tennis courts are all available. There are three types of units inside, single-family, townhouse, and bungalow, which are the first-class high-end real estate in the local area.

With the current housing prices in Rongcheng, those who can live here are either wealthy businessmen or social elites with status and status, or at least the middle class.

There are hundreds of people, all kinds of people, especially these successful people, who are used to being prestige in their work units and their own companies. When everyone gathers together, it is inevitable that they will be divided into ranks and ranks, and they will not agree with each other.

A while ago, the community established a business committee, and 21 business committee representatives had to be elected, voluntarily signed up, and voted democratically.Soon, the list of candidates came out, and there were [-] candidates.The others were fine, but there was a dispute between Lao Yu from West Sichuan and Lao Wang from Shandong, which meant that one of them would be eliminated.

The two started a fierce competition, and each set up more than a dozen WeChat QQ groups, expounding their own ruling ideas, and denouncing their opponents for their incompetence and poor character.The two sides compared all-round in terms of academic qualifications, industries they worked in and the major contributions they have made to society.

Lao Yu in western Sichuan used to be a mine owner, and Lao Wang in Shandong was a big vegetable grower. Before retirement, both of them had led hundreds of employees and contributed to local finance and employment.In the past, they each held the titles of more than a dozen social groups in a mess. As for the education level, each of them graduated from junior high school.

In the end, the two fell into the comparison of personal finances without accident.

Lao Yu from western Sichuan directly said, I live in a detached house, and Lao Wang lives in a townhouse, why should I fight with me, and what should I use to fight with me?Don't talk about bullying you, I am convincing people with virtue.

Shandong Laowang’s generation of entrepreneurs did not read any books due to the limitations of the times, and they were concerned about face. The only thing they were proud of was that they stood at the forefront of the commodity economy and took off all the way.Net worth is their pride and the most important thing, Chuanxi Lao Yu's knowing blow directly hit Lao Wang's Achilles' heel.

It is tolerable and unbearable.

So, Lao Wang had a fierce fight with Lao Yu in the large group of owners, swiping the screen and swiping more than 1000 messages.

Lao Yu in western Sichuan has been working in the mine all his life, and he has been punching and kicking for decades. How can he be the opponent of the eloquent Lao Wang? Sun!"

It's a pity that the basin is inherently cloudy and rainy, with 360 five days a year, and only a handful of sunny days.As with the sun, so with the moon.

After staying for a few days, the two of them could not wait for the bright moon.After chatting a few more words in the group today, I really couldn't hold back the anger in my heart, and didn't think about ritual things.

So, Yu Daxia and Wang Juxia made an appointment on the tennis court to be proud of the world, with a knife in hand, just now, follow me.

Hearing the news, Zhou Shanshui, manager Jin from Renhe Xincheng Property Center heard the news and hurried over.When I saw it, I was taken aback: Guys, are you really armed to the teeth?
I saw that Lao Yu was wearing a vest, showing the shiny black tendons on his arms. His face was like indigo, and his mouth was full of blood, just like the angry eyes of King Kong in the temple. He also wore a pair of suede shoes used by miners on his feet. During the kick, two of his ribs might be broken, and his whole attire was extremely aggressive.

As for Lao Wang from Shandong, he wore a different kind of attire. He wore a thick denim jacket covered with metal studs, leather fingerless gloves on his hands, and a bicycle helmet buckled on his head, which was fully protected.

Lao Yu is a sharp spear, and Lao Wang is a strong shield. When the two sides get together, sparks hit the earth.

The two confronted each other, and next to them were about twenty old men and old ladies watching the excitement and making a mess.

The situation is about to explode, and the outcome will be unimaginable.

It is impossible to call the police. It really hurts people and the image of Xincheng, and it seems that he, the housekeeper, is negligent.In this spring and Jingming, Vientiane is renewed, and the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming. It is time to live a good life. What are you fighting for?How fresh the air is, how beautiful life is, the so-called distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors.Since we all get together and become neighbors, there is a destiny.

It is fate to meet thousands of miles away. Lao Yu moved to our community from western Sichuan, and Lao Wang is even further away. His hometown is thousands of kilometers away.What a coincidence, we got to know each other, what kind of fate is this!

Maybe it was a relationship in the previous life, maybe it was a husband and wife.Only husband and wife can hate like this in this lifetime!
When Zhou Shanshui said this, everyone laughed.You all say, yes yes yes, Old Yu and Wang, I am afraid that you have been husband and wife for several lifetimes, and now you have accumulated such enmity, and you want to fight to the death in this world.Shanshui, you can really tell!

Being made such a gag by him, everyone laughed, Yu Wang and the two couldn't hold back.

Old Yu from Western Sichuan was arrogant and impatient, so he punched Old Wang on the shoulder.

Lao Wang let out an "ow", and stretched out his ten fingers and scratched at random.

Lao Yu had rich experience in fighting and jumped away quickly, but Chiyu Zhou Shanshui next to him was in a terrible situation, with bleeding marks on his face and neck.

He hissed in pain: "Old Wang, are you serious?"

At this moment, the phone in his hand rang, it was a video call, and the screen displayed "My wife, answer in seconds." It was his ex-wife Xu Run.

Zhou Shanshui's heart shuddered, he subconsciously connected without thinking about theory.

A handsome and angry face appeared on the other side of the screen, and he scolded: "Zhou Shanshui, what the hell are you doing, why don't you answer my phone?"

Zhou Shanshui: "What's wrong, the signal here is not good."

"What's the matter, you still ask me?" Xu Run was even more angry: "Go to Wutongshu High School immediately to find Teacher Gao, something serious happened to your son."

"What is my son, Feiyang is also your son?" Zhou Shanshui looked at Yu Wang and the two, a little embarrassed: "Xu Run, I am busy here, and your place of work is closer to the sycamore tree, why don't you go there?"

His son Zhou Feiyang is a top student and a top student. He has been obedient and sensible since he was a child. He lives as someone else's child. He doesn't think anything will happen to the doll.

Unexpectedly, Xu Run on the other end of the phone turned his face: "Zhou Shanshui, I hate that you don't care about anything and act like a fool. You can have no pursuit, you can just ask for three meals, you can be muddled Eh for a lifetime. But Feiyang is only 19 years old, and his life has just begun. He met a father like you, and I met a man like you. I don’t know what sin I did in my previous life to come to this world to suffer like this. You Said, how can our mothers have such a life, this is not the life we ​​want!"

Zhou Shanshui muttered: "What's wrong with me? When you first met me, you didn't know that I was such a person, and I couldn't give you glory and wealth. Besides, you were the one who chased me back then, and I refused."

Xu Run: "At that time, I was young, I didn't know the viciousness of the world, and I didn't know the despicableness of human nature. That's why I was beaten like this by the iron fist of society. I was too naive, and I was with you just because your mouth was oiled. , fell into your thief. I'm stupid, I'm really too stupid. Zhou Shanshui, if life can be restarted, I don't want to know you..."

The two were arguing on the phone, and everyone was watching. Even Lao Yu and Wang stopped their activities for a while and poked their heads over curiously.

Zhou Shanshui was buried by his ex-wife, and in front of so many people, he felt embarrassed: "Isn't it just that the school invites parents, I'll go, I'll go, can't I go? What are you doing, what a big deal!"

Xu Run: "How big is it, how big of a matter are you talking about, Feiyang even played truant?"

"Ah, playing truant, did you make a mistake?" Zhou Shanshui was surprised.

"That's right, it was Teacher Gao who called just now." Xu Run gritted his teeth: "What a good kid, he has good academic performance, good performance, and knows that he loves his parents. Now he plays truant. He must be the one who came home last week. What did you make him unhappy when he was in school? Zhou Shanshui, you have to be responsible. Get the hell out of school right now... Playing truant, and someone else playing truant. This trend cannot be raised, and this case cannot be opened. You have to get a beating, Zhou Shan Shui, you must show your father's tiger nature and beat him."

Xu Run continued to babble: "I used to be the one who took care of the children. If I took care of them a lot, the children saw me as if they were enemies. Tiger mother and cat dad, this is not normal. Today this fact is too big, you You must stand up and show the majesty of being a father. Not only must you touch the soul, but you must also touch the flesh. I was on a business trip today and came back late."

"If you just say that you are on a business trip, it will be over. Is it necessary to talk so much and make everyone unhappy?" Zhou Shanshui muttered: "You didn't care about it before!"

Xu Run: "Whether to go, to fight or not?"

"It's a must." Zhou Shanshui promised in a hurry, and then said to Old Yu and Wang, "My lords, I have something to do at home, so I have to leave. For my sake, please stop making trouble."

Lao Yu and Lao Wang looked at each other with suppressed smiles, then nodded at the same time: "Okay, for the sake of Lao Zhou, let's choose another time."

Zhou Shanshui said again: "It's not good to fight. Those who lose will go to the hospital, and those who win will go to the police station."

I hurriedly called an online car-hailing car and rushed to Wutongshu Middle School.

(End of this chapter)

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