Chapter 108
"Are you back?" When Zhou Shanshui got home at night, his son Zhou Feiyang had just come back from playing basketball outside and was drenched all over.

Zhou Feiyang: "Played for an hour, great! How did you do in the exam?"

Zhou Shanshui peeled the lettuce with a kitchen knife: "Father has been busy with Yu Weirui's exam these two days, so he didn't take care of you. Let's cook something delicious today, lettuce roasted duck. Eh, you seem to be very concerned about this matter? "

Zhou Feiyang said indifferently: "This time, Dad is just out of the Jianghu to teach students, and Yu Weirui is your head disciple, and probably also your closed disciple. It is related to your reputation in the Jianghu, do you think I can not care?"

Zhou Shanshui said that it makes sense.It's a pity, our personal disciple's foundation is really poor, and the test is not so satisfactory.

Zhou Feiyang said, "It's good to work hard. After hard work, people will have energy and spirit, and they will accumulate the most important wealth in adult life.There is a saying that says, if you don't work hard, you don't know how strong you are.

Zhou Shanshui was taken aback for a moment. This baby was old-fashioned when he spoke, and he was able to communicate with someone who was almost fifty without barriers. This is not what a 19-year-old baby should have.

I don't know if it's good or not.

He put down the kitchen knife, rinsed the head of lettuce under the faucet, and said, "Anyway, after Yu Weirui finished the exam, I counted the points, and it is still possible to pass the test. In this way, I can get my 2 yuan tuition fee at ease." Reasonable."

At this moment, Lao Yu called.

Yu Jinhua first expressed his gratitude to Zhou Shanshui for teaching his daughter, and then asked Weiwei how he was doing in the exam, can he go to college?I blew out all the cowhide in the community.

Zhou Shanshui suddenly got angry, talked about what happened to Yu Weirui today, and scolded, "Old Yu, we are friends and brothers. I didn't intend to say harsh words, but I can't hold back now."During this exam, Wei Wei was so nervous that she didn't sleep for two days and two nights. In the morning, her nose bleeds and she almost called an ambulance. At that time, as a father, why didn't you come.

Guess what Wei Wei said after the exam, she was calling "Dad, Dad."

That's right, your family's conditions are good. Even if your child doesn't do anything in the future, he can still live comfortably for the rest of his life.No no no, live better than 90.00% of the world's [-] people.But I can see that Wei Wei, although her child is deviant and behaves strangely, she has a heart, and she doesn't want to be a rice bug at home. She wants to find a direction in life and realize her personal value.

Wei Wei talked to me before, she didn't take the college entrance examination this time to save face for you, but she wanted to open a nursing home after she finished her studies, and she didn't want to hang around like this anymore.

But she is a child after all, and she has her weaknesses.Especially when she wants to accomplish something for the first time in her life, she is nervous, afraid, and anxious. She needs her parents to support her and encourage her to accompany her.

But where are you at this time, it's not like I haven't told you about Wei Wei's exam, why don't you come?

Wei Wei is already calling "Daddy", she needs you.

Hearing Zhou Shanshui's roar, who is Yu Jinhua, he is used to being arrogant, how can he bear it?Also yelling on the phone, am I arguing with Gong Xiaoli? I am usually at home, and she scolds me a few times.If I went to wait outside the examination room, and was scolded by Gong Xiaoli in front of so many parents accompanying the examination, I would not go if I would save face.

Zhou Shanshui was so angry: "Your face is more important than Wei Wei's studies... You, you, you... You are so unreasonable, I will go elsewhere in the future. Anyway, Wei Wei has already finished the exam, so I don't need to go to your house."

Lao Yu also scolded: "If you don't get along, you won't get along. What's the big deal, I'll block you!"

Zhou Shanshui: "I'll block you too."

The two friends broke up.

Zhou Shanshui was depressed and was cursing at his mother. Zhou Feiyang walked into the kitchen, patted his vest lightly with his hand, and said with a blank expression, "Steady your emotions, your body is important."

Zhou Shanshui shook his head: "How can there be such a person as Lao Yu... Hey, it's strange, Yu Weirui is Yu Jinhua's daughter, why am I so angry about other people's affairs, don't I just eat radish and worry about it? "

Zhou Feiyang: "That's not true, after all, he is a closed disciple, passing on the legacy."

"Get out, go take a shower, it stinks."


"Wait, come back, have you considered volunteering? Where are you planning to apply?" Zhou Shanshui called his son and asked.

Zhou Feiyang: "After thinking about it, I plan to go to Tsinghua University to study computer science and technology. After all, it is the strongest university in my country for this major. I will fill it out after the college entrance examination results. Shanghai Jiaotong University and Zhejiang University are candidates." He suddenly felt a little depressed: " Dad, it's parents who worry about other students' college entrance exams, so why don't you ask?"

Zhou Shanshui said, as parents, we often make self-righteous mistakes, thinking that we are parents, we must control our children, and use our own life experience to give the dolls the necessary guidance.However, if the child is ordinary, these lessons may be of use.The problem is that many of our parents are mere mortals, and their lives are dull or even trivial, and they are quite unsuccessful in themselves, so why should they give advice to their children.

Let’s take your class as an example. This time, the resumption of the college entrance examination between Qing and North should be able to pass five or six, 985 and 211 can pass two to 30 people. More than half of them have already surpassed their parents. Is the advice of parents worthwhile?

Feiyang, you are many times better than me and your mother. You are the precious son of your parents. We have nothing to teach you. You can decide your own affairs.

Zhou Feiyang smiled and said, Dad, you and Mom are the best in my mind.

Zhou Shanshui shook his head, "Brother Feiyang, my father is not qualified. I know that my divorce with your mother hurt you deeply. I apologize to you."

Zhou Feiyang smiled again, Dad, don't talk about these unhappy things, everything must look forward and move forward.By the way, let's talk about something fun.Recently, you see no parent group, it's very fun.Isn't there a classmate named Sun Haoran in our class, whose parents divorced and started their own families.

Zhou Shanshui was surprised and asked, what's the matter.

Zhou Feiyang said that after Sun Haoran's parents divorced, he lived with his mother and stepfather, and they were in charge of his studies.Recently, Sun Haoran's biological father heard that his child's grades were declining, and if he was not careful, he would fail the 211 exam and fall into the second grade.

Sun Haoran's father was angry, saying that he would pay attention to his child's study from now on, and joined the parent group.

As soon as he entered the group, Sun Haoran's father saw that his ex-wife and husband were also in the group, and he was even more angry. He asked the teacher to drag his current wife into the parent group, saying that as Sun Haoran's stepmother, she also had the right to intervene in the children's studies.

So, Sun Haoran's parents, Sun Haoran's stepfather and stepmother met each other, and they were extremely jealous.They blamed each other in the parent group for not controlling the child well, causing the baby to lose the chain at the critical moment of the college entrance examination, and the four of them caught up with the team and fought, causing a lot of trouble.

This matter spread to the students, and everyone made a joke about Sun Haoran, saying that he has two fathers and two mothers, so happy, which made Sun Haoran depressed.

After listening, Zhou Shanshui took a deep breath and said, what time is it, aren't these four parents adding to the chaos?Feiyang, cook for a while, and I'll check the chat history.

As he said that, he handed the kitchen knife to the child, and lay on the sofa, holding the mobile phone and looking at it happily.

Zhou Feiyang was very helpless, his father was good at everything, but he was too gossip.

(End of this chapter)

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