Blind Box Life Show

Chapter 11 I want to study, I can't afford to lose

Chapter 11 I want to study, I can't afford to lose

The tutoring institution played hooligans and ran away!

There are about 200 students taking tutoring in institutions. Based on the average consumption of 300 to [-] per person, the total amount is more than [-] million and nearly [-] million.The state stopped all extracurricular tutoring, and the money should be returned to others logically.

Probably the institution had no money in its account, or it was deliberately blackmailing the tuition fees, and simply fled overnight.

After Vice President Shen reported the matter, he asked Yan Luying if he wanted to call the police.

Yan Luying asked, how many class hours did Wang Anan not complete, and how much was lost?Vice President Shen replied that there are 240 lessons in the four subjects, which is more than 6 yuan.

Yan Luying frowned and said, how can we have so much energy to call the police, forget it.By the way, where are you going?

Mr. Shen: "Mr. Yan, that's what I think. I will send Zhou Feiyang home first. Today is Saturday. Since An An doesn't have to go to class, I might as well send him to Mr. Wang. Mr. Wang also contacted me yesterday and said, grandma I miss Ann."

Yan Luying sneered: "Did Wang Zeyuan care about his family when he was spending time outside? Now he is lonely and misses his daughter? And Grandma An An, she always said that girls will marry off after all, they are outsiders. Why, now they want family happiness again Now, you said, Wang Zeyuan and I have made a fuss about this, and how can we send the child there to reunite their family? Maybe, one day, An An will be snatched away?"

This is the boss's private matter, how dare Vice President Shen speak up.But Wang An'an next to him chimed in: "That's right, that's right, I don't want to go there. Dad hasn't been at home, and I've been with the old lady all day, and I'm bored to death!"

She turned her head and asked the demented Zhou Feiyang: "Zhou Feiyang, do you want to go to eat food? You are making no noise! ​​If you don't go, I will ask Lu Yanxuan and Ma Zhihan."

Lu Yanxuan and Ma Zhihan are also Zhou Feiyang's classmates. They come from a wealthy family, and the three wealthy daughters have long occupied the top, second and third places in the Forbes rankings in the second and third grades of Wutongshu Middle School.

Zhou Feiyang still didn't speak.

Yan Luying thought for a while and said, "Vice President Shen, can you still get in touch with Mr. Sun and Mr. Yang of Chuanyin?"

Vice President Shen replied that the contact information is still there and has not changed.

Wang Anan's face changed drastically: "Mom, what do you want to do?"

Yan Luying ignored her daughter, and told Vice President Shen, that's fine.I remember that they are all teaching students in classes, you can contact them now.Send An An to dance folk dance in the morning and learn piano in the afternoon.I'll talk about the remedial cultural lessons later, and I'll think about it.

Anyway, don't let the kids sit idle.

Wang Anan, who was born with a golden spoon in his mouth, has been placed with high hopes by his family since he was a child, and he has never stopped taking various tutoring since he can remember.Not to mention cultural lessons, business hobbies such as swimming, piano, equestrianism, dance, art, etc., are learned one by one, even golf, a standard sport for greasy middle-aged men, is not missed.

It's a pity that she was naughty since she was a child, and she couldn't learn and cultivate all quality education. Apart from eating, she has no other hobbies.

Seeing that the tutoring institution was closed and running away today, student An An was like a grandson whose magic spell had been removed, wanting to go to the house to expose the tiles.

But he didn't want to, just after leaving the tiger's mouth, he entered the wolf's den again.

She suddenly lost her temper and shouted, "I won't go, and I won't go if I die."

Yan Luying shouted: "Why don't you go, you don't learn this, you don't learn that, what do you want to do, go shopping and eat? I won't talk about spending money indiscriminately, look at your waist, it's thick. Eat again Go on, do you want to become a pig, and not be afraid of being laughed at by others?"

"Why am I afraid of being fat? I'm afraid of being laughed at by others?" Wang Anan continued to shout: "You always think I'm fat. Girls of our age are not baby fat. They insist on training themselves to be as skinny as you." Bone Demon? I really don't like what you asked me to learn, and I don't have the day. I can't study, I can't learn musical instruments, and when I dance, I always stumble with my left foot and right foot. I feel painful when I learn everything. Mom , can't you consider my feelings? You let me learn this and that, just to see others learning. You should have what others have. In fact, you don't know what kind of person you want me to be. Know."

The more she talked, the more angry she stretched out her legs and kicked the chair in front of her, cracking the LCD screen behind the backrest.

Yan Luying's face flashed with greenness: "You bastard, look at you, do you still look like a lady? You are a savage, and you have taught me a lesson?"

"I just won't go, even if killed!"

"Kneel down!" Suddenly, Yan Luying shouted sharply. ,
More than ten years of fist education had cast a deep shadow on Wang Anan's heart. Hearing these two words, Wang Anan knelt down subconsciously.

Then, she suddenly burst into tears: "Yan Luying, I'm done, you always tell me to kneel. Kneel at home, kneel with the teacher, and kneel in the dormitory. I am also a human being, and I need face!"

"You're shameless, your grades are tenth from the bottom, are you okay?" Yan Luying shouted: "I am a doctoral student, I am a top student, even if your father is a shameless and skinny scumbag, he is also a double first-class master and Ph. D student. Why did you give birth to such a waste. Do you have any face? Even if you have, you have to wait until you get a heavy test. Wang Anan, I beg you, take a heavy test. Otherwise, you have no face, and I have no face. "

Wang Anan wailed loudly: "It's too painful, my life is too painful! I'm going to die now, I'm going to jump out of the car."

"You die, I will watch you die today!"

Seeing that the situation was out of control, suddenly, Zhou Feiyang, who was sitting beside him in a daze, yelled in a stern and mournful voice: "I want to study, I want to study!"

The mother and daughter who were making a fuss fell silent at the same time, looking at him in surprise.

Zhou Feiyang looked up at the roof of the car, and murmured: "I want tutoring, I can't afford to lose, I can't afford to lose... I can't afford to lose..."

Yan Luying looked at her daughter sarcastically: "Look at Feiyang, look at your brother, and look at others. This is the dragon and phoenix among people. Learn from others. Those who are close to vermilion are red, and those who are close to ink are black."

Wang Anan knelt down on the way to learn the folk dance, and Vice President Shen bit the bullet and recorded the whole process, and then uploaded it to President Yan.

The small program that Zhou Feiyang made for classmate An An didn't work.

Dancing is easier than going to cram school. After a whole morning, classmate An An is also tired and hungry.

At noon, I went to eat Subang dishes with Vice President Shen, and finished off a portion of crab roe tofu, a portion of fire cubes, a plate of squid eel paste, and a piece of squirrel mandarin fish.Comments, the age of the fire is not enough, the tofu is not made of well water, the eel is too thick, it is estimated to be two or three years old, the meat is too old, not fresh enough, barely give [-]%.

She was full and immediately felt better: "Uncle Shen, I'll treat you to this meal. Let's go, let's learn the piano."

Vice President Shen was amused in his heart, and secretly said: A girl's mood is like a June day, she changes as soon as she says she wants to, she is still crying in front of her, and she smiles when she eats delicious food.I am more than 50 people, and I want you to treat a teenage girl, do you have money... Hey, you are really rich!

As far as he knows, Mr. Yan has to give his daughter 1 yuan in pocket money every month.In addition, Wang Dong will also give some in order to please his daughter.During the holidays, the little girl will receive hundreds of thousands of red envelopes every time.

In contrast, my own income is not as much as a month's pocket money.

 Add another chapter, I wish everyone a happy new year, and all wishes come true in 2022.

(End of this chapter)

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