Blind Box Life Show

Chapter 125 End of this testimonial

Chapter 125 End of this testimonial
This book has been written for several days, because May Day has just passed, and there are too many things at hand, so it is delayed until now, which can be regarded as a late testimonial.

I have always wanted to write a novel about the college entrance examination, about young people who are facing the college entrance examination.It's a pity that the author has been away from his college entrance examination for many years, and now looking back, his memory is a little fuzzy.Maybe studying was too boring and annoying at that time, so I subconsciously forgot about it.

It's a pity that my family conditions were not bad back then, my parents hadn't divorced, and I didn't have any ideas about the future, so I just took the exam in a daze, and naturally I couldn't get into the school I wanted.

In fact, I also had Zhou Feiyang's nonsense and willfulness when he was in junior high school.At that time, I remember that I used to play in the Internet cafe for half a month without sleep, eat instant noodles when I was hungry, and collapse on the chair for a while when I was tired.Unkempt hair, full eyes.The eyes are dull and the ideal is lost.

At that time, I was still a little desperate. I felt that there was no future in life, no goal in life, so let’s enjoy ourselves while we are alive.

Until one early morning in winter, when I came out of an Internet cafe with no money left, I suddenly had a very, very craving for fermented glutinous rice eggs. That kind of desire was unforgettable.Only then did I realize that it was time to make money.

That is to say, from that time on, I didn't like sweets very much, because the past was really unbearable.

I also matured late, and I was confused when I fell in love, got married, and had children. I was muddled, and when I got mixed up, I got mixed up in an independent business, and only then realized the difficulty of life.

I remember that after receiving our salary every month, the two of us have to calculate how to spend, don't mess with the moonlight, and have nothing to eat at the end of the month.Therefore, when we have money, we all subconsciously buy a lot of vegetables.For example, raw meat usually buys about [-] catties, divides it, wraps it in plastic bags and puts it in the freezer.Green leafy vegetables are not durable, so we buy tomatoes and potatoes and eat them for a month.Every meal time, looking around, either Tomato or Potato, eat a psychological shadow.

Every grain of rice has to be bought by yourself, and you have to calculate the water bill when you go to relieve your hands.You no longer have anyone to rely on, but you have become others to rely on.

Fortunately, Feiyang has a beautiful love, a beautiful family, and a bright future. This is my original intention for writing this book.What is missing in life, let him realize it in the story.

The writing process of this book has not been smooth, and I personally feel that the writing is not ideal, so a lot of space has been compressed.However, there are still a lot of gains, at least I have a direct understanding of this genre, and I know how to write in the future.You have to do it to get something.

At the end of the novel, the author had some physical problems, took medicine for a long time, often went to the hospital, and even dared not go out, thinking wildly for a while.

It's good to take it slow.

A healthy body is indeed the foundation of everything.

Please God bless me to continue to be healthy, continue to work, and continue to write.

I was born ordinary and will continue to be ordinary. Writing is one of my few hobbies.In art, the soul is sent, and the body of a mortal is comparable to a god.

There are not many readers and few collections of realistic novels, so the support of every reader makes me very touched, as if I am sitting with old friends I have known for many years, in teahouses, cafes, or park benches On the next day, show a book and read the spring breeze of peaches and plums.

Tao Li does not say anything, but our hearts are together.

Looking forward to reuniting with friends next book.


(End of this chapter)

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