Chapter 20

"Old Xu, you said that our property center is also a workplace. Then let me ask you, in the workplace, is it true that no one wants it once you pass 35?" On this day, Zhou Shanshui went to the property manager, Lao Xu, as usual. Make tea in the office.

Old Xu asked him what was wrong, and he didn't seem too emotional.

After hearing Zhou Shanshui talk about his ex-wife's promotion and salary increase, he smiled and said that an annual salary of one million is a good thing, remember to treat.

Zhou Shanshui said, if this happens, I will naturally treat you to Mala Tang.I just feel a little uncomfortable. You said, the country has a population of 13 billion, and an estimated 35 to [-] is only [-] million. Could it be that other people are useless and useless, so why should they be fired?
Old Xu chuckled and said, what are you worried about, the company won't fire you.Didn’t you always say that you are the concierge Mr. Zhou? The job of property management has its own special features. The requirements for employees are to be careful, patient, and friendly—this is the trait of a middle-aged person who has been hammered by the iron fist of society— —So, you see, the employees in our property are basically middle-aged.When the head office is recruiting, they also require that they be married and have children.Young people in their early twenties, with a lot of energy and energy, who are prone to quarrel with the owner, they cannot be recruited.

Even if it is a security guard, the older ones are used, and the young men are not accepted.

Hearing what he said, Zhou Shanshui was surprised. He asked, the requirement of this security guard is that he should be in good health and able to fight hard. Only a strong and strong guy can subdue the bad guy. Why can't he ask for it?If the old man is used as a security guard, how can the combat effectiveness be guaranteed?

Old Xu, security guards are just security guards, not policemen, and have no power to enforce the law.Even if you encounter bad guys, you can only refuse to a certain extent, if you really can't do it, call the police.They beat people up indiscriminately, and if they break it, they will not only lose money, but also have to bear criminal responsibility.

Zhou Shanshui laughed: "That is."

Speaking of his wife's promotion and salary increase, his heart suddenly moved: "Old Xu, it's already November, and there are only a few dozen days before the end of this year. Are you sure about the end of the year?"

The management of the property group company is actually quite humane, and it is not harsh on employees. At the end of the year, they will give everyone red envelopes.

Not to mention the headquarters, in the property centers below, a general manager like Lao Xu still has tens of thousands of yuan, a department manager is about [-] yuan, and ordinary employees such as Zhou Shanshui can earn three to five thousand yuan.

Although the money is not much, for Lao Zhou, who is the poorest and only has 200 yuan in allowances every month, it is a windfall, which can ensure a good year for the family of three.

Hearing him ask, Old Xu was a little distressed, and said, didn’t the headquarters set up a Jiabao APP this year, how to evaluate the performance not only should refer to the usual work performance, but also introduce a scoring mechanism for the owners, and the above has not yet come up with the charter, Wait!
Zhou Shanshui said, then wait, anyway, it can be finalized next month.

Old Xu: "By the way, the headquarters has newly appointed a general manager, who is a professional manager. The new official took office and said that he would go through all the properties within a month. He will come tomorrow, and we must be prepared Work, don't be burned by others."

He looked a little worried.

Zhou Shanshui comforted: "Where is our community, a harmonious community, a civilized community, it has been recognized by the street and awarded a card. What are you worried about, old Xu? It's important to mention the year-end award when the boss comes."

Old Xu: "Tacky."

Zhou Shanshui: "If you only get a salary of more than 4000 yuan a month, you may be more vulgar than me."

Comrade Zhou's words reminded Xu.

After coming down, Manager Xu thought about it all night. The idea of ​​a harmonious community and a civilized community is very insightful. You can report to the big leaders according to this idea.

On the second day, the new general manager of the headquarters visited Renhe Xincheng Property Center.

His surname is Wang Jianguo, he is in his forties, and his name has a sense of the times, but he seems quite energetic. After inspecting the community, he called all the management personnel for a meeting.

In addition to Lao Xu, the participants included the security captain, the manager of the engineering department, and twelve gold butlers.

First, Lao Xu reported on his work. Wang Jianguo spoke highly of what he called a harmonious community and a civilized community, saying that a harmonious and civilized community is the foundation of a happy life.Our community is a high-end real estate, and the level of the owners is also high.The level I mentioned refers not only to their material foundation, but also specifically to their cultural literacy.In the final analysis, our property company is a service industry, and its main job is to provide owners with a good living environment.In addition to hardware, such as community greening, security, and sanitation, this environment also has humanistic care... According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs... Visible services are one aspect, and everyone should do a good job in invisible places Work...and so on.

Anyway, in a word, all the owners have status, status and quality, and their requirements are also high, so your awareness must keep up.

After finishing his opening remarks, Wang Jianguo talked about the future IPO of the headquarters and put forward many rectification requirements.

In fact, the IPO matter has nothing to do with everyone. Listen to Zhou Shanshui and others, they are more concerned about the evaluation criteria of the year-end awards.

So, everyone gave each other winks to see who could lead the conversation to this aspect first.Unexpectedly, Lao Xu was discouraged, and pretended not to see with drooping eyelids.

As the leader, he retreated, and everyone was a little discouraged, and they were unwilling to be the leader.

Mr. Wang talked for a long time, looked at his watch, and stood up with a smile: "It's getting late, today's meeting will end here. In addition to Renhe Xincheng, I also run a few property companies, so I won't be here with you." Eat here."

He got up and walked to the lobby of the property. Seeing that he was about to go out, and the damn old Xu was too worried and silent, Zhou Shanshui became anxious: "Mr. Wang, please stay."

Wang Jianguo smiled: "Your name is Zhou Shanshui, and you are the housekeeper Jin here. Is there anything else you can do?"

Zhou Shanshui: "Mr. Wang, I heard that this year's year-end evaluation standards are different from previous years. I would like to ask Mr. Wang what the standards are. Compared with last year, whether it has increased or decreased. The most important thing is when will the results be released? Time to post it."

Mr. Wang still smiled and said: "The plan hasn't come up yet, it's to be determined. Lao Zhou, it's only November now, isn't it too early to talk about the end of the year?"

Zhou Shanshui: "It's not too early. The efficiency of large companies is notoriously low. Now the company is pursuing an IPO. When I get busy, I forget about it. Our income is low, like me. Well, there are thousands of housing mortgages every month, and there is a doll who is going to take the college entrance examination. The money is tight every month, and I can’t squeeze out any extra cents. It’s the end of the year. Let’s settle down and we can make arrangements.”

Wang Jianguo, who was still friendly just now, frowned: "Old Zhou, I think, we people in the workplace, don't ask what the company has done for us, but first ask what you have paid for the company?"

Seeing his unkind expression, Lao Xu hurriedly said: "Shanshui, don't say a few words." He was distressed in his heart, Shanshui didn't know what kind of evil it was today, there were too many nonsense, and talking too much would be bad food.

Zhou Shanshui was still rambling: "Mr. Wang, I think my colleagues and I have done a good job and meet the requirements of the headquarters."

Mr. Wang has never seen this kind of employee who praises himself unceremoniously, so he laughed angrily: "I don't want you to think, I want the headquarters to think. The company has standards for your evaluation, and everything depends on data."

"Then Mr. Wang, show your standards!" Zhou Shanshui refused to accept, and was about to continue talking.

Suddenly, the door in the center of the property was kicked open by myself, and two people broke in.The leader shouted: "Zhou Shanshui, who is Zhou Shanshui, stand up for me!"

Both are women, one old and one young.

The old middle-aged woman was in her early fifties, not tall, as thin as a vine, with dark skin, and deep wrinkles around her eyes. It seemed that she had suffered a lot, and then it was all worth it.

This can be seen from her attire.

The middle-aged women are covered with famous brands, and the logos on their clothes are very large and eye-catching.A thick gold chain hung around his neck, and six rings were wrapped around his ten fingers. He was very rich.

As for the girl in front of her, about twenty or so, she was dressed in another outrageous attire.

(End of this chapter)

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