Chapter 36
Not only Zhou Shanshui was confused about this matter, but even Zheng Zheng himself was puzzled.He knew Xu Run, and he had dug.

Ms. Xu is indeed a capable person, capable of fighting in sales, and has a strong personality.It's a pity that she is a woman, and she is too old to meet the requirements of the workplace.Moreover, now they are all going online, and the era of the older generation of salespeople has passed.

The struggle of ordinary people is important, but it will be affected by the great era.

Very helpless.

Zhou Shanshui followed solemnly to the Hailan office in a daze and went up to the [-]th floor of the building.

This area is the CBD center of the airport area, with office buildings and warehouses within a radius of ten kilometers. From time to time, planes take off and land in the distance, creating a busy scene.

The unit that saw the work was called "Tengyun Construction Engineering", the full name is Tengyun Construction Engineering Company, which fits Zhou Shanshui's current state of being confused.

The company is not big, and the office area is only three to four hundred square meters.When he got to the ground, he solemnly handed Zhou Shanshui to a girl at the front desk, and left by himself.

Did the girl say it was Mr. Zhou Shanshui? The boss is waiting for you in the office. She has a tight schedule and is going out soon. Please follow me.

He took him into a large office.

The office is really big, at least seventy square meters, with huge floor-to-ceiling glass windows, and the city scenery is excellent from here.

An elegant and beautiful middle-aged lady was sitting behind a desk busy with something. Seeing Zhou Shanshui, she stood up with a smile: "Shanshui, welcome to join the Tengyun family."

"Ah, it's you, Mother An'an!" Zhou Shanshui widened his eyes.

That's right, the boss of Tengyun Construction Engineering turned out to be Wang Anan's mother, Ms. Yan Luying.

Yan Luying looked at Zhou Shanshui calmly: "Why, you don't like my little place?"

Zhou Shanshui was embarrassed: "I'm just a janitor, do I deserve to look down on you? I, I, I, I just feel very surprised?"

Yan Luying sat in front of the teahouse, made Kung Fu tea for Zhou Shanshui, and asked him if he smoked.Dao, Shanshui, last time Feiyang worked in my house, I chatted with him for a long time, and I know about your family’s situation.We can also be regarded as friends. If you have a situation, I think as friends, we should give some help.

Zhou Shanshui quickly shook his head and said, Mother An An, I am very moved by your kindness, and I appreciate it.However, I don't think I meet your company's employment requirements. To put it bluntly, if I were your office director, I would be unworthy of virtue.

He was also surprised that he and Yan Luying were just two-faced, they were just acquaintances, not friends, she really didn't need to be so concerned about him, this is too embarrassing?
Yan Luying looked at her watch: "Shanshui, I just asked you if you need this job. As for whether you are qualified for this job, it should not be judged by yourself. Many times, we don't know how much energy we have, and how capable we are. What kind of things have you accomplished and what heights have you reached? I have something to go out soon, so you can take a look with us first, and stay and work if you feel good."

Zhou Shanshui really needed this job, for himself, for Xu Run, and for his son. 2 yuan is enough for a warm family to live a comfortable and decent life.

When people reach middle age, they actually don't have much desire, what they want is to be decent.

People in Basin Province are not afraid of death, only fear of being unseemly and uncomfortable.For the comfort and dignity of his wife and children, he is willing to do anything.

After Xu Run left the company in a hurry, Vice President Shen came over and showed Zhou Shanshui around and introduced the situation.

Vice President Shen was very polite to Zhou Shanshui, saying that he had seen Feiyang, a very good and excellent child, who had a ruthless spirit and would become a great weapon in the future.Seeing him is like seeing Mr. Yan and Wang Donggang when they started their business. Their husband and wife were also very ruthless. They were ruthless to themselves and the people around them. Otherwise, they would not have achieved what they are today.

The scale of Tengyun Construction is small, and there are about [-] employees in the headquarters, which are divided into six departments: marketing department, economic cooperation department, engineering department, finance department, material department and office.

Each of the seven departments has separate offices, and the supervisor is alone in a room, while other staff gather in the lobby outside to facilitate communication.

As the name suggests, the marketing department runs projects, while the economic cooperation department is responsible for reviewing contracts, which is equivalent to legal affairs, but much more professional.

The engineering department is responsible for contacting and supervising the construction parties below. After the introduction, Vice President Shen said that the company has more than 20 project managers below. The engineering department tracks and controls the quality throughout the process. To put it simply, it is supervision.

The material department is in charge of material machinery.

Finally, Vice President Shen led him to the office.

The room in the company's office is quite small, and it is a bit crowded after putting two computer desks, a filing cabinet and a pair of sofas.There was also a clerk in his thirties, surnamed Liu, after hearing Vice President Shen's introduction to Zhou Shanshui, he hurriedly called out "Director Zhou."

Private enterprises are not comparable to state-owned enterprises or large companies. They only send and receive hair, tea and read newspapers every day.The office is responsible for the security of data files, and is also responsible for personnel recruitment, salary review, and external liaison.Every time a new project is opened, it is extremely important to be responsible for allocating personnel and mobilizing resources to the managerial department, which is equivalent to the director of human resources.

He used to be in charge of this job. However, he was a technical background and wanted to make more money by working on the next project. Plus, he was getting older and couldn't stand trivialities.Therefore, the company decided to recruit an office director.

After recruiting several times, I didn't think it was suitable. In the end, Mr. Yan got annoyed, so he directly called Zhou Shanshui's name and asked the headhunter to dig.

Although Zhou Shanshui is also a veteran worker, he has done manual labor and white-collar workers, but the biggest product manager is only a product manager. He leads himself, and he really lacks the confidence to do a solo job like an office.

It wasn't until Vice President Shen found out all the information about a project manager department that will start work in the near future that Zhou Shanshui realized that he was not capable enough, and he might not be able to do the job.

Starting a new project is not that simple. It involves who should be selected to cooperate with the new project manager, how each person's salary, commission, and rewards are calculated, and how the headquarters supervises.

Comrade Zhou had never touched these things before, so how could he understand them, especially some of the engineering drawings, which were like a bible to him.

Zhou Shanshui is not spineless, just dawdling in fish and pretending to be a fool is too hurtful for his self-esteem.

But... 2 yuan a month!
The pile of information is full of numbers, formulas, English letters and Greek letters. Zhou Shanshui, a liberal arts student, can't understand it at all, but he has to pretend to be confident. This is so embarrassing that his vest is sweating
I don't know how long it took before Vice President Shen came over again: "Okay, it's getting late, I have already notified the heads of various departments to have dinner together, and I plan to meet with Director Zhou and communicate with each other, so that we can cooperate well in the future .”

He was so enthusiastic, and Zhou Shanshui was reluctant to go, so he went to the restaurant with everyone, chatted while eating, and got some information.

Tengyun Construction Engineering was newly established the year before last. At that time, Mr. Yan and Mr. Wang were arguing for divorce, and they were quarreling.Mr. Yan and Mr. Wang are both the co-founders of the "Da Fei" UAV. The incident between the two caused a social impact and seriously frustrated the company's stock price, which made the board of directors extremely dissatisfied.

Moreover, the family business of the two is too big, and there are too many entanglements about equity, stock and debt, and they can't be cut short for a while, and the divorce is put on hold until now.

Boss Yan and Dong Wang met each other at the company and got bored with each other, so she stopped going in a fit of rage.But he couldn't stay idle, and got this construction engineering company.

At the beginning, Tengyun's business was good, but in the past two years it has gone from bad to worse, showing signs of bankruptcy.

However, Mr. Yan's annual dividends from Dafei are very good, and subsidizing Tengyun can only be regarded as a drizzle, and it is just a play to pass the time, so he doesn't care.

She doesn't care, the people below are in a hurry!

One day you Boss Yan got tired of playing, closed the company, and returned to Dafei as a member of the board of directors, where will everyone go to eat?
The executives in all the companies were very worried. How could they relieve their worries? Only Du Kang, Vice President Shen asked the waiter to bring a box of Wuliangye, and asked Director Zhou if he drank.He also said that a case of strong wine might not be finished.

Vice President Shen smiled and said, I don't know what Director Zhou worked for before. I think it must be a big company, otherwise he wouldn't have been sitting at his desk for a long time and caused problems with his cervical spine.Our road and bridge business is not the same as that of a big company. The company’s cadres all started working on construction sites. They drilled valleys every day and dealt with fellow villagers. If you don’t drink, you can’t do your job.

Speaking of this, he said with emotion that he likes to be active but not to be quiet. Now that Director Zhou is here, he just happens to start a project and resume his old business.I'm happy, I have to drink to my heart's content today.

Zhou Shanshui talks a lot, so he gets along with everyone happily when drinking.However, as everyone drank and drank, they naturally talked about work again, and the new director Zhou couldn't understand again.

He felt dejected in his heart, and blamed himself: am I not a dead man?
Everyone drank about half a catty and was slightly drunk. Yan Luying called and asked if everyone was still there, and said to come right away to meet Director Zhou.

Mr. Yan attached great importance to Zhou Shanshui, and everyone couldn't help giving him another high-level look.The director of the office of Tengyun Construction Engineering has the core information of the company, and Douban cannot do it if it is not the boss's caring, such as the former Vice President Shen.

It's a pity that Lao Shen is too old to work for a few years.Mr. Yan thought that this veteran cadre had been with him for more than ten years, and he would have to end up in retirement, so he asked him to start a project to earn some pension.

Sure enough, when Yan Luying arrived, she was carrying a large bag full of books and materials.She sat directly next to Zhou Shanshui and said, we all know each other. Director Zhou is my good friend. What's more, his son and my daughter An An are classmates.I estimate that I will be very busy for a while, and I will not be at the company for a lot of time.When I was away, I asked Director Zhou for something, and if Shanshui couldn't handle it, please tell me.Director Zhou is trustworthy, I trust him.

Then he toasted Zhou Shanshui with a glass of wine.

After Zhou Shanshui finished drinking, his heart moved, and he asked, Mr. Yan really plans to teach the children homework when he comes down?

Yan Luying sighed, otherwise, what else can happen, the company can be reopened if it closes down, and it can be made again if it loses money.But the child's third year of high school is only the last half year, and if he misses it, his whole life will be ruined.Shanshui, why do you just drink, eat vegetables, and eat vegetables.

I used the serving chopsticks to pick up a piece of shrimp balls for Zhou Shanshui and put them on the plate.

Everyone exchanged glances with each other. Judging by Mr. Yan's attitude towards Director Zhou, I'm afraid it's not as simple as a confidant. What is the origin of this person?
Zhou Shanshui couldn't bear Yan Luying's treatment of him like this, and sweat was leaking from his vest.It was a cold day, and he had already sweated several times today.

At this moment, the phone rang, and it was the son's video.

Zhou Shanshui told everyone and ran outside the box.As soon as it was connected, there was a dark living room, and the light was not turned on. Zhou Feiyang said anxiously: "Dad, Mom is crying again."

Zhou Shanshui: "What drama did she watch and she cried?"

Feiyang: "Mom is watching "News Network"."

Zhou Shanshui: "Can you watch the news broadcast and cry?"

Feiyang: "Dad, Mom seems to be crying differently this time than before."

As he spoke, he turned the camera to the side, Xu Run was watching TV, and replayed a scene over and over again.

It turns out that today's TVs are all equipped with boxes, which have many functions. In addition to being able to connect to WIFI, in addition to live programs, they can also replay and order.

Xu Run is ordering a program, the content is that the reporter is interviewing and chatting with the masses, asking "Are you happy?"

The answers of the crowd were varied. For example, a deaf man answered, "My surname is Feng."

This has become a well-known funny joke.

Xu Run looked at it repeatedly with the remote control, and muttered upside down: "My surname is Xu, and there are many Xus. I have many dreams. I thought about flying to the sky. Only at a high place can I fly I can see everything I want to see clearly. But in reality, there are many unsatisfactory things. After the bird’s wings are tied with a heavy load, I can’t fly... I fall to the ground and can only stagger forward, but... this is not what I want The life I want, isn't this..."

In the dim light of the living room, the tears on her face were so eye-catching.

Xu Run is a woman. She also has emotional moments and tears, but she is still very strong in her heart. It is the first time that she has shown her weakness by washing her face with tears like today.

It is indeed like Feiyang talking, this time crying seems to be different from before.

In an instant, Zhou Shanshui felt as if someone had gouged out his heart with a knife, and the pain was terribly painful.What else could he say, he could only tell his son, Dad is busy with important matters now, take care of her, and I will rush home as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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