Blind Box Life Show

Chapter 43 Mom's Taste

Chapter 43 Mom's Taste

Zhou Shanshui bought an electronic scale, and weighed the cut vegetables and seasonings on it every day when cooking.

What he cooked this evening was boiled beef, a typical Sichuan dish.

Raw materials: one catty of beef, sliced; half catty of white radish, shredded; one piece of ginger; 50 grams of pepper noodles; 50 grams of pepper noodles; two taels of chopped green onion; Two, diced; one or two garlic; some gorgon powder...

In this way, the meal is a little slow to cook.

Xu Run became impatient: "Shan Shui, you are a quick person, how can you make a meal like this?"

She has been at work for some time, is extremely busy, and rarely eats at home in the evening.I just flew back from out of town today, tired and hungry, not feeling restless.

Zhou Shanshui smiled and said, I am teaching your boss how to cook!
He probably told Xu Run about Yan Luying taking the child home and needing to cook for the child and help with homework.He also said, like you, Mr. Yan doesn't stick to the spring water with his ten fingers, and he doesn't know anything about housework.Others are okay, they can be solved with money, but the problem of food can only be relied on by oneself.What to do if you don’t know how to cook, learn, just find me as a teacher.

The problem is, Boss Yan doesn't have any idea about cooking, so you tell her how much chili noodles and how much salt.People ask you how much is how much, how do you answer.No matter what, it has to be implemented on the data, and it has to be accurate.Therefore, every time I cut the material, I will put the raw material on the scale and weigh it.

While talking, he asked again: "Madam, how is this business trip?"

When talking about work, Xu Run beamed with joy.She replied that she went to H province this time, and there was a project there.Although there are only about 50 people in the company's headquarters, there are more than a dozen project teams below.The projects are all contracted to the project manager, and the manager finds the construction team to start the project, and the headquarters only supervises it... and so on.

In the past, Yan Luying did all the project inspections by herself, but recently, because she was busy with her children, she couldn't travel far.Therefore, a lot of work was carried out to Xu Run, the head of the office.

In fact, Xu Run didn't get off the plane until twelve noon today. As soon as he landed, he went back to the company to interview ten fresh graduates who applied for the job.

Xu Run said with emotion: "A month ago, I was still worrying about finding a job. I submitted resumes one after another, and was interviewed over and over again. Unexpectedly, it was my turn to interview others now. I really couldn't explain the things in life. "

She yawned and said again: "Yes, Mr. Yan's daughter goes home to study. This child is at the most critical stage in his life, and nutrition must be guaranteed. Eating out every day, not to mention extravagance, but also It is unhygienic, the key is that the restaurant has too much food and the nutrition is not balanced. It is my responsibility to serve the boss, and it is also my support for my work that you teach Mr. Yan well.”

Zhou Shanshui: "That must be supported."

After weighing the ingredients and sending them to Yan Luying, Zhou Shanshui started cooking and videotaped the whole process.

In a short while, a pot of hot, oily and red boiled beef came out of the pot.

The aroma is overflowing, too thick to melt.

Both Xu Run and Zhou Feiyang said it was delicious after eating it, and they both said, "Master Zhou, the concierge, has improved his craftsmanship again."

In the end, even the soup base is used to make rice.

As for Yan Luying, it's another look.

Wang Anan's mother and daughter were dumbfounded looking at the bowl of black and sticky boiled meat.

Mr. Yan: "That's not right, I made it strictly according to your Uncle Zhou's ingredients, and the thick Gorgon fruit was also weighed on a scale, so why did it turn into paste?"

He picked up another chopsticks dish and put it in his mouth, it was so salty that his throat was hit.

"It's so salty, what's going on?"

"It's not salty, it's tasteless." An An said.

"Isn't it salty?"

"It's really not salty." An An took a piece of meat and handed it over.

Mr. Yan tasted it, but it really didn't smell at all.

She was a little confused, and felt that cooking was more difficult than solving a calculus.

Chinese food is really a mystery.

Seeing her mother depressed, An An suddenly gloated a little in her heart: "You can't."

Yan Luying became angry from embarrassment: "Eat yours."

Wang Anan said leisurely: "The most important part of other people's childhood memories is the food made by their mother, but the taste of my mother in my memory is a nightmare. Let's go to the hotel, Mom, I know a seafood porridge is very good of."

For dinner on the second day, the menu passed by Zhou Shanshui was watercress fish.When Yan Luying tidied up the big carp in a hurry, the iron pot for boiling oil was already on fire.

She looked at the flames in astonishment, then screamed, and hugged An An: "Run, run away! Quickly, call the property manager and call you Uncle Zhou. An An, I can't die. Mom can't live without you."

Wang Anan was angry: "Mr. Yan, if you hold me like this, you will die together. Can't you put the lid on the pot to isolate the air? Do you still have basic knowledge of physics?"

On the third day, Zhou Shanshui's family ate fried turtle with garlic.

Yan Luying held the kitchen knife and looked at the mighty and unyielding turtle with its head held high and its small eyes rolling viciously, and instantly lost its courage.Called and questioned: "Shanshui, why does your family eat so well? This way of life is unhealthy, unsustainable, and inhumane."

She was a little distraught.

Zhou Shanshui was very helpless: "I had some personal financial problems a while ago, and the quality of life has dropped drastically. I am very sorry for my family. Isn't this a compensation baby?"

Yan Luying: "I don't care, you call the property right away to take this thing away, I don't want to see its mocking face."

After finishing speaking, he slapped An An next to him: "Make you laugh, make you laugh!"

An An cheered: "I went out to eat again, Mr. Yan, I want to eat a big copper pot."

"I think you are like a big copper pot. Tonight, I will eat boiled chicken breast, boiled broccoli, and boiled eggs."

Wang Anan's complexion changed drastically: "I want to sue, accuse you of child abuse."

Poached chicken breast, poached broccoli, and poached eggs are the taste of my mother. Bad memory.

Yan Luying completely gave up on learning to cook for her daughter.

Zhou Shanshui was very strange and said, Mr. Yan, when you were studying abroad, didn't you always cook by yourself, why are you being punished now?

Yan Luying answered distressedly that when she was studying abroad, she used to buy vegetables that had been cut, washed, and prepared with ingredients in the supermarket, and then she would take them home and fry them in a pan or bake them in an oven.Everything can be digitized, unlike Chinese food, which is all based on experience.

Zhou Shanshui said worriedly, when the doll is in the body, it's not the way to grow up if you see how to deal with it like this.

Yan Luying: "Anyway, An'an will have a meal in the school cafeteria every day, and eat less at night to lose weight. She is indeed a bit fat, so that's good."

Zhou Shanshui: "Not fat, she is quite a cute little girl."

"Are you cute?" Yan Luying saw the sarcasm smile on the chubby face next to her, her heart ached, her hands couldn't help itching, and she scolded: "Eat quickly, eat quickly, and do your homework after eating. Is it unpalatable? That’s right. There is a saying, eating is like taking medicine. Yes, this medicine cures the problems you didn’t ask for yourself.”

Seeing the murderous look on his mother's face, Wang Anan was frightened, and quickly stuffed the chicken breast into his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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