Chapter 50
There is no one who knows a son like a father, so naturally Zhou Shanshui can't hide his son's thoughts.

He is also helpless, knowledge is priceless, a teacher of Yan Luying's level used to pay at least 300 yuan a class.My family already owed others too much, and I couldn't even open my mouth about making up lessons.

In the middle of the night, when Zhou Shanshui was lying on the bed watching the video, Xu Run flushed, smelling of alcohol, and rushed home with a bag in his hand.

Zhou Shanshui sat up suddenly: "My wife is back, did you drink again? Do you want to wash your feet? I'll fetch water."

Xu Run giggled: "Shanshui, lie down for me."

Zhou Shanshui fell down and asked suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

Before he finished speaking, Xu Run opened the bag, and scattered two stacks of red bills all over the bed with a swipe: "The salary is paid, I took the cash."

Zhou Shanshui shook his head: "Crazy, whoever still uses cash now withdraws it, and tomorrow I have to go to the bank's ATM to deposit it."

Xu Run continued to smile and said, I just want to see how much 2 yuan in cash is. Shanshui's monthly income of [-] yuan is really good.When I was shopping in the mall, when I saw the price tag, I felt guilty, my palms sweated, and I felt sorry for myself.When I was shopping online, I only dared to fight my father, and I kept finding people to help me bargain, so that everyone was afraid that I would bother me.Today, I downloaded Goudong, and I emptied the shopping cart in one go, it was so cool and comfortable, I have never been so happy.

Shanshui, you said that when I was a poor person, why didn’t I know that a rich life would be so enjoyable?
Zhou Shanshui said with a smile, didn't you say that money doesn't matter, the key is to like this job, like challenges, and achieve your ideals?

Xu Run replied that an ideal tree needs to be rooted in the real soil, and your soil is too barren.

Zhou Shanshui: "You come again."

Actually a little depressed.

Xu Run patted his head: "What's the matter, why don't you let me tell you?"

"Don't pick me up."

"I will, I will pick you up."

"I'm going to resist." Zhou Shanshui was so annoyed that he scratched the armpit of his ex-wife and sister.

Xu Run couldn't stand the itch, he giggled into a ball, and retreated into his ex-husband's arms, his eyes blurred: "Shan Shui, how many times have we broken the law this month?"

Zhou Shanshui was terrified: "It's been five times, and I feel so guilty." Once this woman lives comfortably, her career improves, and she is in a good mood, she is really not easy to mess with.

The so-called, four or eight good people have a human body like a crisp, and a long sword in their waist beheads a fool.

"Life must have a sense of ritual. I agree with you breaking the law again."

Zhou Shanshui's cervical spondylosis relapsed today, he couldn't hold on anymore, and was shocked: "Please let me go."

Xu Run was furious: "I just won't let you go, be honest and don't move."

So, the two violated the secular morals once again.

Just as he was enjoying himself, Zhou Feiyang's voice of reading suddenly sounded outside: "There is a fish in the north, and its name is Kun. The size of Kun is so big, I don't know how many thousands of miles away it is; when it turns into a bird, its name is Peng. The back of Peng, I don't know It is thousands of miles away; it flies in anger, its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky."

It is the text of the first half of the third year of Chinese, Zhuangzi's "Xiaoyaoyou".

Zhou Shanshui hurriedly escaped from Xu Run's control, got dressed and went to the living room.

I saw my son Zhou Feiyang sitting on the stove in the kitchen, holding a book, reading aloud while looking at the night sky outside.

The city was brightly lit, and the stars in the sky were shining brightly, all reflected in his eyes.

The young man is bathed in dots, wandering in the ocean of fate, longing for the red sun that gushes out at dawn.

Yes, he is longing, longing for Aunt Yan's tutoring class, longing for all opportunities to change his life, longing for any opportunity of "May the young man ride the wind and waves".

Zhou Shanshui seemed to be blocked by something in his heart, and he couldn't say a word.

A long time ago, Lao Zhou realized that he was just an ordinary person, no different from more ordinary people on the street.For life, he doesn't have too many pursuits, he only wants to have a house to live in, a stable income, and a bite to eat.

Most of the pain in life comes from thinking too much but not being able to realize it. This is what the Buddhists say.

He has adjusted his mentality a long time ago and turned into a peaceful and optimistic person.

Now that Xu Run divorced him, he could face it calmly.But at this moment, he felt pain.

After Zhou Shanshui quietly returned to the room, Xu Run had fallen asleep, but he tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.Yes, I am willing to be ordinary, but the child's life has just begun.He is too mature and outstanding, not as mature and outstanding as a child born to heartless parents.

I am really sorry that he was born into such an ordinary family.

Lao Zhou lay on the bed for a long time, and his cervical spondylosis broke out again. He felt severe shoulder pain, so he simply got dressed and got up, and was going to tidy up the room until he was tired.

At present, besides books, there are still books at home. There are Feiyang's supplementary materials and exercise sets, and Xu Run's professional books.

He classified them one by one, and suddenly, a dusty "Ancient Chinese Literary Works Selected Notes" appeared in front of him. It was his textbook when he was in college, and the memory of his student days came alive instantly.

Twenty years have passed, and I have experienced love, marriage, childbirth, divorce, and unemployment. I didn't lose this book, and followed me around Chengdu.

Zhou Shanshui became interested, opened the book, and read page by page, Han Yuefu, Cai Wenji's "Poetry of Sadness and Anger", Cao Pi's "Dian Lun", "Zhou Chu", these things seem to be useless after graduating from university Pass.

But...knowledge is always good.

After flipping quickly, he found "Modern Chinese", "Ancient Chinese", "Official Document Writing" and "Writing". He stroked the cover of the book, feeling extremely sad in his heart.

The next morning, seeing Zhou Shanshui with panda eyes, Old Xu smiled and said, "Shanshui, have you had an affair with Xu Run again?"

In the local dialect, ostomy sin means quarrel.

Zhou Shanshui said "commit a crime" and said that when he was cleaning the room last night, he found the textbooks from his college days, and he became interested. Seeing early morning, old Xu, do you still have your books?
Old Xu smiled and said, that thing is not suitable for eating or drinking, and it weighs on the scale, so it is inconvenient to carry, and it will be sold as scrap the day you get your graduation certificate.Shanshui, you are so excited that you are still reading.

Zhou Shanshui said with emotion, when I was studying, I thought of many things. I remembered that when we were together, we went to class together, went to the cafeteria to cook together, and squeezed into a bed. We were really poor at that time!
"Wait, what you said sounds weird." Old Xu's face suddenly changed: "Shan Shui, you won't ask me to pay back the money again?"

Zhou Shanshui: "At that time, I was so poor that I was going crazy. We talked about how to make money every day, and discussed where to work during the holidays. By the way, you and I were tricked into washing cotton that year. After working for a month, the boss ran away. gone."

"When I think about it, we are really miserable. We don't even have the travel expenses to go home, and we can walk forty kilometers." Old Xu laughed: "Later, we saw that entering the factory was unreliable, and we learned how to do it. Go teach someone."

Zhou Shanshui said: "That's right, that's right, you came up with the idea. We printed flyers about tutoring and posted them all over the street."

Old Xu: "Don't say it, this method is good. Others see that the college students in the teacher's college are majoring in education, so they invite us to teach Chinese and teach children to write essays. But they don't know, you and I are both Wei Peisheng is not an education specialist. By the way, the off-campus tutoring institutions are illegal recently and have been closed. I heard people say that many parents give their own children tutoring. You don’t want to give tutoring to my son Feiyang Well, where did your confidence come from?"

Old Xu satirized Zhou Shanshui and said, pull you down, there is an owner of our small household who is doing renovations, you come to see if there is any illegal construction.The owner asked you how to calculate the radius of the arc on the balcony, is it necessary to use the Pythagorean theorem and the complete difference of squares, are you confused?

I haven't studied for more than 20 years. As far as your level of education is concerned, I'm afraid it has degraded to the elementary school level. Why do you go to make up lessons for Xueba?
Speaking of this, he touched his head and said with emotion: "If we really go back to the time when we were studying and do tutoring, I guess we can only teach elementary school students."

Zhou Shanshui was really tempted to go to the battle to make up for Zhou Feiyang in person. If he is not good at mathematics, physics and chemistry, he can always deal with Chinese.Hearing what Lao Xu said, he dismissed the attention.

You can't mislead your children, especially your own children.

The two chatted again, and Old Xu suddenly said: "Shanshui, I applied for a welfare for you, and you have a fixed income of 200 yuan per month. How can you thank me?"

Zhou Shanshui was overjoyed and said, "I have a fixed income of 200 yuan a month. That's a good relationship. The pocket money Xu Run gave me was only [-] yuan."Wouldn't it be cool to have this extra income?If you treat me as a brother, you have to hide this matter from my wife, and then I will treat you to cold skewers... No, no.

With a move in his heart, he asked, is it the 200 yuan per month for the building manager?
Old Xu nodded and said, the community is divided according to the buildings, and the list of ten building managers has been reported, and you are among them, and the community has also approved it.You take the time to contact the next grid member to see how to cooperate in future work.

Zhou Shanshui was stunned and asked, you really reported me, isn't it appropriate?The prerequisite for being a building manager is the owner of the community, and I can’t afford a house here. If I violate the rules, can the community approve it?

Old Xu: "No violation, Shanshui, don't worry, let me ask you, are you an employee of the property center? Right? Then let me ask you again, is the ground floor 34-1 of the 2 bungalows the property of the property center? The property center Is it the owner?"

The ground floor 34-1 of the 2 bungalows he mentioned is the canteen of the property.

The developer of Renhe New City is the headquarters of the property company headquarters, which is the leading real estate group in the province.


In this way, the property center is also one of the owners.

A while ago, a lot of things happened to Zhou Shanshui's family, which made him feel disgraced.The community is now going to appoint a building manager. Considering that Comrade Zhou’s family situation is a bit difficult, Lao Xu discussed it with other people, and simply put his old classmates in. There is 200 yuan to receive, and at least he can pay the monthly salary. Water and electricity bills will be paid in the past.

Zhou Shanshui has a good relationship with his colleagues and has done an excellent job. It is suitable to be the building manager, and everyone agrees.

In this way, his name was reported to the community by Lao Xu and he was appointed.

Zhou Shanshui was overjoyed, and was about to say thank you when he suddenly remembered something and asked urgently, "Old Xu, am I the building manager in charge of buildings 30 to 75?"

Old Xu: "Exactly."

Zhou Shanshui's complexion changed drastically: "It's terrible."

This area happened to include Yu Jinhua's villa, that is to say, the post of building director that Lao Yu had been striving for was snatched by himself.

In order to be the building manager, Yu Jinhua overwhelmed Lao Wang from Shandong, buying rice cakes for everyone every day. In the group, he shared health knowledge and chicken soup for the soul. He regarded himself as the building manager in every word and deed. end.

With his fiery temper, he didn't tear up Lao Zhou.

Thinking of the serious consequences, Zhou Shanshui's scalp tightened.

There was nothing he could do, and he had no choice but to hide for a while and try not to meet Lao Yu face to face.

For a whole morning, Comrade Zhou stayed depressed in front of the computer in the property center, helping Manager Xu to make reports.

But he didn't know that at this moment his son Zhou Feiyang went to Yan Luying's house again, sitting in front of the small whiteboard, staring at the formulas on it with hungry eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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