Blind Box Life Show

Chapter 52 Copper Stove

Chapter 52 Copper Stove
"First of all, I would like to thank my aunt for giving my mother a job. At least the three of us can get through the economic crisis. This is a timely help, and I will always remember it in my heart." Zhou Feiyang suddenly bowed.

Then slowly raised his head: "Mom has a bad personality. She and Dad have been divorced for two years. If it wasn't for the division of property, or because there was no place to live after the separation, she would have stopped being with Dad a long time ago. She is very strong, It's a pity that my career has not been smooth, and I feel uncomfortable when I look at her eyes. I can understand her. The greatest happiness of a person is to achieve one's ideals. My mother is now in her 40s, and her ideals are getting farther and farther away from her. If I were It’s a pity in life, it’s impossible to live.”

Yan Luying said: "Actually, your mother has done a good job, has a sense of responsibility, and is capable. I gave her a chance, and she took it. You don't need to thank me, because your mother gained a foothold with me based on her own ability. So, you can be proud of your mom."

She touched Zhou Feiyang's head, and asked softly: "Son, when your parents divorced, were you sad? You didn't seem to care. Your father said that you never interfered with your parents' marital status." , he also suspects that you are a heartless guy."

Zhou Feiyang: "Auntie, I'm actually in pain."

Yan Luying: "Son, you..."

Zhou Feiyang's face suddenly became depressed: "I'm not a rock in my heart." As he spoke, he grabbed the Huadiao wine that was placed on the stove for seasoning: "Is it okay?"

Yan Luying just looked at him quietly, her eyes were full of tenderness.

Zhou Feiyang took a sip of rice wine and spoke slowly.

Auntie, let’s say the situation in my family is bad, it’s really unsatisfactory.Parents have huge debts to buy a house, and the monthly mortgage repayment of more than 4000 yuan will cost one person's salary, and the other person's income will be used for food, water, electricity, gas, communication and transportation... There are so many things, they are almost overwhelmed angry.

But other people's life is not like this, we are just an ordinary family, I am actually content with this kind of life.

A person has lived in hard times for a long time, and feels that everything is normal and one can get used to it.

I was not a good child since I was a child, auntie, I was a poor student when I was in junior high school, and I had no idea about the future, and even a little disgusted with reading.Let’s just talk about Chinese, no matter how good you are at learning it, it’s possible that you will become a writer in the future; when you go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, it’s possible that you still use functional equations; being a good Chinese, how can you learn English...

I just want to grow up early, find a job in a factory, get a salary of several thousand dollars a month, buy whatever I want to eat, and recharge the game if I want to fill it up.

Reading is so boring, tired and boring, I want to be free.

That year, my parents got divorced and quarreled at home every day. I was so sad that I bumped my head against the wall until my head was covered with bumps.

I smoke and drink, and when I see anyone who doesn't like me, I beat the fuck up.

"I am so sad."

Having said that, Zhou Feiyang raised his face, not letting the tears roll down his eyes.

"Auntie understands, Auntie understands." Yan Luying looked at him gently: "Later, my son, let's talk, let's talk, I feel better after talking."

Zhou Feiyang took another sip of rice wine and started his own narration.


At that time, my father was fired by the company because he was in a bad mood and had no intention of working because he was divorcing his mother.The mother sees the trouble, and doesn't care about the family affairs.Later, he moved out directly.He didn't come back home until he couldn't bear the cost of living alone.

I used to have 20 yuan pocket money every month. I like playing games, and I like the excitement in Internet cafes.As soon as I have money in my hand, I will go inside, buy clothes, upgrade...

I remember that year I was infected with measles in an Internet cafe. I had a high fever of 39 degrees, and my face was covered with beans. I was burned and confused.

But as soon as I recovered from my illness, I ran over again.

I teamed up with a guy I met inside, and that guy started scolding me for stretching my hips.

I know I'm dragging my teammates down and it's my fault.

However, he shouldn't call me an illegitimate child.

Auntie, this word is very dirty here.An illegitimate child is an illegitimate child, a wild child who has no father to care about or mother to love.

Mom and Dad are going to divorce, so no one will take care of me, I can't stand it.

I fought with him, we used ashtrays, benches, and went to Internet cafes and restaurants to get kitchen knives... I cut the bastard's arm with the knife, and we were both arrested and sent to the police station.

Dad came and begged the police uncle, saying that the child is still young and will take the high school entrance examination soon, so he cannot leave a criminal record.Otherwise, the future will be ruined.

Aunt Yan, I'm just an asshole. I just want to find a place to work and earn money to spend my days. What kind of future do I want?

The police uncle said, yes, he is just a hairy kid, and he can't keep a record.However, this matter has to be forgiven by the injured, otherwise, I will mediate for you.

Dad went to beg the person I injured, saying that it was our fault, please forgive him no matter what, if you have any demands, as long as you say it, I will agree.

The result was a loss of money, 1000 yuan.

But my father didn't. She gave all her monthly salary to her mother, and she only had dozens of pocket money.

Dad begged and said that he was getting divorced, lost his job, and really had no money to pay for it. I apologize to you, or let the police detain me for a week... [-] days is also fine.You can calm down after fifteen days of confinement, Feiyang has to go to school tomorrow!If the child's grades are very good, he will definitely be admitted to a key high school, and will definitely be able to study in Tsinghua University and Peking University in the future.

Seeing that we really had no money, the man finally said, "It's really a private child, bad luck, forget it, you two beggars, get the hell out of me," and then let us go.

My dad and I came out of the police station, expecting him to throw a fit.However, Dad didn't say a word, just walked forward in silence.When he got home, he started cooking.

The family ran out of money, so they steamed a pot of white rice, then mixed it with bean paste, and it was a meal.

The meal was really unpalatable. Dad only ate half a bowl, and finally spoke: "Feiyang, dad is incompetent, wife, wife ran away; son, son sees the sky into trouble, and the future is bleak. Charcoal is made of nature, and it is really bitter to throw people in it and stir fry it!"


Zhou Feiyang burst into tears and said to Yan Luying: "I am heartless, I was so hungry that day, I ate three bowls of rice in one go, then ran back to my room, covered my head with a quilt I cried a lot. I felt the pain for the first time, and felt that I couldn’t go on like this. I studied hard, read hard, read hard. I only slept for four hours a day. I made up all my classes, and I suffered from severe lack of sleep. One night after self-study and school, I was riding a bicycle and turning home, and there was a pile of coal in front of me, so I rushed in and fell flat.”

"I was lying on the coal pile, looking at the sky, I thought a lot, I thought, I will take the senior high school entrance examination soon, I will also take the Qingbei test for diplomatic relations, I will learn computer, I will earn a lot of money to honor my parents! I I can’t die, I’m dead, they won’t have a chance to live a good life in the future. I can’t let my parents down, especially my father!”

Yan Luying reached out and patted Zhou Feiyang's shoulder, her eyes were red.

Zhou Feiyang suddenly felt a little shy, and wiped his face: "I shouldn't talk about family affairs, I'm causing trouble for my aunt."

Yan Luying: "Son, you have done well enough. Your father will always be proud of you and will never be disappointed. If you want to come to Auntie's to make up lessons, just come. I'm very happy that you come. As for doing housework, there is no need. "

Zhou Feiyang shook his head stubbornly: "No, I will do it."

(End of this chapter)

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