Blind Box Life Show

Chapter 62 The Rose in the Schoolbag

Chapter 62 The Rose in the Schoolbag
There is still one week before the final exam. So far, all the subjects of the third year of high school science have been taught, and the next semester will enter the comprehensive review stage.

This final exam is of great significance, just to test whether the students have a firm grasp of the knowledge they have learned in middle school.We must continue to strengthen our strengths and make up for our mistakes and omissions.

Through the test results, students can know what kind of height they can reach in the end.

"I'm so tired. Fortunately, I'll be relieved after another week of exhaustion." Teacher Gao Xiaomei, the head teacher, smiled and said to Li Ping, the Chinese teacher next to him: "Master, did you celebrate the Spring Festival at home? Why don't you make an appointment, and our family will drive to XSBN Basking in the sun?"

Li Ping: "I can't go. My parents are in other provinces, so I have to go back for a reunion, and I have to run for two days on the road. Unlike you, you can live with your parents for a while, and you can go out for a self-driving tour."

Gao Xiaomei graduated from Nantong Normal University. She was assigned to Wutongshu Middle School and did not teach, but went to the Political and Education Office.I worked there for two years before taking up a teaching position.

Back then, Li Ping was also in the Political and Education Office, and Gao Xiaomei was brought out by him.

Later, Li Ping also gave many useful suggestions on how to educate students.

Gao Xiaomei: "Master, you won't come here for no reason, what's the matter?"

Li Ping: "There's really something wrong. Mr. Gao, have you noticed that Zhou Feiyang seems to be in a bad mood recently?"

Speaking of Zhou Feiyang, he is the teacher's treasure.The young man is handsome and has excellent academic performance. He has locked in early on the resumption of diplomatic relations between the Qing Dynasty and the North. Naturally, he is the focus of the school.

In fact, outstanding students like Zhou Feiyang have a list with the principal.Every time there is a meeting, the principal will bring up the names of these people and say with emotion that excellent students are rare nowadays.Every year in the senior high school entrance examination, not only [-], but even famous local schools like Mianyang Middle School are robbing students.In contrast, the reputation of our sycamore tree is not as good.

If you want to grab good students, what do you rely on? It depends on the annual enrollment rate of prestigious universities, especially the resumption of diplomatic relations in Qingbei.The top five in each class are the business cards of our middle school. Class teachers, keep an eye on them.Be sure to do everything possible to ensure that they are safely sent to the college campus.If there is any top student left behind, I will let you class teachers speak up.

Hearing Li Ping say something was wrong with Zhou Feiyang, Gao Xiaomei was startled and asked what's wrong?
Li Ping replied that Zhou Feiyang was always distracted in his class, staring at the flower outside the window all day long.

Gao Xiaomei asked if it was the wintersweet plant.

Li Ping said yes.

Gao Xiaomei said, now the flowers are blooming just right, and they are very fragrant, so what's wrong?
Li Ping said that when Zhou Feiyang was distracted once, he sneaked up behind classmate Xiao Zhou to look intently, but saw a line written in his notebook, "Seeing guests come in, socks and gold hairpins slip away. Go away with shame, Leaning on the door and looking back, I sniff the green plum."

Gao Xiaomei said with a smile, Zhou Feiyang has always been a science thinker, and the logic of the questions is very strong, but the Chinese is a bit rough.You don't often say that his composition style is decent, but unfortunately, it lacks some agility, old-fashioned like stereotyped writing.Children are young and young, who doesn't hurt the spring and the autumn when people are young?It's just the troubles of young Werther, expressing his worries for Fu Xinshi.Master, you were also a young man of literature and art back then, but now Feiyang has suddenly become a man of literature and art, which is not to your liking. Maybe his problem of poor literary talent in writing has been reversed?

Li Ping frowned and said, Mr. Gao, haven't you realized the seriousness of the problem? This poem is about childhood sweethearts. I suspect that Zhou Feiyang is in puppy love.

Gao Xiaomei took a breath and said, wintersweet is not green plum.

Li Pingdao, you don't care what kind of plum, once the mood is up, even if the dog's tail grass falls into the eyes of a lover, it is still a green plum.

Gao Xiaomei was furious. The next semester will be the comprehensive review period. At the critical moment, how can you fall in love and where is the time to fall in love?Even if you want to fall in love, at least you have to wait until college?
Li Ping said, can this matter wait?

Gao Xiaomei: "Who?"

Li Ping spread his hands: "How do I know, doesn't this reflect the situation with your head teacher?"

Gao Xiaomei was furious, but said verbally: "Master, you are too literary and like to make random contacts, maybe things are not what you imagined!"

In the afternoon, Ai Lin walked into the head teacher's office: "Mr. Gao, I want you to report something. I think something is wrong with Zhou Feiyang."

It was Zhou Feiyang again, Gao Xiaomei frowned.

Ai Lin's academic performance was relatively erratic, and he worked hard to get into the top five, and was admitted to the Qingbei Residual Diploma.As soon as you relax, you will fall to the top ten.

She was frustrated for a while, and even thought about studying abroad to avoid the college entrance examination.

For this reason, Gao Xiaomei and Ai Lin's parents were worried and did a lot of ideological work.Persuade her, now is different from previous years, studying abroad is tantamount to gold plating.Today's international students also depend on the school, not Stanford, Massachusetts, Harvard, Cambridge, Oxford, other schools are simply not as good as the Qing-North resumption of diplomatic relations in China, and there is no prospect of it.Let's try harder, okay? If you don't work hard, you won't know how strong you are.If the scores in the college entrance examination are not satisfactory, it is not too late for us to consider studying abroad.

Ailin thought about it, and agreed to stay in China to take the college entrance examination, but put forward one condition: to be a cadre on duty, preferably a discipline committee member, a life committee member, the kind that can manage people.

Ai Lin's father is a department-level cadre in a certain county in another place. She has been influenced by her family and has a certain talent for management.

Gao Xiaomei agreed, but made her a study committee member.

Now it's troublesome, Ai Lin's grades can't go up or down, and he can't convince the public as a study committee member. He is put on the fire by Teacher Gao, which is very embarrassing, so he has to study hard.

In the last two monthly exams, the child's grades have improved by leaps and bounds, but they are firmly within the top five.

Ailin likes to communicate with the teacher and make small reports, and the classmates are a bit annoying to her.

She told Teacher Gao that Zhou Feiyang didn't pay much attention to people recently, he looked cool and couldn't say a few words a day.I often write in Qzone during my breaks, and it will become visible to me within a few minutes after publication.He wanted everyone to know what was on his mind, but he didn't want too many people to know.

Ai Lin was filled with righteous indignation, and said, "It's the second half of the third year of high school soon. If you don't study hard, play with your mobile phone, and write scribbles, which affects your studies, are you worthy of your parents and the hard work of your teachers?"This is self-destructive without gratitude.

"It's not that serious." Gao Xiaomei: "Ailin, do you know what Zhou Feiyang wrote?"

Ayrin: "I only read one article and took a screenshot."

What she sent to Teacher Gao was a poem by Shu Ting:
To Oak

If I love you-

Not like a climbing lily flower,
Show yourself off by your tall branches;

If I love you-

Never learn from infatuated birds,

repeating monotonous songs for shade;

more than a fountain,

Sending cool solace all year round;
Not only like a dangerous peak,

Increase your height and complement your majesty.

even sunlight,

Even spring rains.

No, these are not enough!


Teacher Gao Xiaomei became vigilant and carefully observed Zhou Feiyang.

Sure enough, as others said, Feiyang often looked up at the wintersweet flowers outside the window during class, with a shy expression on his face, which really meant "he was laughing in the bushes".

The basin is wet and cold, and it is often rainy all over the sky.During the 10-minute break between classes, Zhou Feiyang would go outside for a walk alone, looking for it. When the class bell rang, he would wake up in shock and run back to the classroom.

Gao Xiaomei was very angry: Well, Zhou Feiyang, a man of science and engineering, has also learned human arts. Are you worthy of your parents?

The branches of wintersweet flowers outside the window were all cut off, and Kazuki flowers were distributed to the teachers as welfare.

During that time, every office was filled with the fragrance of plum blossoms.

Zhou Feiyang turned his head and looked at the bare tree trunks outside, his expression became more and more dull.

(End of this chapter)

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