Blind Box Life Show

Chapter 78 Cheers to the past

Chapter 78 Cheers to the past

That's right, Zhou Shanshui is an adopted child. His surname is not Zhou, but Lin.

It all started with a girl named Huang Qiuzhi in a small village deep in the mountains in the southwestern region in the early 80s.

The village is not big, only about thirty families.Although this place is remote, the ecology is good, it can be described as green water and green mountains.It is precisely because of the beautiful mountains and rivers that Huang Qiuzhi is such a beautiful little girl with picturesque eyebrows and slim body.

Miss Huang has been studying and is doing well.

Since she was a child, she was the squad leader and top student in Daduan Primary School. The teacher only said it once for any topic, and she knew it.

Huang Qiuzhi's junior high school was in the commune middle school, and he was still excellent, and later he was admitted to the county's key high school.

But after high school, although her grades were still good, due to the limited rural education conditions when she was a child, and the appallingly low university admission rate that year, she failed the college entrance examination as expected.But because the family is too poor, it is really unable to provide for her to continue to repeat her studies.

There was a saying at that time, "There is no name on the list, but there is a way under your feet."

In fact, these words are meaningless. For a child in the mountains, he is still a girl, and the only way to go is to go home and farm.

Huang Qiuzhi has read books for more than ten years, and he has read himself so tenderly and gracefully, as soon as he hit the ground, he made a fuss and threw himself into the mixing bucket, picking manure and rolling himself downhill with him. Go, make a golden embarrassment.

Parents also sighed, saying what to do after reading so many books, and finally read a piece of trash.If I had known it earlier, I would have stayed at home and worked. After more than ten years of training, I have been trained to be big and round, and the whole labor force can't match it. I can be half a man no matter what.It's all right now, I can only find someone to marry as soon as possible, and let things go.

So, her parents tried to get the matchmaker to marry their daughter.

But Xiao Huang is famous.

That's right, the girl is good-looking. In that era, everyone had enough to eat.The few taels of corn noodles that I eat every day can’t provide enough calories. I naturally turn a blind eye to the beautiful scenery around me. I even think this woman is meaningless: her waist is so thin and her strength is weak. I’m afraid she won’t be able to carry the burden of dung when she gets married. If you don’t do farm work, isn’t that inviting a Bodhisattva back home?

The matchmaker introduced her more than a dozen times, but she didn't succeed. In the end, she gave up and told her parents, your daughter is a waste, and I'm afraid she will be ruined in this life.

The daughter couldn't be handed over, and the parents had no choice but to leave her by their side to eat and die.

But at this time, Huang Qiuzhi made a big news - she was pregnant.

The thing is, didn’t the households have not contracted production back then?Every day, under the arrangement of the captain, all members of the club will ring the bell and go to the ground to ring the gold and withdraw the troops.Earn work points, and pay according to the number of work points at the end of the year.

Miss Huang has been doing farm work for a while, her shoulders are frayed, and her buttocks are also injured. Her muscles are sore from the beginning of the month to the end of the month, and she has not been comfortable for a day.

She couldn't take it anymore, so she ran to Captain Lin and asked if she couldn't do the work in the field and could she change it to something easier.If this continues, you will die.

Captain Lin is an old man in his fifties. He looks good, but he has a bad temper.

He asked, Xiao Huang, what kind of work do you want to do?

Huang Qiuzhi replied, "Can you go up the mountain to graze cattle?"

How wonderful it is to herd cattle. The cattle will graze on their own. They don’t need to be fed or labored. They can sit on the grass next to them for a whole day.

Captain Lin said that the cows in the production team are herded by children, and there is no work point. You can do it, but there will be no food points at the end of the year.

Huang Qiuzhi said, "No, how could it be possible not to give work points? Not only must they be paid, but they must be paid according to the standard of a full labor force, otherwise I will not comply."

Captain Lin suddenly became furious, and cursed, who are you? If you say cattle herding, you will herd cattle. If you say you will give work points, you will give work points. Am I your father?Even if I were your father, I wouldn't dare to do this, it's corruption, it's against the law, and if caught, I'll be criticized.

Huang Qiuzhi said, if you want to be someone else's father, you have to have that ability.

These words completely angered the captain.

It turned out that Captain Lin was an old man, but he and his wife did not have a man and a half woman under their knees, and it was not known whether it was his problem or his wife's.The mouths of the country people are poisonous, besides, the captain holds the real power over production, distribution of labor, food and distribution, and has offended many people, so there are ugly words spread, saying that the captain is a castrated rooster, a hammered cow , It's a gelding pig, the old Lin's family is about to die.

The captain was used to being domineering, so he slapped him across the face and cursed, "I can't kill you whore."

Huang Qiuzhi was stunned by the slap, she was humiliated, she was angry, and she wanted revenge.I don't know what kind of evil it is, so I hugged the captain and shouted that the captain was playing a hooligan and wanted to insult him.

Captain Lin was completely taken aback. At this time, during the period of cracking down on criminals, this crime would kill a person.They hurriedly jumped away, but because they were entangled by Huang Qiuzhi, the two of them rolled along the hillside into the nearby corn valley.

It was summer at that time, and Miss Huang was wearing thin clothes, and the openings of her clothes were ripped off, revealing her gaudy neck.

There was a buzzing in the captain's head, when had he seen this, a roar came out of his throat, and he lost his mind.

I don't know how long it took before Captain Lin realized the fear, and kept saying, "Cow herding, you will go to herding the cows tomorrow, and the work points will be calculated according to your full labor. If you want potatoes, I'll give you fifty catties, and if you want millet... I will give you whatever you want, even if it is the moon in the sky...Qiuzhi, you are so beautiful, you are a fairy in the sky."

Huang Qiuzhi began to cry, afraid of being seen by others, so he tightly covered his mouth with his hands.

Things are only different for the first time and countless times.

Miss Huang was also not firm in her will, and she really couldn't do the work in the field, so she drove the cattle up the mountain the next day.

That is, from that time on, she and Captain Lin often appeared in the small woods and in the cornfields.

And the request she made was met by the captain.

When going out to work, the Huang family was assigned the easiest jobs.When the food and oil and salt were distributed in the team, the Huang family always took the biggest share.

At that time, Miss Huang was young and healthy, and the land was fertile. She became pregnant by accident, and her belly grew bigger day by day, until it turned into a watermelon.

After all, the paper can't contain the fire. When the Huang family's parents found out about this, they were furious. They rushed into Captain Lin's house with their relatives and beat them up. Your reputation has been ruined by you, and the blood debt must be paid with blood.

Therefore, Huang's family turned the captain over to the law enforcement agency and reported the case.

At that time, criminals were being severely cracked down on, and Captain Lin was sentenced to death in line with the principle of seriousness and quickness.

On the day of the shooting, Huang Qiuzhi carried the newborn baby to see the captain on his last journey.

With his hands tied upside down and a sign with a red cross on his back, Captain Lin stood dejectedly in the compartment of a Jiefang car.

Seeing Huang Qiuzhi who was crowded in the front to change the baby's diaper, the captain's eyes lit up, and he shouted: I am not a hammered cow, I can also give birth to a baby, our old Lin's family has a queen, I am worthy of the underground parents , this life is worth it!

The Huang family was completely angered by the arrogance of the criminals.

Their own women have done scandalous things and given birth to illegitimate children, and they can no longer hold their heads up in ten miles and eight villages.

Ordinarily, there is one more person and one more mouth. The family is too poor to afford the extra population. This doll should be returned to the Lin family.

But Huang Qiuzhi's father got angry and scolded, the bastard surnamed Lin slept with my daughter, and he still wants a descendant, how beautiful is he?Don't even think about this baby in his old Lin family.

Coincidentally, an elderly peasant couple surnamed Zhou in a neighboring county had no children, so Xiaohuang's parents sent the baby there.

The couple surnamed Zhou liked the child when they saw it, so they stayed and named it Zhou Shanshui.

As for Huang Qiuzhi, because of his bad reputation, naturally no matchmaker came to propose marriage.And because he was beaten by his parents every day, he couldn't stand it anymore, so he ran away from home by picking up the train.

Years passed and the times developed, and the local mountain people went out to work in the southeast coastal areas one after another.According to people who have returned home, they seem to have seen Qiu Zhi there, and it is said that they work in a nightclub... and so on.

A few years later, some villagers came home and said that they had seen Qiuzhi, as if they were married and had children, and the husband was a local old man.

This Qiuzhi has been entangled with the old man all his life.

The Huang family felt even more ashamed, thinking that this daughter had never been born, or had died.


As for Zhou Shanshui, who was carried to a family surnamed Zhou in a neighboring county, his adoptive parents treated him very well and did not hide his background. They even brought the baby to visit relatives during the holidays.

Zhou Shanshui also saw a photo of his biological mother at the so-called grandparents' house, so when Yan Luying clicked on the phone album just now, he recognized it at a glance.

However, his adoptive parents were really kind to him, and they suffered a lot in the process of raising him.

In Zhou Shanshui's view, nurturing kindness is greater than giving birth to kindness, not to mention parents he has never met, and he does not recognize relatives over there.

But that was all 40 years ago.

The so-called grandparents have all passed away, the biological father was shot, the biological mother died of illness, and the adoptive parents have lived together for many years.

The grievances and grievances of the previous generation vanished, as if it was a story from another world, and had nothing to do with Zhou Shanshui.

 On the last day of the Spring Festival, add a new chapter, I wish you all the best in the Year of the Tiger and all the best!

(End of this chapter)

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