Blind Box Life Show

Chapter 86 I'm Artistic

Chapter 86 I'm Artistic
The person the old professor mentioned was named Shi, and he didn't live in the center of Rongcheng City, but in the next county, thirty kilometers away from Renhe Xincheng, but not far away.

Mr. Shi is a serious vocal music graduate, has boy skills, is taught by a famous teacher, and is well-known in the circle.But these days, he really can't afford to engage in pure art, so he changed to popular, and participated in messy talent competitions and so on.

After more than ten years of competition, he did not become a singer, but regarded himself as a judge and teacher.

Mr. Shi bought a house two years ago, and became a father before his senior year. He was quite nervous about money, so he held classes to teach to overcome difficulties.

Not to mention, his level is indeed quite high, and the students he taught have turned out several talents, and he won a good ranking in the selection of "XX Good Singing Voice".

When Zhou Shanshui saw him, Teacher Shi was a little hesitant, saying, most of the students at such an age...are more stubborn and difficult to teach.

Zhou Shanshuidao is a bit older, but he has a heart to pursue art.In the early years, due to the pressure of life, he has been working hard for his livelihood. Now that he is retired, he wants to improve himself, so he asked the teacher to read it for the sake of his sincerity. Let's accept it.

Teacher Shi thought for a while, and had to say that you bring the person over for me to see, and if it works, I will accept it.

He is also well-known in the art world and cherishes feathers.

So Zhou Shanshui took Yu Jinhua there.

Teacher Shi's house is quite lively, with students coming and going.Now the state prohibits off-campus training in disciplines, but literature and art are not within the scope.What's more, in addition to children, his students also have many adults.

The teacher was obviously a little surprised to see Yu Jinhua's appearance, and it's not like he hasn't taught elderly students before.In fact, among his students in the past two years, there are many middle-aged and elderly artists, and many of them can still play together, which is a bit like a teacher and a friend.But this idiot in front of him looks very vicious, teaching him to sing, isn't that for Zhang Fei to embroider?

Leaving aside the gossip, Teacher Shi asked Lao Yu what he wanted to learn, ethnicity, bel canto or fashion?
Lao Yu replied, I don't know about bel canto or ethnicity, anyway, I learn whatever everyone sings in KTV.After all, he even took out his mobile phone and showed Teacher Shi the picture, saying that this is the song he took, but it was sung by the neighbors in the community a while ago, and you just teach it in order.They laughed at me as soon as I opened my mouth. This is too embarrassing, and the place must be recovered.

Teacher Shi couldn't help but smile bitterly, and thought to himself that you want to be a Maiba, old boy, old boy, this person is like a doll when he grows old.

"That's a popular song." The teacher sat in front of the piano and played a prelude, and said, "Then you sing "XXXX" first, so I can see how good you are."

Lao Yu sang, and he sang in a long yell, without stepping on the tune at all, and the rhythm was also chaotic.

Teacher Shi hurriedly cooperated with him and changed the tune, saying, four-two beats.Lao Yu asked back, what is a four-two beat.

Teacher Shi explained it for a long time, and Lao Yu understood it anyway, but he still sang out of his mouth.After a few more sentences, his tune changed again. There was no other way, the piano had to be changed to another tune to match.

But Lao Yu's tune changed again.

Teacher Shi tried his best to cooperate at the beginning, but in the end, he was sweating profusely, at a loss, and his face was full of pain.As a musician, he is extremely sensitive to sound.Yu Jinhua's voice was so lethal that if he listened to it for a long time, his ears would be damaged.

The biggest feature of Lao Yu is that he is full of energy, and when he sings, it is really deafening.For a moment, the small room of Mr. Shi's house was filled with his roars, it was really ridiculous.

There were several other students in the room, and when Yu Jinhuapu spoke, they were all horrified.Gradually, everyone burst into laughter.

Although Zhou Shanshui had heard of Yu Jinhua's mind-boggling voice, this was the first time he had seen him sing.I just feel as if someone has a hairy brush stirring in his throat, flustered and extremely bored.

Lao Yu was annoyed by the crowd's laughter, so he stopped singing, and turned around to scold a few students: "If I sing well, I'm still here. Why are you laughing, whoever is born will be able to sing Lotus Falling?"

Being stared at fiercely by this fierce-looking man, several people were afraid and avoided his eyes.

But one of the aunts refused to accept it, and shouted: "Why are you so fierce? I was born with a good voice. Everyone praised me as a lark, so I laughed at you. How about it?"

"You laugh at me, do you dare to laugh at me?" Lao Yu clenched his fists and jumped into a rage.

"Why, if you still want to hit someone, I'm not afraid of you." Auntie is in her early fifties.She had just retired for two years, and she was a beauty when she was young, and was coaxed by everyone, when she was scolded like this, she immediately rolled up her sleeves and wanted to fight Lao Yu.

Zhou Shanshui was shocked, and hurriedly pulled Yu Jinhua: "Old Yu, old Yu, why do you pinch someone when you say something wrong, big sister, big sister, I'm really sorry, my old brother has this kind of virtue, don't be angry. Shi Teacher, that's it for today, let's go back first."

After Yu Jinhua made such a fuss, Teacher Shi's training class probably won't be able to attend.Zhou Shanshui was a little depressed, and couldn't help sighing softly on the way back.

"Why are you sighing?" Yu Jinhua snorted coldly: "That woman is really hateful, if she wasn't a woman, I would have to beat her up today."

"Old Yu, you really have Jiang Gui's nature. I'll come down and see if I can find another teacher."

"No, I really want to learn singing from Teacher Shi. I can't see those people laughing at me, especially that woman. I want to win it back."

"Why bother, why bother, even if you want to learn, Teacher Ren Shi may not be willing to teach. As the saying goes, a student chooses a teacher and a teacher also chooses an apprentice."

"What's the matter with me, can't I sing well? I think it's very, very good."

Zhou Shanshui didn't want to argue with him, and was about to close his eyes and rest when Teacher Shi called.

He hurriedly said: "Mr. Shi, I'm sorry for causing you trouble just now. I apologize to you on behalf of Lao Yu. I know you have requirements for students, and Lao Yu's foundation is indeed not very good. If you don't want to teach, you don't have Suitable teacher recommendation?"

Teacher Shi said that Lao Yu's foundation is really not suitable for me to teach, because he has no concept of rhythm and melody in his heart.In fact, he'd better find an elementary school music teacher, or a kindergarten teacher.

Zhou Shanshui was curious and asked what melody was.Teacher Shi said something, but seeing that he couldn't understand, he had to explain. Simply put, a few notes are repeated continuously to form a beautiful piece of music.As for what you said about asking me to recommend other colleagues, I guess no one will accept it.

Zhou Shanshui didn't know whether to laugh or cry, yes, Yu Jinhua's voice was really scary, who could stand it!
Teacher Shi suddenly hesitated and said: "Actually, Lao can still be rescued."

Zhou Shanshui was ecstatic: "Teacher, you mean to accept Lao Yu?"

Teacher Shi was a little embarrassed: "Two hundred and one classes, Lao Yu just came here, he needs to lay the foundation, the courses should be arranged more closely, six classes a week, after one month of study, two classes a week will be enough, you see tuition fee……"

Zhou Shanshui: "Okay, let's take a hundred lessons first, thank you, thank you."

After hanging up the phone, he honestly and bluntly transferred the 2 yuan tuition fee, which was regarded as getting rid of this big burden.Then he said with a smile: "Old Yu, Teacher Shi has accepted you, study hard and make progress every day."

"I just said you can do it." Lao Yu was very happy, stretched out a hand and patted Zhou Shanshui's shoulder vigorously, and said with a smile: "It can be seen that Teacher Shi is capable. King, I want him to hear my heavenly voice."

Zhou Shanshui's cervical spondylosis was about to recur after being photographed by him: "Old Yu, pay attention to safety, take good care of the car, I still need to support my wife and children."

Yu Jinhua: "Pull it down, your wife's income is ten times yours, who will support whom?"

Zhou Shanshui felt aggrieved immediately.

Lao Yu went to Teacher Shi to learn singing the next day. Since his foundation was really poor, he started with breath and pronunciation exercises.

Pronunciation is to learn to use the qi of the dantian to make a sound, chest resonance and cranial resonance. After Teacher Shi taught him the pronunciation, he sat on the piano and asked him to sing "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" every time he played a note to correct his intonation.

As for the breathing exercise, it is also strange, that is, beeping and inhaling shortly for six times, and then exhaling slowly and long.

Yu Jinhua always used too much force when doing things, I saw that his belly was as big as a drum, his jaw swelled like a toad, and his face was as suffocated as cinnabar.

This fact was too boring, and Lao Yu couldn't stand it anymore, so he couldn't help shouting, "Teacher, let me sing a few words, your breath practice feels like you are practicing some evil skills, maybe I will disintegrate the demon in the next moment."

Teacher Shi: "Lay the foundation first, lay the foundation first, otherwise it won't be good to sing."

Old Yu refused to accept it, and wanted to make trouble again. The elder sister next to her who had conflicted with her got angry, and said: "If you don't accumulate small streams, you will become rivers and seas, and tall buildings will rise from the ground. This is water, why are you so anxious? The so-called: A drop of water penetrates a stone, and a rope saws a piece of wood. Today’s practice is the foundation of our success tomorrow.”

It can be seen that the eldest sister is quite educated, and Lao Yu can't understand what she says.He wanted to argue with her, but suddenly felt guilty.

I have to say that Teacher Shi's teaching methods are quite effective.Gradually, Lao Yu's voice was no longer so out of tune. Naturally, the teacher was greatly praised.

Teacher Shi was a little embarrassed and said that he had to practice more.You are full of Qi, breath is not a problem, but it is easy to go astray.But don't worry, every time you come to my place to use the keyboard to correct the sound, it will be fine after a while.

Yu Jinhua said it was too troublesome to come to your place every time, so I might as well buy one.

The elder sister next to her became more energetic, and interjected that one of her sisters runs a piano shop, so why don't I introduce it to you.

Lao Yu was still angry with her, and shouted, introduce me, who knows you?

The eldest sister said that my surname is Xiong, I am 54 this year, and I worked in the district trade union before I retired. Now we know each other, Lao Yu, let’s exchange contact information.

Yu Jinhua bought a piano, Steinway, not the best, but the most expensive.

From then on, he would ping-pong-pong every day at home and tap on the keyboard like an iron: "Duo Lai Mi Fa Instigated Lacido, Doxi Instigated Fa Mi Laiduo..." It was like a cuckoo crying blood on the Wushan Ape.

Gong Xiaoli couldn't take it anymore, she shouted, "Old Yu, Lao Yu, my blood pressure has gone up, my brain is buzzing all day long, I can't breathe.

Yu Jinhua was pleasantly surprised: "Such a big reaction, isn't it shocking? This is art, an art that touches people's hearts. Isn't it better than Lao Wang's voice?"

Gong Xiaoli: "Old Yu, if you keep singing like this, I will die!"

As soon as the words fell, Yu Weirui shouted while strumming a guitar: "I will die, I will die before the age of 27, please bury me in the spring."

Gong Xiaoli: "I...I really can't take it anymore, please forgive me! Lao Yu, I'll do what I have for lunch."

In addition to teaching students, Mr. Shi also goes to the countryside to undertake performances for weddings and weddings.He is the lead singer, musician and chief director, and the other actors are the students.

Lao Yu likes to be lively, and he proposed to go, saying that he had attended a few classes and could make his debut.If you call him, the cost of the road is fully covered, and a vehicle is also provided.

Yu Jinhua's song is too lethal, if he goes on stage, he will be beaten away by the host.But Mr. Shi was reluctant to part with Yu's talent, thought for a while, and said, Lao Yu, you have a loud voice and you don't have stage fright, why don't you be the host?

Boss Yu had done a great job back then, leading hundreds of people, and he had never seen such a big scene.As soon as they took the stage, they exuded the powerful aura of a successful person, as if they were a different person, united, tense, serious and lively, which made the atmosphere lively.

Several performances have been quite successful.

Yu Jinhua suddenly fell in love with the job of blessing a happy new couple and dancing on the grave at weddings and weddings. He is originally from the countryside, and he can chat well with the old brothers and sisters in the country. It feels better than staying at home all day and facing "I am 27 The couple who will die at the age of one" and "what do you eat when I'm old" are much more interesting.

He lived a fulfilling life every day, but this fulfillment caused trouble.

Sister Xiong, who was dressed up beautifully, came to visit Mr. Yu.

Seeing Sister Xiong, Yu Jinhua was puzzled: "Hey, why are you here?"

Sister Xiong looked a little unhappy, and said, what's the matter with you, Lao Yu, this is your way of hospitality?

Lao Yu said, where, where, I just felt strange that you didn't contact me beforehand, so you just came to the door directly.

Sister Xiong explained that she has a relative who lives here and made an appointment to meet.I remember you said about Zhurenhe Xincheng, anyway, I stopped by to check the door.Lao Yu, you won't welcome me, will you?
Yu Jinhua said, where, where, everyone is from the same school, and the relationship between brothers and sisters is that they are connected with each other. Come in the room quickly.

Sister Xiong didn't go in, she looked left and right in the yard, and said, this house is okay, how much does it cost?
Lao Yu said, we are all artists who do art, and we are talking about money and vulgarity.

Sister Xiong giggled, her body trembled slightly, and she said, "This house must cost over ten million. I really like the front and back gardens."

Old Yu: "What does it matter to me that you don't like it?"

Sister Xiong's wonderful eyes circulated: "Old Yu, you are still a big entrepreneur. You speak so directly, and your straightforward temperament is quite... unique. That's right, entrepreneurs of your generation came from grassroots, with less culture, but It's not your fault."

Lao Yu was annoyed: "What exactly do you want to say?"

Sister Xiong: "Old Yu, I've been doing pronunciation exercises recently. As you know, I'm retired from a public institution, and my wife's savings have been exhausted before he died of illness, but I can't afford a piano, so I want to practice with you here. Let's make progress together."

Lao Yu was impatient: "What's the common progress? My progress is so fast that you can't catch up."

Sister Xiong smiled like a flower: "You are really angry when you talk. Fortunately, you are single, otherwise the couple would not quarrel and fight every day."

(End of this chapter)

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