Chapter 90

Zhou Shanshui was surprised: "So serious?"

Yu Jinhua turned his body on his back and shouted angrily: "Look, look, I was almost hacked to death just now, can it be serious?"

It is now the coldest spring in the third month of the lunar calendar. According to the local saying, "Children, children, don't boast, there are still tungzi flowers in March." Every year at this time, the temperature in the basin will drop by seven or eight degrees, so that the tungzi flowers can bloom.

Lao Yu used to work in alpine mountainous areas and was used to wearing thick clothes. Today he wears a black leather jacket.However, there were knife marks more than two feet long on the vest, one vertical and one horizontal.The leather is rolled back to one side, revealing the red sweater underneath.

If he hadn't dodged in time, he would have been taken down twice.

Old Comrade Zhou took a deep breath: "Wei Wei's really...too much, too much. Old Yu, how did you become like this?"

Yu Jinhua's old wife, Gong Xiaoli, is a gentle and virtuous woman who possesses all the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. These two attacks were obviously done by Yu Weirui.

Hearing Zhou Shanshui's question, Lao Yu was embarrassed: "This matter involves privacy, so it's not convenient to talk about it."

Zhou Shanshui was always gossip, seeing Lao Yu's expression made his heart itch even more.After asking several times in a row, seeing that he didn't open his mouth, he pretended to leave: "It's fine if you don't say anything, I have to go home and have a wife and children to cook."

Lao Yu chased after him: "Shan Shui, wait a minute, can you give me the tuition fee of 2 yuan? Help me out, otherwise I will have to sleep on the street tonight."

Zhou Shanshui kept on stepping, and said with a smile: "You old Yu is such a domineering person, can you care about money?"

Lao Yu said with a mournful face: "Our customs here are female housekeepers. I was used to being poor when I was a child, and I know that it is not easy to make money. All the company's accounts are for Gong Xiaoli. Now even the mobile phone has been handed over. It's really There's no money left."

Zhou Shanshui: "I will hand over the 2 yuan to Teacher Shi, Lao Yu, practice singing hard."

"Ah, it's all over."

"Yes, one hundred lessons."

"You..." Lao Yu was bored: "Do you have any money on you, please help me a little."

Zhou Shanshui replied that he still had 20 yuan on him, do you want it?Old Yu shouted angrily, 20 yuan can do nothing, you can't even live in a small hotel, who asked you to sign up for so many classes for me, you are doing it yourself.

Zhou Shanshuidao, there is no limit to the sea of ​​learning, this money was spent on you, and no one was corrupt, but it can't be found on me.Otherwise, you can ask Teacher Shi to refund some money?
Lao Yu roared, I went to refund the money and still not being laughed at by my brothers and sisters, where should I put my face?
While talking, the two entangled each other and got on the bus. Yu Jinhua pointed to Zhou Shanshui and said that he bought the ticket.

Zhou Shanshui was taken aback, why are you still following me.Lao Yu said, it's all your fault that I'm in the situation I'm in today. If you don't follow you, who will you follow? If you don't return the 2 yuan to me, I'll focus on you old man?

His yelling, coupled with his battle-damaged clothes, attracted everyone's attention.Zhou Shanshui had no choice but to say, you are a real person, why don't you go to my house to settle the dinner first.

Taking Yu Jinhua back home, Zhou Feiyang and Xu Run were both there.

Brother Feiyang had already prepared dinner and looked at his father worriedly.Zhou Shanshui said, don't worry about adults' affairs and children, my aunt's house is a bit chaotic now, but it will be fine for the time being, I will go and see tomorrow.Review well, the college entrance examination is just over two months away, I can't get enough of it.

Today's dinner is also simple, which is boiled chard with bacon and sausage.

After the half-fried pig that Manager Xu gave me years ago was burnt, Zhou Shanshui processed it a second time, and it was barely edible. The refrigerator was full and has been eaten since the first month of the lunar year.

"Huchi, Huchi." As expected of Lao Yu, Zhou Feiyang's eating skills were as good as Zhou Feiyang's. He ate the rice so hard that his nose and forehead were covered with sweat.

Zhou Shanshui wanted to pry into his privacy, and it was rare for him to be generous. Jiannanchun, who brought Xu Run home, opened the door and drank with him.

In a blink of an eye, half a bottle of wine was down, and Yu Jinhua suddenly let out a shrill cry: "I'm wronged, it's snowing in June!"

Zhou Shanshui poured him another cup calmly, and induced: "If things are not fair, people will cry out. People have to say something, otherwise they will suffer internal injuries."

Old Yu: "The bastard Gong Xiaoli, the bastard Yu Weirui, suspect me of cheating, am I that kind of person? They are losing their minds."

"Cheating? Old Yu, I'll be more energetic if you say this, and I'll just do this shit if I look down on my brother."

In Lao Yu's next narration, Zhou Shanshui roughly understood the situation.

The story has to start with the sudden visit of Lao Yu's junior sister, Sister Xiong, to Yu's mansion this afternoon.

Sister Xiong is quite a literary person. She worked as a receptionist in a state-run hotel in the district in her early years.At that time, the airport area was still a suburban county of Rongcheng, and Dajie was good-looking when he was young, with a slender figure and a crisp voice.Every time there is a theatrical performance in the county, she will be called there.

After the reform of state-owned enterprises, the eldest sister was transferred to work in the district trade union until retirement.

Sister Xiong’s husband passed away, and her children were all working in other places. It was lonely to stay at home alone, so she regained her youthful hobby—singing—and enrolled in Teacher Shi’s class for professional formal Chinese training. .

After learning from Teacher Shi, she opened her eyes and figured out what breath practice is, how to practice voice, when to breathe, this place should use cranial cavity resonance, and this place should use Dantian to exert force... Cooperate with me before It's all nonsense!
As mentioned earlier, the country strictly prohibits off-campus tutoring in academic subjects, but cultural and sports training is allowed.Teacher Shi's students are mainly divided into two categories, one is art examinees, he will take students to take grade examinations and help them cope with professional exams; An old man who loves time.

Among them, the latter type of people are the most numerous.

People are social animals. If the elderly stay at home and watch TV, it is easy to see dementia. They still have to go out and be with their peers.Teacher Shi's training class is a social stage, what's more, he often organizes everyone to participate in wedding and wedding performances, and participating in it can be regarded as being happy and doing something.

The old students are all like-minded and have become good friends with each other.

In addition, these old people have a characteristic-single.

After all, they are all old men and old ladies. In old age, one side will definitely go first; in addition, the youth of these 60s people was spent in the 90s of last century. To be honest, people in that era were quite confused. Many people are divorced.Especially this group of literary and artistic seniors, who are sentimental and emotional, are the hardest hit areas for divorce.

Old people have a relatively high level of culture. A vulgar person like Lao Yu falls into the cultural circle. Sometimes he can't even understand what they say. He feels out of place and feels a bit inferior.

This is precisely what he, who is arrogant and crazy, cannot accept.

So, Yu Jinhua began to learn how to dress himself up, wearing flowered clothes, buttoning the director's head, wearing flat gold glasses, changing filter cigarettes into pipes, and trying his best to look like an old artist.

But he knows how much ink he has in his stomach, and he has been despised for 1 years without saying that he is a "day-old mother"?

Lao Yu started to read. Even though he dozed off after reading "Cultural Journey", "Popular Philosophy" and "Ordinary World", he managed to memorize a few terms so as not to be excluded by everyone.

As for marital status, Yu Jinhua replied "widowed" whenever someone asked about it.

As a literary and artistic worker, an artist, if you don’t lose your spouse several times or get divorced several times, you will have no literary and artistic talents, and you will not have a keen sense of beauty, and you will not be worthy of standing on the stage to shine.

As soon as he was "widowed", he attracted the attention of Sister Xiong.

To be honest, although Lao Yu is uneducated and rude, it is also the masculinity of talking quickly.Moreover, this eagle-like man is 1.8 meters ten, with three-dimensional features, walking with wind, and eyes with light, especially when he is on stage to host, his aura is simply fascinating.

As for personal economic conditions, there is nothing to say.When everyone went out to perform, Lao Yu provided transportation, two large cross-country vehicles worth millions.

Sister Xiong also had intentions, and secretly checked the driving license, and it was Yu Jinhua's name that was true.

She also heard from Lao Yu that she has a daughter who is [-] this year and will graduate and start work soon.

Old Yu is handsome and wealthy, his daughter is an adult, he owns a car and a house, his parents are deceased, no matter how you look at him, he is a qualified life partner, he is a sweet potato, if he is late, he may be hooked away by other old ladies.

Therefore, Sister Xiong usually gets close to Lao Yu, and the two get along well.

It's a pity that Yu Jinhua and Mr. Yu are a straight man of steel. He doesn't know what Sister Xiong is thinking.

Sister Xiong teased him a few times, and found that the old man was a bit puzzled, so she decided to use the excuse of using Lao Yu's piano to practice vocals to come directly to the door and occupy Lao Yu's family living space.

The enthusiastic Gong Xiaoli was very happy to see a guest coming to visit, and personally cooked a table of sumptuous meals.

Sister Xiong naturally spoke up, praised, and said, Lao Yu, your nanny is not good-looking and looks weak, but she has quick hands and feet.That's right, it's better if the nanny is ugly. Isn't it common in online news that nanny covets the owner's property and seduces the elderly?Yu, you are doing the right thing.

Gong Xiaoli was treated as a nanny, she was stunned, but saw her husband's eyes bulging.Long-established obedience made her shut up, and she retreated dejectedly into the kitchen.

Old Yu's smug laughter came from outside: "Who am I? I am very upright. I have been upright all my life. I only know how to stretch my muscles and bones all day long, and I don't care about women at all."

He started to brag habitually again.

Sister Xiong giggled, reached out and pinched his arm: "Which version of "Water Margin" is I reading recently, Jin Shengtan is pretty good."

Lao Yu has never read Water Margin, but he likes to watch TV dramas, so he just said, "Sing, sing."

The melodious piano music sounded, followed by Sister Xiong's crisp singing voice.She sang the popular song "Pian Piece of Maple Leaf Love", and invited Lao Yu to sing a duet.

Sister Xiong: "Pieces of leaves follow the dream, drifting away for a moment, looking at each other and weeping in silence, every piece of leaves carries the love of my life, drifting again and again, the dream goes further."

Lao Yu: "Far away from the sunset, I will accompany you to go home at this moment. How can the love in my heart rekindle? Far away from the sunset, the love of my life is with me." It was a rare thing that did not go out of tune, and a class of 200 yuan was still effective .

Sister Xiong turned her head and looked at Lao Yu affectionately, Yu Jinhua felt a thrill in her heart, feeling something was wrong, and then saw the old wife come out with red eyes and said that the meal is ready, Sister Xiong is delicious.

Yu Weirui is a girl with no plans. A talkative aunt came to her home. She was also very happy and chatted with someone.While chatting, I felt something was wrong, so I stopped talking.

This auntie is quite educated, and she doesn't quite understand what she says, "Old Yu recently had a symphony orchestra come to our city to perform, have you heard of Vivaldi's "Four Seasons"?" , It sounds terribly good.” Aunt Xiong: “I also like it very much, especially the violin solo before the storm in "Summer", which expresses the sense of tension and oppression that is about to come. Qu made a sonnet, have you read it?" Lao Yu: "It must be read, if you don't read it, you won't understand it."

Aunt Xiong: "Then I'll read it to you. The so-called, there are thousands of poems on mountains and rivers, but few bosom friends. Who will listen to them if the strings are broken?"

She stood up and began to read aloud under the astonished eyes of Gong Xiaoli's mother and daughter.

Probably infected by her own excitement, Aunt Xiong was excited and said: "Old Yu, although you have a luxury car and a mansion, your spirit is lonely. You are like a traveler walking in the wilderness. You Don't know what to do."

Old Yu: "Lonely and lonely."

"You are not alone now, because you have me." Aunt Xiong boldly confessed: "Old Yu, I can feel that you still want to commemorate your deceased wife. I respect your feelings and understand. No, I still look down on you! It is because you are so affectionate and righteous that you are worthy of admiration. Jinhua, you have captured my heart. I will treat Weiwei well, and I will live with you well. Mountains have no hills, rivers are exhausted, Donglei shakes, summer rains and snows, heaven and earth unite, so I dare to break with you."

"Dare to break with the king? Never!" Zhou Shanshui spit the wine out of his mouth after hearing Lao Yu's matter, and laughed loudly: "You captured my heart? Brother, let's not be so tired, okay?"

"Haha, haha." Xu Run next to him was out of breath from laughing, rubbed his eyes and said, Shanshui, I've heard you mention Boss Yu's name a long time ago, but I didn't expect him to be such an interesting person.

Even Zhou Feiyang, who always had a clear face, showed a smile.

Zhou Shanshui: "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, old Yu with thick eyebrows and big eyes, you are also a scumbag."

Yu Jinhua's face turned purple, and he shouted angrily: "Zhou Shanshui, are you laughing at me? If this is the case, how can I get along with you, how can I talk to you?"

Zhou Shanshui: "You said you were widowed, you brought women home, you said you were not a scumbag or something, you are finished."

Xu Run interrupted and asked, "Old Yu, how did you get chopped off?"

Lao Yu replied depressedly that as soon as Sister Xiong finished speaking, Gong Xiaoli and Yu Weirui got up without a word and walked into the kitchen, each with a knife and slashed at him.

Then chase all the way and cut off the Zwillings.

If it wasn't for his agility, he would have explained where he was today.

Speaking of this, Lao Yu was completely angry, and scolded me, why should I be hacked, I didn't cheat, it was a nympho and a psychopath surnamed Xiong.I have never had any thoughts about her, and I have a clear conscience.Even if Gong Xiaoli wanted to kill her, she still had to kill Big Sister Xiong, and cut me off?

Xu Rundao, it is right to kill you, it is justified to kill you, who told you that you are widowed.How would you feel if someone else cursed you to death?

Lao Yu was speechless.

Zhou Shanshui: "Old Yu, do you really have no energy to cheat?"

"I don't, I really don't." Lao Yu cried sadly: "I, Yu Jinhua, who is an upright man, is also a character anyway. Yes, yes, I am not very reasonable, but our place divorces and steals people. It is the most shameful thing. Stealing is stealing, a thief, and you will cut off your hand. What I can't stand the most is being looked down upon by others, would I do such a thing?"

(End of this chapter)

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