Blind Box Life Show

Chapter 94 You Look Cool When You Work Hard

Chapter 94 You Look Cool When You Work Hard
The reason why Zhou Shanshui went to make up lessons for Yu Weirui was neither because of Lao Yu, nor because Wei Wei said that as long as he was admitted to high-tech, he would tell him who Zhou Feiyang's girlfriend was.

Lao Zhou is a child in the mountains. He has been working in the fields with his parents since he was four years old.Pulling pigweed, collecting firewood, carrying water and manure, planting in spring and harvesting in autumn.He is grateful to his parents for their upbringing, and he will never be lazy whenever there is work at home.Since he can remember, he has thick shoulders on his shoulders, and the sweat on his body has never dried.

But the mountains in my hometown are too big, and the land is too barren.No matter how much effort you put in, you won't get much results in autumn, and you will spend the whole year half hungry and half full.

At that time, he was thinking about how to get out of the mountains and go to a bustling big city to have a good meal.The rolling hills in front of me seem to be a tall threshold. If you want to jump over it, you have to study or study.

Primary school, junior high school, and high school, the more knowledge he acquires, the brighter his eyes and the firmer his mind.

It was also because his vision broadened that he was able to come to this metropolis, gain a foothold, have his own wife, son, and house.Even if you are not as successful as the so-called successful people, you are still very satisfied with your life.

He has today, in addition to being grateful to his parents for his upbringing, he is also grateful to the school teachers for their teaching.

He is very yearning for the sacred profession of teacher, especially after studying in Teachers College.

It's a pity that he is Wei Peisheng, and because of real life reasons after graduation, he failed to take up the teaching position.

Tutoring Yu Weirui this time can be regarded as fulfilling my life ideal of preaching, teaching, and solving doubts.

After agreeing to Wei Wei, Zhou Shanshui first took home the textbooks "Chinese", "Mathematics" and "English" she had been in the technical school for two and a half years, and read them about once.The content of these three sets of textbooks is tested in the high-tech exam, and the scope of the questions is also included.

Seeing this, Lao Zhou couldn't help but exclaimed: "What is this, isn't it too simple?" Even if it was him, he only needed to study for a month, and he could easily pass the mark.If it was Zhou Feiyang, a top student, he could pass the exam with his eyes closed, even without special preparation.

Speaking of English first, Zhou Shanshui thought that a technical school could be regarded as a high school anyway, and the teaching materials should not be much different from the foreign language of the PEP high school.Who would have thought that as soon as you open the book, people will start directly from ABCD, come is come and go will be full of everyday phrases, not even complete articles.Unlike Zhou Feiyang, who wrote long and long articles, such as "Nathan Hale", "I Have a Dream" and "Dickens", their brains were cracked by the complex and changeable grammar.

Yu Weirui and the others started from scratch, starting from scratch, they are the textbooks of the metropolitan elementary school!
Zhou Shanshui thought about it carefully and immediately understood the truth.Lao Yu's hometown is an area where the old, the young, and the border are poor. Limited by natural conditions and educational conditions, many students can barely communicate with others in Mandarin, let alone foreign languages.Many students in the technical school are mixed from elementary school and junior high school. In order to cultivate qualified students and adapt to the industrial age, the school can only reinvent the pot.

After reading the English book, Zhou Shanshui felt relieved and had a teaching plan: rote memorization.

Then there is mathematics, which is also the content of junior high school algebra and geometry.

Lao Zhou is a liberal arts student, and his mathematics, physics and chemistry were only sloppy back then. This time he wants to teach Yu Weirui, so he lacks confidence.But anyway, the high-tech admission score is not high, so I can barely make up for Miss Xiaoyu for a month or two, and let her get a dozen or twenty points to complete the task.The missing scores can only be made up from the language.

When it comes to Chinese, that is Zhou Shanshui's strong point.

Lao Zhou’s talents had not yet been revealed when he was in junior high school and high school in his hometown. When he entered university, the teacher required a lot of extracurricular reading.In addition, he was also poor, and had no money to play games or watch videos, so he spent all day in the library.Shu Ting, Shutong, Guo Lumaoba, Hemingway, Kawabata Yasunari, Chen Zhongshi, and Wang Xiaobo all read it in a mess, and the reading volume increased, and the articles were written with style, and even a sentimental female classmate confessed.

It's a pity that Zhou Shanshui had enough to eat back then, and the female classmate who had a girl saw Hua shed tears and felt sad for Yue, and her ability to take care of herself was zero.Classmate Zhou thought, that won't work, it's too romantic to eat, and I need to find a stronger independent woman.

Classmate Zhou also matured early, and has no romantic thoughts about the luxury of love.

But this is going too far, let's go back to Yu Weirui's textbook.

In recent years, the state has advocated the great review of the Chinese nation and the great review of traditional culture, and a large amount of traditional cultural content has been added to Chinese textbooks.Ancient poems and prose take up a huge amount of space, reaching [-]%, and there is no shortcut for this thing, and I still memorize one word "memorize" fiercely.

Then there is composition.

Composition accounts for a very high proportion of the test score, and the major composition and small composition add up to [-] points.

Composition is easy to do, and he is also confident in teaching it well.

After Zhou Shanshui roughly read through all the textbooks, he had a certain idea in mind and started to teach Yu Weirui.

In the first class, the appearance of the little girl surprised Zhou Shanshui—it was so strange.

Yu Weirui's obtrusive yin and yang head was shaved and cut into a boy's head.

She was wearing a white short-sleeved upper body, jeans and sneakers underneath, showing youthful vigor, with a height of 1.7 meters [-], she was like a model on TV.

Who wouldn't like such a little girl?

"Uncle Zhou, do you think I'm dressed okay?" Yu Weirui looked at Zhou Shanshui looking him up and down, suddenly a little embarrassed.

Before Zhou Shanshui could speak, Gong Xiaoli yelled in shock when she came in from the outside: "Wei Wei, why did you shave your head like a nun in the temple?"

Yu Weirui: "I want to cut my ambition and take over my father's head."

Zhou Shanshui: "Yes, you can connect to the capital to know."

Yu Weirui pursed her lips and smiled, her wonderful eyes wandering: "I don't know what others mean when they say that. Uncle Zhou, is this a curse word?"

Zhou Shanshui: "Want to know? Let me teach you, let's start with Chinese."

Considering the high proportion of traditional culture, Zhou Shanshui directly read from the textbook "Happy Rain on a Spring Night" from "Tonight, the moon in Fuzhou, I only watch it in my boudoir. I feel sorry for my little daughter, and I don't understand Chang'an." From the age of poetry Let's start with the background, and break down the explanation word by word.

Then there is "There was a rich man in the Song Dynasty, and the wall was broken by the rain. His neighbor said that if he didn't build it, there would be robbers."

He originally thought that Yu Weirui was a rotten wood that could not be carved, but after today's lecture, he found that the baby has a good memory, and many things can be understood and memorized after just saying it once.

Wei Wei was obviously a little scared at the beginning, and sat upright, but gradually immersed in the new knowledge, her eyes brightened.

The setting sun moved westward a little bit, and the spring light fell on her face, which felt a little hairy, as full of youth as her son Zhou Feiyang.

Zhou Shanshui finished his homework and said: "You copy the two ancient poems, translate the ancient Chinese, and then memorize them. I will come over tomorrow afternoon to check. Today is a warm-up, so you can feel the learning atmosphere. You will add a section on English and English when you come down." Mathematics, you have to recite your homework, your studies are a bit tight, and you won't have time to play in the future, come on!"

The child is so cute, Zhou Shanshui subconsciously wanted to reach out and touch her head.

The hands stopped, she was a big girl, an adult.

Gong Xiaoli asked, Shanshui, don't you stay for dinner? How much do I have to give you for this tuition?Zhou Shanshui said no, no, I really like this child.Gong Xiaoli hurriedly said, Wei Wei, send the teacher off.

Yu Weirui was uncharacteristically silent and followed behind Zhou Shanshui step by step.

Zhou Shanshui was a little strange, and said, Wei Wei, don't you talk a lot, why don't you speak up?

Yu Weirui covered her mouth and muttered, I don't know.

Zhou Shanshui teased her: "Wei Wei, you keep saying that you will die at 27, what's going on, can you tell uncle?"

Yu Weirui scratched her head: "Uncle Zhou, don't laugh when I tell you. I like rock music, and many rock stars died at 27, so cool! I'm ready to die for rock music."

He is really a young man in the second year of middle school. Zhou Shanshui suddenly realized that he felt funny at the same time, saying: "It's not cool to die at the age of 27. If you want to say cool, you are cool today."

"Am I cool?" Yu Weirui touched her head again: "Is it because of my hair?"

"No, it's because you sat quietly in class and learned knowledge."

"Can that be cool?"

"Why isn't it cool?" Zhou Shanshui said with a smile, "Wei Wei, when you were studying, your classmates probably didn't do well in their studies, and no one knew how to memorize and do their homework. Usually, after class, most of them play with mobile phones, go shopping, and eat. Wear nice clothes. For you, studying is a boring and uncomfortable thing?"

Yu Weirui: "Yes, isn't that the case?"

Zhou Shanshui: "Your classmates and friends think that studying is too painful and painful. They think it is difficult to pass the high-tech exams. But you did it. You endured countless boring and irritating, and you defeated yourself. How amazing that is! It's really cool that you're trying!"

Yu Weirui was stunned and stopped.

Zhou Shanshui: "Endorse well, and check tomorrow."

Yu Weirui: "Uncle Zhou, is it too late for me to work hard?"

"It's never too late to work hard. If you hear the truth in the morning, you will die in the evening."

"I heard the Tao in the morning, and I can die in the evening, how cool!"

Yu Weirui finished copying two ancient poems, and translated the article "There are rich people in Song Dynasty, the walls are broken by rain", and then rode a bicycle to the community to exercise.

Suddenly, Zhou Shanshui remembered the historical events of "Tonight's Moon in Zhouzhou" that Zhou Shanshui told her during the day, and suddenly understood what separation is.

It's been a while since she's seen some jerk kid now.

Separation, longing, is also very cool!
This moon has been shining in the sky from the Tang Dynasty to the present, and it has been shining for more than 1000 years without any change.

She memorized it and never forgot it.

Zhou Shanshui's tutoring courses for Yu Weirui are arranged in this way. Every day when the property center gets off work at [-] o'clock in the afternoon, he will go to Lao Yu's house for an hour of class.When you are on duty, you can add a section.

When we encounter a hurdle in the study of Weiwei girl, we can add another session at noon.

Yu Weirui's high-tech exam is one month later, 30 days earlier than Zhou Feiyang and An An's college entrance examination, and this child has to accept the challenge first.

Time is tight, and it is useless to consolidate the foundation step by step. It must be done quickly and find a way to grab points.

On the second day, Zhou Shanshui directly explained algebraic equations to the children, and then explained pi in geometry.

Yu Weirui is used to being wild, but this time he was so overwhelmed that he couldn't make sense of it.

Zhou Shanshui said that mathematics is also simple, you can use the method of learning Chinese, memorize the formulas for me, and then apply them to the questions, just do more and practice more.Anyway, most of your exams this time are basic things, it is impossible to come up with strange and difficult questions, just understand the example questions.

Yu Weirui had no choice but to memorize formulas and example questions, swallowing dates wholeheartedly, treating science as liberal arts.

As for English, I also memorize and write.First memorize the words, then the sentence patterns, and then do the questions.

Boring is definitely boring, but the effect is remarkable.

Zhou Shanshui was a little anxious.

He estimated based on Yu Weirui's foundation, and after a month, the little girl's math score will be about [-] points, and the same is probably true for English.

The total score of the admission line is 120, and the gaps in these two subjects have to be made up in Chinese.

That is to say, she has to score eighty points in the Chinese language test. This task is really's not impossible.

It's still what Yu Weirui's former tutor said, we have to start with the composition.

Zhou Shanshui taught the little girl composition while making up lessons.

The so-called small composition is practical writing.To put it bluntly, this thing is just an explanatory text, three to five hundred words is OK, and the score is not low.

He found many medicine bottles and home appliance manuals for Yu Weirui to read, and said, explaining the text, explaining the function of a thing clearly.It doesn't matter what the text is, the key is to let readers understand, and the text should be simple and straightforward.

Yu Weirui has a good understanding. After studying for two days, she wrote the explanatory text in a decent manner.

But her big composition got stuck.

The composition in the textbook of the technical school is actually quite simple, but it is to remember people and events.The title of the composition is "Unforgettable Day" or "An Unforgettable Thing".

Zhou Shanshui combined the text to tell the children the central idea, the general idea of ​​the paragraphs, the cause and the end of the development climax, the succession, the time, the place, the character, the time, and he felt that he was teaching a primary school student.

But this elementary school student is elm bumpy. For example, the topic of today's composition is to describe the scenery and write about the sunset. Yu Weirui sat at the desk for an hour and wrote only one dry line, and a thin layer of sweat broke out on his forehead.

Zhou Shanshui saw that the child couldn't go on like this, so he said, don't write, let's go out for a stroll and watch the sunset.

He drove Lao Yu's car, brought Gong Xiaoli and her son to the edge of a large lake, pointed at the waves and said, Wei Wei, what do you think the waves look like?Gong Xiaoli said, like waves.

Zhou Shanshui said, look, it looks like fish scales, the scales of a big red carp.What do you think the clouds look like that day?
Yu Weirui thought about it and said, like a sheep.

That's right, it's a sheep.Zhou Shanshui said, there are so many sheep, thousands of sheep are walking and grazing on the grassland in your hometown.Today's composition is to describe the scenery, you can write whatever you think of, and you can count where you write, and relax.This is not homework, this is just writing what you want to say.

"Write what you want to say in your heart?" Yu Weirui thought for a while, and read: "Zhi Ruochun and Jingming, the waves are calm, the sky is bright, a vast expanse of green, sand gulls flying, brocade scales swimming, shore Zhitinglan, gloomy Qingqing. And maybe the long smoke is gone, the bright moon is thousands of miles away, the floating light jumps into gold, the still shadow sinks into the jade, and the fisherman's songs answer each other, what a joy it is!"

"Yes, that's right, that's how the ancients wrote scenery." Zhou Shanshui excitedly said, "Have you memorized the Yueyang Tower?"

Yu Weirui: "It's easy to memorize."

"Young people have a good memory, which is amazing." Zhou Shanshui: "If you want to say something, just write it down. Composition is not difficult."

Yu Weirui: "I want to write."

Zhou Shanshui: "Then go and write."

(End of this chapter)

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