Who is the Soldier's Assault?

Chapter 104 The Joint Trial

Chapter 104 The Joint Trial
A field ration was quickly distributed to the soldiers.

The so-called field rations are the few things in the vacuum packaging: a piece of chocolate, a piece of compressed biscuit, a small bag of pickles, a handful of raisins, and a small bag of glucose water.It only meets the needs of calories, salt, sugar and water for one morning.

Along with this bag of rations that can only fit between the teeth, there is also a smoke launcher.

Qi Huan repeatedly and indifferently warned: "The equipment I sent you must be inspected and kept well. It can be said to be your life. If anyone can't stand it anymore, you can use this smoke launcher. Ring it, and you can go back to the camp, rest, eat roasted hare, and eat roasted whole lamb. However, you also chose to give up.”

The soldiers put on vests with smoke devices one by one, and heavy field backpacks were carried on the shoulders of the soldiers.

Wu Liuyi and the others were preparing their outfits, Gan Xiaoning looked at the small bag of rations in his hand and complained, "I'm hungry now, we all came here on an empty stomach."

Wu Liuyi yelled at him: "Then you can eat, if you can think about it."

Gan Xiaoning held the bag, looking like he really wanted to eat it, Xu Sanduo snatched it and stuffed it back into his backpack, Gan Xiaoning could only smile wryly.

Ma Xiaoshuai squeezed into the crowd, looked at everyone happy: "Guys from the old seventh company, let's work together?"

Wu Liu nodded: "What's the point? Group action has a high survival rate."

Gan Xiaoning also agreed: "Gang Qilian, don't abandon, don't give up."

Xu Sanduo nodded seriously, and then saw a person outside the circle: "Come on!"

Chengcai stood still, his body was thinner than before, and his face was darker. He looked at him with no expression, but stretched out a hand.

Xu Sanduo hugged him impulsively, Chengcai responded somewhat passively, he seems to communicate less with people now than when Xu Sanduo first arrived.

Xu Sanduo said: "Let's act together, okay?"

Chengcai looked at those of the old Qilian, and their reactions could be called indifferent.

Therefore, Chengcai does not say yes, nor does he say no.

At this time, Li Bing, who came from the side, said, "Chengcai, let's work together. I need your sniper rifle."

Chengcai was a little stunned, and so were the others.

Then they saw the few people Li Bing had just invited over.

One of them was tall and strong, Chengcai and Xu Sanduo both knew this person, it was Wang Peng who had trained together in the recruit company.

Li Bing took Wang Peng and the four people behind him to introduce to several others: "This is Wang Peng from the Ninth Company, and these are some of his comrades in arms. I invite them to act together."

Wu Liuyi didn't understand what Li Bing was doing.

Gan Xiaoning asked, "Li Bing, what do you want to do?"

"Yuan Lang said that he suggested that we take joint action." Li Bing explained.

Wu Liuyi muffled: "It's enough for Gang Qilian to be together."

He didn't make it clear what he said, but he said clearly that too many people are a burden.

Wang Peng smiled and said: "Don't worry, I'm here to help you this time. One is because of the last exercise, Jiulian said nothing and it was gone. Our company commander was so angry that he didn't eat for three days. I was invited by Li Bing this time." It’s just for old A. With 40 fires and rockets on our backs, we will definitely not last until the end, and we will not become your competitors.”

Li Bing continued to explain: "Yuan Lang didn't say that we can't fight back, so why should we be beaten passively and run around like rabbits?"

He pointed to the 40 fire on Wang Peng's shoulder: "Old A has armored vehicles and high-mobility off-road vehicles. The selection rules did not say that we cannot fight back. Why can't we bomb or seize the car? If we want to fight back, we need Their bazooka!"

"In addition, if you can, you can pull in all you can. When we encounter a small group of pursuers, we will fight; You can’t just be beaten and not fight back. Those who want to come can join my team, and those who don’t want to come, I won’t force it.”

Li Bing began to pull people everywhere.

Some are willing to join, some are not.Chengcai hesitated and did not give an answer immediately.

In the end, there were all kinds of people with strong relationships, and a total of eighteen people were drawn, which is already quite a lot.

The seventh steel company has the most, and there are also the first company, the third company, the sixth company, and the ninth company. The other companies are not very familiar. After all, they are also competitors, and many of them are unwilling to join.

They boarded the truck and were ready to be sent to the battlefield.

Sitting in the truck, Gan Xiaoning couldn't bear it any longer. He opened the ration bag, put a piece of chocolate into his mouth, and smiled triumphantly: "It's hot weather, chocolate doesn't deserve it."

Ma Xiaoshuai asked, "Is the chocolate delicious?"

"It's delicious, of course it's delicious, put it in your mouth and enjoy the smoothness."

Everyone thought of a slogan and laughed.

But they completely ruled out success.

Qilian is gone, and it is even more difficult for them to let go of the person who owed Qilian—although being a talent is not a debt.

Only Xu Sanduo took care of Chengcai: "Come with us, Chengcai, the last time we confronted you was the one who killed the most old A."

Chengcai didn't speak, looked at those few, they didn't make a statement.

This made it difficult for him to make a decision.

Xu Sanduo had no choice but to change the subject: "Are you okay in Class Five?"

"Where the birds don't shit, you ask why you know it!" Cheng Cai didn't like Class Five.

"Don't say that."

"I don't want to waste my time talking about that place. What do you guys mean?" Cheng Cai asked Wu Liuyi, Gan Xiaoning and others directly.

"What do you mean?" Gan Xiaoning scolded him.

"Speak up, do you agree with me joining?" Cheng Cai was a little annoyed.

Li Bing said: "Let him come with us. Chengcai's sniper rifle has a magnifying glass, which is convenient for observation, and we can use it."

Gan Xiaoning snorted: "It's okay to let him join, I'm afraid that we will leave us halfway and run away."

Cheng Cai nodded angrily and agreed: "Okay, I will join forces with you, and I will be useful to you."

The members of the Old Seventh Company fell silent, they were not used to this kind of talk of weighing gains and losses.

Wu Liuyi broke the dullness: "Thank you for your kindness in joining us."

The car had already driven into the wilderness, and in the cab of the leader's car, an officer used a locator to find the position.

He waved to the convoy behind.

At this time, the people in the car were a little numb from the shaking of the car.

A voice from the cab made the numb nerves tense immediately: "I am about to enter the war zone, get ready for battle. Those who are hit by the laser beacon will be killed in battle, and immediately quit the game..."

The soldiers pulled the bolt to reload one after another.

The tense faces looked a little dazed because they couldn't see anything outside.

Li Bing reminded: "In the last exercise, you have all experienced the methods of old A. The place to get off the car must not be a good place. Everyone is ready to jump off the car!"

The car stopped, and an order came from the cab: "Have entered the war zone, ready to get off. Countdown, ten, nine, eight, seven, six..."

The soldiers looked at each other nervously, and there had never been such an oppressive atmosphere in any exercise.

Wu Liuyi signaled everyone to make way, and he stood at the front with a machine gun in his hand.

The tense voice continued: "...five, four, three, two, one! Get off!"

The curtain of the car was pulled open with a bang, and the glare of the sun shone in, and the eyes of the few people in front were instantly dazzled.

Outside is an open grassland and a small hill.

Wu Liuyi jumped out of the car first, rolled on the spot, and opened the gun mount under the cover of the car body.

The members of the old seventh company naturally followed him and jumped out of the car, maintaining a vigilant movement.

Cheng Cai searched the surrounding hills in the scope.

The wind blows across the grassland, and the surrounding area is surprisingly quiet.

Several people looked at Li Bing suspiciously at each other.

"Pay attention to concealment! Don't look at me, old A is all cats!"

Soldiers jumped off several trucks one by one. Halfway through the jump, there was a sudden sharp gunshot, and smoke came out of a soldier's body before he even hit the ground.

"Da da da..." The light and heavy machine guns burst into flames, coming from all directions, low and shocking, suppressing the soldiers' counter-fire.

Several soldiers who were standing beside the car smoked one after another and fell directly into boxes.

Chengcai continued to quickly report the direction: "Three o'clock... five o'clock, eight o'clock... six o'clock, all four directions!"

Gan Xiaoning yelled at Li Bing: "There is no reaction time! The opponent has a geographical advantage and cannot organize an effective counterattack!"

Wu Liu shouted: "It's all heavy firearms! I'm afraid these people can't fight if they are all organized!"

Gan Xiaoning repeated: "Captain, they are all heavy weapons, we can't do it at all!"

Li Bing pointed to a dry river ditch in the distance: "I said, if you can't beat it, you will retreat first!"

So, under his leadership, they quickly fled to the dry river ditch in embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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