Who is the Soldier's Assault?

Chapter 120 The Great Devil Railway

Chapter 120 The Great Devil Railway

After the training, Tuo Yonggang found Li Bing and said "Thank you."

He understood that the reason why he was able to stay, and now in old A, was thanks to Li Bing.

"You're welcome. Although we are in a competitive relationship, we are also teammates." Li Bing didn't hesitate, "You have to ask me to fuck once."

"Okay, no problem, I'll rest when I'm drunk." Tuo Yonggang agreed without hesitation.

Li Bing smiled: "I drink very little."

Tuo Yonggang thought that Li Bing was being modest: "I finally understand now that there are people out there, and I dare not say how good I am at drinking. At that time, I will drink as much as you drink, and I will just accompany you to the end."

"Then let's wait until the special training is over. I have already signed up for the military academy, and other processes are going on. Maybe it's time for us to separate."

"Even if we separate, I will make up your friend." Tuo Yonggang patted him on the shoulder, turned and returned to the dormitory.

Li Bing opened the system page, completed the task of preventing Tuo Yonggang from leaving, and rewarded him with a pack of instant noodles.

Looking at the instant noodles in the system warehouse, he feels that although this "diet therapy" can change the body, it is too easy to expose.Fortunately, it can be disguised as something on the earth, otherwise it would really be pulled to do research.

A new task has been issued, and this task makes Li Bing feel a little difficult.

Task: At the end of the devil training assessment, help Chengcai stay in the old A.

Reward: A pack of 500g rhino bone strengthening powder. (contains 10 packets)

Ingredients: w star 200-year-old rhinoceros bone is ground.

Benefits: Strong bones.Stamina +10.

Edible method: one pack at a time, mixed with boiling water.

Slogan: drink it, you can stand up in a wheelchair.

Side effects: promote the secondary development of bones, and may increase the height.Highly uncertain, to be observed by the host itself.

At the same time, Xu Sanduo found Chengcai on the rooftop where the clothes were hanging: "Why don't you go pull him?"

Chengcai said: "In that case, can I hold back?"

"Why can't you hold it back? Didn't Li Bing hold it back?"

Chengcai asked back: "Third idiot, didn't you also stand up to stop it?"

Xu Sanduo was silent for a moment, "I'm far away."

"Okay, don't explain, you and I are afraid of deducting points. In just two weeks, our points have been deducted below [-] points, and we don't know what difficulties are waiting for us in the future. As I said, Li Bing Unlike us, he wasn't afraid of taking points because his heart wasn't there."

"This time... I think we made a mistake again." Xu Sanduo is no longer as ignorant as before, and understands a lot of things, which also makes him worry. Since he wants to stay in the old A, he will care about the score.

I have to admit that this is the reason why he didn't stand up to stop Tuo Yonggang.

"Three idiots, you are right not to pull Tuo Yonggang. He is also our competitor. At the same time, we also bother him. Look at his high-ranking appearance. Isn't he just a lieutenant? What's the big deal, Wu Zhe It’s still a major, and I’ve never seen someone as arrogant as him all day long.”

"I think 27 is okay." Xu Sanduo said.

"What's all right? Look at the two of us, 27. When we first came, we saw that we were non-commissioned officers. When we slapped the table and said something about his uncle, our nostrils turned upside down."

Chengcai really can't understand Tuo Yonggang, which is also a very important reason why he used to pull Wu Zhe but doesn't pull him now.


Yuan Lang stood by the window, staring at the playground outside in a daze.

The railway dragged the mouse, looked at the list on the computer screen, and the horrific scores behind it: "You deducted points too harshly. Before March, everyone will be gone. These people are all brought by us with all our efforts. , especially 27, I dug it with my own hands, why don’t you like it? If it weren’t for 44 yesterday, he would have really let you run away.”

"It's not that I don't look down on him. On the contrary, I admire him very much. I think it would be a good thing for 27 to leave, because his self-control ability has surpassed his reason."

"You mean...you want to drive him away?"

"It's not that I want to drive him away. Of course I hope he can stay. I very much hope that he can learn a lesson this time. If his temper cannot be restrained, he is not suitable for the entire A team. Because of the tasks we perform It has particularity, requires rationality, and cannot be impulsive at any time."

Tie Tie smiled: "Impulse is the devil, that's what it means? You know, they call you a devil and Qi Huan a butcher."

"I like the title, to them, I am a devil."

The railway lit a cigarette and asked, "I want to know, how many of these people are you going to keep?"

"The assessment is not over yet, maybe none of them will stay."

Railway glanced at him sideways: "I asked someone to find a relationship, begged grandpa to sue grandma, and poached people everywhere, but you are better, you will not keep a single one in Sanyue, what are you trying to do?"

"The picture is to keep improving, and the picture is that they can survive on the real battlefield! If they don't meet the standard, I would rather not have it than let them die in vain! This is my principle!"

Facing such an instructor, the railway really had nothing to do: "I heard that you are particularly optimistic about 44, or did you personally invite him to come for special training?"

"Yeah. But he doesn't want to stay in Brigade A. He wants to be admitted to the military academy. He is simply an official fan."

The railway threw a pack of cigarettes in the past: "Soldiers who don't want to be generals are not good soldiers. I think this is very good. Our A Brigade is a concentration camp for officers. You are beyond my expectations this time. You held a trial in the 702 regiment , All of a sudden, four non-commissioned officers were dug out, you really belong to him."

Yuan Lang copied it, caught the cigarette case, and lit one: "41, 42, 43, 44, the four of them used to be soldiers of the Seventh Steel Company."

"The Seventh Company of Steel, known as the sharp knife company of the 702 regiment, is a very capable general. He doesn't like to rely on his father. He played a trick under the lights. In fact, we all know his identity. When I mentioned this incident, I laughed happily and said that Gao Cheng was like a cute little monkey in front of him."

"Well, Gaocheng is indeed unusual. It's a pity that when we met the military reform, the Seventh Steel Corps broke up. Now he has become the deputy battalion commander of the Divisional Reconnaissance Battalion. I think we will have the opportunity to fight against each other in future exercises."

There are not many people Yuan Lang admires, but Gao Cheng is one of them.

Tie Tie smiled: "The selection competition you held, but let him pick up the loopholes, and poached a lot of good soldiers."

Yuan Lang has already seen through everything: "Otherwise, Commander Qin insists that the Division Reconnaissance Battalion join forces with our Team A, and we will pick the top three, and they will pick the top ten. They are all thousand-year-old foxes, who don't know who they are playing? "

"Hey, hey, don't take me with you, I'm not an old fox."

"Then you are... the Great Demon King. Well, I am the devil, and you are the Great Demon King."

As a result, the railway has a nickname - the big devil.


The training is still going on, and the off-road vehicles are still running in front, and the trainers are eating ashes behind.

The speed is very even, no one is excited or complains, just persist, no matter how bad the environment is, there is a time to get used to it.

The three-month special training time is soon over half.

Although the food was good, he still couldn't handle the devilish training. Li Bing lost a lot of weight again, but his muscles became stronger, and he looked a bit like Bruce Lee.

Over time, the number of trainees dropped from 44 to 22.

Especially in the last week, almost every day someone had to leave regretfully because the points were deducted.

After Yuan Lang and Qi Huan put forward the request of "arriving later than the car, deduct 10 points", everyone was unusually calm, and there were no so many complaints, because they already knew that since the devil made such a request, old A's This is how people come here.

Tuo Yonggang lamented to Li Bing and Wu Zhe beside him: "Why did the devil deduct another five points from me? If this continues, you may not see me tomorrow!"

Wu Zhe panted on the side of the road with his hips akimbo, sweating profusely, and said with a wry smile: "27, normal heart, normal heart! I have seen it through, but I am still persisting because I want to see how many people are left. Personally, if there is not one left, I will ridicule the devil and tell him that after three months of training, he has been trained and ran away. This is his failure as an instructor!"

He has been completely disappointed with Old A, especially the inhumane point-deduction system for devils and butchers.

(End of this chapter)

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