Who is the Soldier's Assault?

Chapter 129 The 7 Most Important Words of Steel 6th Company

Chapter 129 The Six Most Important Words of Steel Qilian
After Wu Zhe came out, he took a few keys, and he was going to Yuan Lang's office to find the mobile phone.

Of course he found it, and then saw that there was no card or battery, it was just a prop to deceive them.

At that moment, Wu Zhe suddenly understood something...

The next one is Xu Sanduo.

After saluting, sit down.

Railway looked at Yuan Lang, then at Xu Sanduo and said, "He did a great job, I have no objection."

Yuan Lang smiled: "Xu Sanduo, your contrast yesterday surprised us."

"Report, what contrast?"

Yuan Lang scratched his head, the guy he was facing was sometimes very dull, and his reaction was always half a beat slower than others: "When you are with your teammates, you hardly know which leg to take. Then you believe your Teammates have sacrificed, you start to choose your own actions, and that kind of independence and boldness surprised us again."

"I... failed to complete the task."

"That's not a task that a single soldier can complete. And I did a data simulation last night. Your action reduces the chance of the main target being detonated to 14.00%. It is an effective behavior."

"That's good."

Having been chatting awkwardly, Yuan Lang didn't know what to do, so he had to rush to the topic: "Xu Sanduo, are you willing to stay in Team A?"


The railway ticked off the evaluation book: "You go. Ask Chengcai to come in when you go out."

Xu Sanduo saluted: "Yes!"

Next is becoming a talent.

Chengcai sat upright, even more upright than every high-ranking officer present, he had no choice but to earn this impression point.

But the assessment he faces differs from the previous ones, bordering on a questioning.

Yuan Lang asked his first question: "After losing contact with everyone, you judged that the operation failed, so you withdrew from the combat zone?"

Chengcai replied: "Yes."

Yuan Lang continued to ask: "What is the basis for the judgment?"

"The combat force was reduced by more than half, and it was regarded as a loss of combat effectiveness. At that time, the reduction in group E reached three-quarters, and I was the only one left."

"This is the logic of a conventional force in a conventional war. Was yesterday's situation a conventional war? Are we a conventional force? Are you aware of the consequences of abandoning operations? Doesn't everything we train predict that we will fight under high pressure and even desperation ?”

Chengcai's expression was a little unnatural: "I admit that I am scared, but this is only the first time, and I won't do it again."

"We can all understand. In fact, we have also used all means to scare you, scare you, and convince you even more."

Chengcai admitted: "I was wrong. I was not enlightened enough. I must strengthen my studies in the future. Soldiers must have the awareness to risk their lives at any time. I failed this time, but next time I will not do worse than others. I have This confidence!"

Yuan Lang looked at him, his eyes became more and more regretful: "To become a talent, it takes more energy for you to treat the exercise as real than the exercise itself. Do you know why you do this?"

"To...see our real performance."

"Wrong. This time I just want you to experience the first war when there is no war. The heaviest casualties in the war are always recruits. Because there is no psychological experience and no time to adapt, such a psychological experience is carefully created. But this kind of opportunity is only once, and it will not work next time. To become a talent, I mean, this kind of experience is only once in your life, but you give up. "

Chengcai looked very disturbed: "I'm sorry, I... I'm sorry."

"I'm also very sorry. Chengcai, we affirm your ability, but we can't accept you. I have no doubt that in a real war, you will fight bravely and become a battle hero just by the number of kills. But, that's really not the case. what the army needs."

Cheng Cai bit his lip, sat upright, his face turned pale, he was persevering, and his heart gradually collapsed: "Why? Reason?! It's because of this time!? Just this time!"

"The reason is that you are too outsider. It is difficult for others or the team to occupy a place in your heart. You are very active and capable, but you are very closed. You just shut yourself in your own world and think about yourself and do your own thing. To become talented, we are not for confrontation, your comrades-in-arms and even your enemies need you to understand, harmonize and experience."

"Why do you say that about me, who am I, and how do you know!?"

"Let's do a little test, Chengcai, and explain to us the six most important words of Steel Seventh Company."

Chengcai was stunned in anger, Qilian was already a topic too far away for him. "Seven companies?..."

"You have only been in the military for three years, so you don't even forget the old troops who have been in the army for two years?"

"Steel Qilian! How could I forget? Didn't forget! Six words? Which six words?"

Yuan Lang knew that Chengcai didn't have those six words in his heart: "I will take back this question. I have been thinking, how could you violate these six words? We made you uneasy, or you were too concerned about gain and loss. Now I know, you are You have lived there for two years, and the pride of that place is fundamental, but those six words have never entered your heart—don’t abandon, don’t give up!”

Chengcai's brain suddenly exploded.

He finally remembered what Gao Cheng often said - never abandon, never give up, so we are called Gang Qilian!

"I don't know!... I didn't know you were referring to these six words!"

Yuan Lang expressed regret: "You know, but you don't have it in your heart. In the trials, you left your teammates and ran away alone, so we dare not go to the battlefield with such comrades in arms."

This sentence has already been said very directly. He once abandoned the Seventh Company. Similarly, he may abandon the A Brigade in the future.

Chengcai has lost self-control: "I don't accept it! I don't believe it! My score is the highest and my performance is the best! You said it a month ago, welcome to be a member of the old A. And this armband! I have long been an old A A, how can you just let me go?"

Yuan Lang lowered his body, and he didn't want the railway to hear what he said: "Remember the time when 27 and I competed? If it weren't for 44, he would have left. You slept together and went through special training together, but do you think he It is your competitor, you thought that you would lose a competitor, but you didn't expect to lose a comrade in arms."

"I was disappointed at the time. I thought, why can't such an excellent soldier treat us as his comrades in arms? From then on, I became disappointed in you."

Cheng Cai sat blankly, Yuan Lang's voice was very soft, but to him it was like thunder.

"Chengcai, do you know what I think is the only good thing about you?"

Cheng Cai replied blankly: "Isn't it my shooting?"

"It was you who called your friend's name before you gave up. I finally found out that there is another person you care about, but this does not mean that you have learned to cherish. Go back, Chengcai, go back and find your branches, I put You've been pulled out of the ground, you've cut your roots, and you've got to learn to re-root."

The next one to go in was Wu Liuyi, who sat in a standard sitting posture after saluting.

"Wu Liuyi, the real steel tough guy of Steel Seventh Company."

This is Yuan Lang's evaluation of him.

Wu Liuyi seemed a little embarrassed: "Chief Miao Zan, I will continue to work hard."

The railway asked him directly: "Would you like to stay in Brigade A?"

Wu Liuyi replied without hesitation: "Of course I would!"

Yuan Lang nodded: "I also welcome you to join, but I have one more thing to remind you, your physical fitness has almost reached its limit, this is not a good thing, in the future, you may have to It's harder than others. Do you understand?"

"I understand, I can hold on!"

"That's good. At the same time, you also need to know that the tasks we perform are often dancing on the tip of the knife, so you may have to work harder than others in training to meet the requirements of surviving in a desperate situation."

"I can do it!" Wu Liuyi said firmly.

Yuan Lang finally commented: "Iron Will Iron Man, you are the soldier I have seen most like the Seventh Company of Steel."

Railway nodded and ticked the book.

The next one is Tuo Yonggang.

Facing Yuan Lang, he was no longer as proud and conceited as when he first came.

Yuan Lang looked at him: "I'm very happy to see you again today. On that day, I was really worried that you would really leave. Fortunately, 44 opened up and gave me and you a step. You should thank him, thank you He gave you a chance to stay."

Tuo Yonggang nodded, "I have already thanked him. I heard that he is going to take the military academy entrance exam, and I will send him off too. I am really grateful to him and Wu Liuyi. If it weren't for them, I might really have left this place At the same time, I also thank the captain for letting me know that I used to sit on the sidelines and spoil myself. What almighty gun king, shit!"

Yuan Lang and the railway both laughed.

The railway ticked a tick on the evaluation report: "Comrade Tuo Yonggang, welcome to join the old A!"

(End of this chapter)

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