Who is the Soldier's Assault?

Chapter 133 3 years later

Chapter 133 Three years later

Life in a military academy is almost the same as going to school, but with militarized management, there is relatively less training and more cultural courses.

Li Bing chose information engineering and computer technology as his major.

Because he knows that electronics, informatization, and digitalization are the three major trends in the future, he chose computer-related majors.

First day, first class.

The students sat down talking and discussing in low voices.

One of them whispered, "Have you heard? Our teaching director is Mei Yuanjian, an old antique."

"What's the matter? I heard that the principal specially invited us a postdoctoral fellow, and the computer technology is definitely the first-class authority in the country."

When the discussion was underway, a hale and hearty soldier in his 50s walked to the podium.

"Students, let me introduce myself first. My surname is Mei, and my name is Mei Yuanjian. I am your teaching director."

Hearing his name, everyone laughed.

Mei Yuanjian didn't care: "The name was given by my parents. It's just a code name. My name is much better than Mei Benshi, Mei Facai, etc."

He made a slight pressure, gestured for silence, and continued: "First of all, I am happy that you have chosen this academy, and I am also proud that you have chosen the armored soldier."

Mei Yuan saluted, and the students applauded.

"Students, do you know why Hitler was able to sweep most of Europe in the early days of World War II?"

"Some students must know that he relies on the assault of armored mechanized units! Therefore, after the end of World War II, all countries regard the development of armored forces as an important goal of military modernization. So, is the current information warfare reduced? What about the combat status of armored forces? Is it still the main assault force of the Army’s modernization? Can the myth of World War II be reproduced?”

"This is what we are going to learn in this class. I think it is mainly based on two aspects, one is the development of intelligent armored vehicles, and the other is the improvement of the combat system. In the future, my courses will mainly explain how to intelligentize armored forces A systematic theoretical study of development and how to conduct joint operations with infantry and air force."

The life of the military academy began, and Li Bing studied tirelessly. He was eager for this knowledge, and he was eager to learn more about armored combat courses.

The next day, Li Bing met the postdoctoral teacher who had recently been rumored in the school.

"Hi everyone, my name is Gong Kedi, and I'm your homeroom teacher. I will teach your strategy and tactics courses, as well as information technology and computer applications in the future."

Gong Kedi looked like he was in his 30s, and he looked upright, and he couldn't tell he was a computer major.

"The content of the course we are studying today is the offensive battle of the machine-step company against the enemy in the defense of the field. Marshal Liu Bocheng has a famous saying that the five elements are not correct, and you lose cleanly. So what are the five elements? Does anyone know?"

Li Bing in the front row and several students raised their hands one after another.

Gong Kedi seemed to have done enough homework. He had read the materials of his classmates and remembered many names.

He walked up to Li Bing's seat and motioned, "Then let Li Bing talk about it."

"Yes!" Li Bing stood up and replied: "The five elements refer to the five elements of combat command, namely mission, enemy situation, our situation, terrain and time. Answer is over."

"The answer is absolutely correct. Please sit down." Gong Kedi signaled him to sit down, "Student Li Bing is very good, and he will be the monitor of our class from now on."

After the squad leader was selected, he continued: "In our tactics class, we used to look at the map and the sand table, but now you are facing the computer. On it, I made a short animation of a mechanized company attacking a certain defensive position. The synergy of various tactics is explained in detail, please look at your computer screen..."

Li Bing looked at the desktop computer in front of him, the screen flickering on it.

"Remember, concentrating troops does not mean hoarding troops, and saving troops does not mean reducing troops. Only by conducting scientific battle formations can the combat efficiency of each unit be brought into full play. This is very important for combat. Especially for companies like companies The establishment of the squad can be taken as the point, the platoon as the line, and the connection as the surface, so as to maximize the combat effectiveness of each combatant, which is what a commander should do the most."

Gong Kedi talked endlessly, and Li Bing benefited a lot.These strategies and tactics are all things he has never been exposed to before.

Winter goes and autumn comes, time flies.

Three years have passed in a blink of an eye.

In the last class, Gong Kedi stood on the stage and gave a lecture on the last subject - coordinated operations.

"Students, most of you here will become a new generation of officers, to be precise, army armor commanders. Then I think, there must be one issue among you that is very concerned about—the position of the army in the current war."

"Then, we can discuss this issue today. If students have any ideas and questions, they can bring them to me."

Li Bing raised his hand and stood up after being signaled: "Report, Mr. Gong, please explain the Kosowo War, okay?"

"The question Li Bing raised is very good. This is also a case I want to bring to you today, a practical case."

"In the [-] Kosovo War, the Western countries led by the United States used absolute air superiority to attack the weak Yugoslavia and force it to submit.

Its combat style is a typical non-contact combat. The two warring parties did not engage in close combat on the battlefield from the beginning to the end. This is extremely rare in the history of world warfare.

In the course of combat, NATO mainly adopts three tactics: one is to launch cruise missiles to attack thousands of kilometers away from the battlefield; the other is to dispatch stealth bombers from the United States or allied bases, accompanied by electronic jammer The second is to go deep into the theater and drop precision-guided bombs; the third is to use manned combat aircraft to launch precision-guided weapons from outside the defense zone under the premise of mastering the air supremacy in the theater to attack the intended target.

Relying on the support of modern information technology, it only takes 3 minutes for the NATO command organization to issue an order to the front-line troops, and it only takes 1 minute to issue an order to the missile force by leapfrogging. With the help of GPS-guided cruise missiles, laser-guided bombs and joint direct attack munitions, The integration of information and firepower has been realized, and "discovery and destruction" has been basically achieved.

After the Kosovo War ended, someone put forward a so-called new theory. What kind of theory is it?That is the theory of asymmetric warfare. "

"That is to say, when one side of the battle has high-intensity and sophisticated combat weapons and absolute air supremacy, an asymmetric war will be formed."

"Many big countries have already threatened that close contact is no longer needed in wars, that is to say, our army is not needed to participate in the war. You can think about this issue. Using long-range missiles to bombard indiscriminately can deter the opponent and destroy them. Some ground military facilities achieve the purpose of defeating others without fighting."

"Such inferences seem to remind us of another question. That is to say, now that warfare has a powerful and highly accurate global positioning system and super-powerful laser-guided weapons, do we still need our army? Do we still need armored soldiers? "

"Of course the answer is yes. Yes, yes!"

"At that time, as a relatively weak side, the Yugoslavia, in the early days of the war, took advantage of the terrain with many mountains and caves and complex terrain to build many caverns and underground facilities throughout the country, and destroyed most of the aircraft before the NATO air strikes. Heavy equipment such as tanks, tanks, and missiles are hidden underground, avoiding large-scale air strikes, and achieving the purpose of preserving the main battle equipment and the strength of combat troops."

"A truly cruel war is fought for money and national power. All high-tech weapons will be exhausted, aircraft will be shot down, and warships will be sunk. If you want to really occupy a place, In the end, it’s a contest between people.”

"Whether it's the previous Iran-Iraq War, the Sea Bend War, or the Kosovo War not long ago, these are all local wars, but the message they present is that only a strong country can prevent being bullied! Only when our own fists are strong enough, others dare not do it!"

"Okay. This is the end of this last class. I congratulate the students for successfully completing their graduation! I wish you all the best in the future!"


They salute each other.

(End of this chapter)

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