Who is the Soldier's Assault?

Chapter 135 Tactical Deduction

Chapter 135 Tactical Deduction
T Division Operations Department.

Division Commander Qin Anguo, Deputy Division Commander Ding Changsheng, Chief of Staff Yang Qingyun, and several operational staff officers, together with Divisional Reconnaissance Battalion Commander Yang Jian, Deputy Battalion Commander Gao Cheng, and 702 Regiment Commander Wang Qingrui, Staff Officer Changjiang Wenshan, etc. Surrounding the sand table and combat terrain map, the final tactical deduction is being carried out.

Li Bing stood quietly behind these people, listening to their analysis.

This exercise is a regular urban offensive and defensive battle. The 702 regiment and the division reconnaissance battalion are the red side of the attack, while the A brigade is the blue side for defense.

At the beginning of 2000, the tactical simulation evaluation system had not been promoted in the whole army.Most of the time, the tactical deduction of the old model is still carried out according to this scaled down sand table.

Chief of Staff Yang Qingyun pointed to the sand table and said: "Theoretically speaking, the direction suitable for the main attack should be placed in the east of the city. Although it is far away from the battle line, the terrain is flat and suitable for the front-line push of the motorized troops!" "

After finishing speaking, several combat staff officers nodded in agreement.

The exercise will start on time next week, and the combat requirements of the red and blue sides have basically been determined. Now they will conduct a deduction first to predict the tactical play, so that they know what they are doing.

Qin Anguo thought for a while, and said: "I agree with the chief of staff in principle. However, if you want to use the method of front-line flat push, you must keep up with the backup supply. Otherwise, even if you capture the city, it will be difficult to hold on to it." live."

Wang Qingrui nodded and said: "The teacher is right. In fact, this battle is not only about our red side, but also the blue side's logistics supply line is very important. I still remember the first time I conducted a drill with A Brigade. A Brigade cut off my supply line. As a result, many tanks and artillery are unable to move. This time, we will return the same way, find the material transfer station of the blue side, and destroy it!"

Everyone agrees with his point of view.

Although the last exercise was judged to be a draw, in fact, the 702 regiment lost with such a high battle loss ratio.

Therefore, Wang Qingrui kept holding his breath, looking for an opportunity to compete with Team A.

The deputy division commander Ding Changsheng smiled and said: "Tuan Commander Wang has learned a lot from a pitfall, so it seems that this time he will fight back!"

Wang Qingrui said: "This time, we must also find the headquarters of the Blue Army! If its waist is still in the sky, I will definitely shoot it down!"

This sentence made everyone in the war department couldn't help laughing, which also eased the tense atmosphere.

Yang Qingyun said: "I think the important task of finding the Blue Army headquarters is handed over to the Divisional Reconnaissance Battalion. They have prepared and trained for three years. Whether it is a mule or a horse, it is time to take it out for a walk!"

"Yes!" Yang Jian and Gao Cheng immediately saluted and shouted yes.

Qin Anguo looked around for a while, saw Li Bing standing behind the crowd, and said: "Comrade Li Bing, the two sides of this exercise, the red side is the Divisional Reconnaissance Battalion and the 702 Regiment, and the blue side is the A Brigade. As an old soldier who has been there, you should have your own judgment on the situation, so please express your opinion?"

Li Bing did not expect that the division commander would suddenly name him. Most of the military ranks here are higher than him. As usual, he is not qualified to attend the meeting. Of course, it was the division commander's idea that he was called by Gaocheng. The meeting can increase a lot of knowledge.

This is obviously to focus on cultivating his rhythm.

At this time, Qin Anguo called his name, and also wanted to see what "capability" he had, whether he was "ignorant and incompetent".

After the division commander asked questions, all the staff officers and regimental leaders in the war room turned their attention to Li Bing.

Compared with Qin Anguo, these officers didn't know so much about Li Bing.

But there is one thing everyone can be sure of. Since he was called by the teacher to attend the meeting and asked questions by name, this young man must have extraordinary abilities.

Li Bing was a little nervous about being the focus of attention in the arena, and he was under a lot of pressure, but he was still able to calm down.

Now that the division commander had already spoken, he answered. He organized his language a little and began his statement: "I do have a certain understanding of these two old troops. However, I have just graduated from the military academy, so it is inevitable that I will talk about it on paper." Therefore, I would like to share my personal opinion..."

Hearing Li Bing's humble words, all the staff members nodded secretly.

Yang Jian looked at him with great interest, wanting to hear what he could say.

He also has a certain understanding of Li Bing. He also knows that this young man studied network information and computer technology in the military academy, but he doesn't know how well he is in strategy and tactics.

After Li Bing opened his mouth, the tension gradually disappeared, and under everyone's gaze, he began to speak in an orderly manner: "In this exercise, the scene we simulated is a city offensive and defensive battle. When it comes to city defense wars, we first think of The phrase, it may be the three words 'blitzkrieg'..."


Hearing this term, everyone including Qin Anguo nodded.

Indeed, as the most proud tactic of the German army during World War II, "Blitzkrieg" played a vital role in many battles.

Even in the 21st century, experts in military theory have not stopped studying this tactic.

"We already know the tactics of the previous blitzkrieg very well. Its tactical essentials are to use the air force to violently bomb the enemy's important strategic facilities, communication centers, and the opponent's airport. After obtaining air supremacy as much as possible, cooperate with the armored forces on the road to carry out Go fast."

"Blitzkrieg has three characteristics: sudden attack, violent attack, and strong mobility."

"Therefore, it is necessary to concentrate tanks and aircraft on a large scale, so the blitzkrieg is the combination of surprise attack and fast attack, and strikes the enemy like lightning! The enemy loses morale under the sudden threat, and thus collapses under the first huge blow !"

"Especially in urban offensive and defensive battles, if the defender fails to defend against the attacker's first wave of air strikes and tank swarms, then the consequence is that they can only be forced to switch to street fighting."

Listening to Li Bing's eloquent talk, Qin Anguo and Yang Qingyun looked at each other and nodded slightly.

Although Li Bing only spoke half of what he meant, those present already almost understood what he meant.

What he meant was that in next week's exercise, the red side, as the attacking side, can use the "blitzkrieg" tactic.

After he finished speaking, the meeting room was quiet for a while, and someone asked: "Of course there is no doubt about the practicability of blitzkrieg. However, the premise of carrying out blitzkrieg is to maintain air supremacy. The rice air force with air superiority and the German ground combat vehicles have become live targets for aircraft, so it is impossible to continue to use blitzkrieg. In addition, this tactic is very dependent on logistics. Once the supply of gasoline, ammunition and food is not available, it will be wiped out .”

These are all examples, and now some people use them to refute, which is naturally justified.

When he was questioned, Yang Jian had been observing the expression on Li Bing's face. After noticing that the other party's expression had not changed, he nodded secretly. Regardless of the level of the young man's military theory, this calmness alone was already enough. Better than many young people.

Li Bing said lightly: "Of course we can't apply the previous lightning model. Equipment is being updated and the war is escalating. Our tactics also need to be innovated."

Wang Qingrui next to him smiled and said to Li Bing: "Comrade Li Bing, some people have different opinions, please explain your new tactics."

"Okay." Li Bing responded, and continued to explain his point of view, "In our simulated battlefield this time, the defending blue side also has a vast city as a strategic depth. Whether the use of tanks for lightning raids is effective depends on the It's worth thinking about..."

Listening to his words, everyone couldn't help being a little curious. They really wanted to hear how this young man would explain next.

"Compared with previous wars, modern warfare has different characteristics. In the Sea Bend War in the 90s, due to the extensive use of cutting-edge weapons, fundamental changes have taken place in battlefield conditions, combat methods, and confrontation methods. It opened the prelude to modern high-tech local wars."

"The Kosovo War in the late 90s was a 'non-contact war' that focused on long-range and high-altitude precision strikes. The United States achieved its strategic goals with completely independent air superiority, which also marked the unprecedented rise in the status of air combat .”

"The Afghan war at the beginning of this century fully demonstrated the powerful power of information warfare, giving full play to the systemic effects of various combat methods, enabling a high degree of integration between the information system and the combat system..."

(End of this chapter)

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