Chapter 138

The undulating bunkers and scattered firepower points constitute the second line of defense for the entire "P City".

Behind a bunker in the south, Qi Huanzheng, Wu Zhe, Tuo Yonggang, and Wu Liuyi confessed: "It's already dawn, everyone cheers up and is ready to fight at any time."

Regarding his reminder, Tuo Yonggang was somewhat puzzled.

In his view, the red side had carried out a large-scale air strike yesterday.

It stands to reason that it would take at least 24 hours to organize a second wave of attack, replenish ammunition, gasoline, rest personnel, overhaul equipment, etc.

And now, only one night has passed since yesterday's air strike.

Wu Zhe next to him seemed to see his doubts, so he lowered his voice and reminded: "Our radar has been monitoring the opponent's air power, and we found a few Wuzhijiu..."

Hearing this, Tuo Yonggang nodded in relief.


The helicopter was flying in the air, and Yuan Lang sat in it, staring at the forward position below, and asked, "Qi Huan, report the positions of each group!"

"Captain, group A is in the east, group B is in the west, our group C is in the south, and group D is in the north, it's over."

"Well, keep an eye on your position, pay attention to coordination with friendly forces, over."

"Received! Finished!" After making arrangements, Qi Huan asked: "Captain, how is Xu Sanduo? I haven't heard him speak for a long time. Are you upset that he cut off his second-rate troops?"

Xu Sanduo, who had been silent for a long time, finally retorted: "The troops only have different functions, and there is nothing more or less."

"Look, today I will disable your old troops and destroy your division reconnaissance battalion, and tomorrow I will take a note and write the word "truth" on it, and put it on your lips, so that you know that old A is the real boss! Anywhere, anytime!"

"Then we tied with the 702 regiment last time. Is this A going to be divided into big A and small A?"

Qi Huan smiled: "Sometimes your mouth is also very quick. Stop talking, keep the channel open, over."

Yuan Lang's gaze turned to the three members next to him, and said into the intercom: "Just received the detailed information from the headquarters in the city, the enemy fighter planes are dispatched again, and a full-scale attack may be launched within an hour!"

After hearing this, Wu Zhe couldn't help wondering in the intercom: "Is this information accurate? Under such dark weather conditions, the fighter plane's vision should be affected, right?"

"Perhaps, the enemy is also seeing this point, and wants to catch us by surprise!"

Yuan Lang looked at the coordinates of the map. At this time, the helicopter had already flown to the rear of the Red Army's position. They wanted to land from here and go deep into the Red Army's hinterland to find the opponent's headquarters.

The code name for this operation is Viper!
The air radar continued to scan, and several reconnaissance planes expanded the search area, and finally found the blue party's armed helicopter.

"Report to the commander-in-chief and found the armed helicopter of the blue team. Unfortunately, we are one step too late, and the special personnel of the blue team are already lurking!"

"Received!" Qin Anguo immediately ordered: "Battalion Commander Yang, immediately send a search team to find them!"


Yang Jian knew how powerful these special forces were. Once they were allowed to find the division headquarters, the consequences would be disastrous.However, most of the troops of the Divisional Reconnaissance Battalion have already been dispatched, and there are not many troops at hand.

Gao Cheng was already eager to try. After all, since he became the deputy battalion commander, there were very few opportunities to go to the battlefield in person, and the company commander below did most of the things for him.

He volunteered: "Let me go with the guard company."

Yang Jian thought for a moment, nodded in agreement and said, "Okay."

Li Bing asked at the same time: "Master, Battalion Commander, there is nothing to do here, let me go too?"

Qin Anguo glanced at him and said, "Be careful."


Li Bing left the division headquarters with Gao Cheng.


"P City" north gate.

Qi Huan's expression darkened as he watched the chariots appearing one after another with low roars ahead.

"It turned out to be the main attack from the direction of the south!"

Qi Huan snorted in surprise, and turned to look at the friendly army over there who was nervously deploying defenses.

"That's too late……"

Qi Huan's judgment was not wrong.

The red side's sudden attack was completely out of the expectation of the friendly troops in the city.

Under the rampage of tanks and armored vehicles, the defenses that were not strong enough were smashed to pieces like tofu.

The fierce exchange of fire soon spread to the second line of defense in the city.

The blue side only guarded for a moment, and the decline was undoubtedly revealed.

A mechanized infantry battalion of the D Group Army stationed at the North Gate at the same time as Qi Huan and the others was quickly pushed back by the opponent's firepower.

Seeing that the situation was not right, a battalion commander on the other side yelled at the direction where the four of Old A were standing: "Brother, withdraw!"

After hearing this, Qi Huan stretched out his hand and made a "received" gesture to him, and said in a loud voice: "You retreat first, we will cover!"

The battalion commander obviously knew the fighting power of old A and the like, so he didn't write any ink at the moment, calling his soldiers to retreat quickly.

Seeing that all the friendly troops had retreated to the third line of defense, Qi Huan turned his gaze to Wu Zhe, Tuo Yonggang, and Wu Liuyi.

"From now on, code-named Mole, plan of action: After the enemy captures 'P City', lurk in the city and be ready to fight at any time."


The three people in Group C responded at the same time, and looked at each other, all a little inexplicably excited.

After explaining the task, Qi Huan's movements did not stop at all.

Two consecutive shots killed two targets on a chariot.

"Two armored vehicles are rushing over, the second line of defense can no longer be defended, retreat!"

After listening to Qi Huan's instructions, Tuo Yonggang and Wu Zhe didn't delay any longer, quickly put away their guns, and evacuated to the sewer behind the bunker.

Just as Qi Huan was about to retreat with the three of them, he saw Wu Liuyi who was still firing with a machine gun.

"King Kong, withdraw!"

Wu Liu said: "Armored vehicles can run faster than human legs. Without cover, they can't run far. You retreat first, and I will cover!"

Hearing this, Qi Huan was taken aback.

However, he soon came back to his senses.

Patted Tuo Yonggang and Wu Zhe, "Let's go, withdraw!"

Hearing the footsteps of the three comrades behind him gradually receding, Wu Liuyi's face revealed a happy expression.

He temporarily stopped shooting first, and hid behind the bunker, creating the illusion that he and his comrades were fleeing together.

With his back to the bunker, Wu Liuyi pulled the collar of his clothes, and when he silently counted to the tenth number, he stood up abruptly with a machine gun in his hand, and fired fiercely at the enemy.

"Da da da……"

A shuttle of bullets blasted out, and the two machine gunners on the red chariot were killed instantly.

With this successful attack, Wu Liuyi's offensive became even more vigorous.

He stared at the tank's antenna and the commander's periscope.

The continuous intensive shooting forced a tank in front to slow down.

It wasn't until the bullets in the machine gun were fired that Wu Liuyi turned around and hid behind the bunker.

"Damn it, who is this machine gunner on the blue side? Isn't he too tough?"

In an infantry combat vehicle on the left, a machine gunner couldn't help asking his companions.

"Who knew, he could actually shoot a load of bullets with a machine gun in his hand, and the recoil could be unbearable. His physical fitness is not ordinary..."

In another infantry vehicle in the middle, Shi Jin saw the familiar figure across from him early in the morning, with a smile on his lips.

"Wu Liuyi, I haven't seen you for more than three years, and he's still so vigorous!"

A squad leader of the armored reconnaissance battalion next to him heard the platoon leader talking to himself, and couldn't help asking curiously: "Third platoon leader, do you know that machine gunner?"

Shi Jin said with some pride: "I think he is the fiercest and toughest soldier in the old seventh company!"

After listening to the words of the platoon leader Shi, the third squad leader suddenly realized.

"The fiercest soldier in the old seventh company? Ah, is it the former squad leader Wu of the steel seventh company of the 702 regiment? He is my idol!"

"That's right, it's him!"

Shi Jin laughed, he didn't expect Wu Liuyi to have fans.

(End of this chapter)

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