Who is the Soldier's Assault?

Chapter 148 Two Tests for Success

Chapter 148 The Second Test of Success
The director team has conveyed the information of the missile attack layer by layer, explaining that this time it is a live ammunition, and reminding the participating exercisers to pay attention to safety.

When the missile fell, the soldiers on the red side were all watching. The time of silence has far exceeded the detonation time of conventional bombs.

A few curious recruits tried to walk towards the factory building, wanting to find out inside.

Li Bing stopped them with a loud roar: "Come back! Don't die? That's live ammunition, don't go there!"

Then, there was a violent and dull explosion, large pieces of reinforced concrete sprayed out from the hole, the ground was shaken, the remaining pieces of glass on the factory building shattered and fell in an uproar, and the fragments of reinforced concrete rained down on the ground. within the entire factory area.

This is just the surface that has been affected. No one can see what happened in the really heart-breaking underground.

Wu Zhe supported the laser pointer that was about to collapse while shaking, and at the same time began to search for signals.

Yuan Lang and the others stared steadily at the recruits who ran and dodged and fell during the explosion, monitoring the chaos there.

The huge power of this missile indicates that the military technology of the motherland has made a qualitative leap compared to before!

Wu Zhe finally regained his senses from the photoelectric instrument, and his tone was a little disturbed: "The laser signal source is interrupted!"

Yuan Lang jumped up: "Retreat!"

Li Bing was the first to recover from Old A's fatal blow to the "Command Headquarters", and ordered: "Cooperate with the third row to encircle! Don't let them escape!"

At this time, Shi Jin was chasing forward with a group of veterans from the third row.

The gunfire started again.

"Xu Sanduo, you stay and cover!"

This order without hesitation came from Yuan Lang, and Xu Sanduo responded without hesitation: "Yes!"

Wu Zhe, who was packing up the laser equipment, was stunned for a moment. With so many chasing soldiers, the chance of staying alive is basically zero.

Chengcai didn't move at all, he was still searching for the most threatening machine gunner or bazooka player, and then knocked them down.

Yuan Lang shouted: "Successful, withdraw!"

Chengcai does not leave: "I cover!"

"Withdraw! Follow orders!—remember what you told me before the battle?"

Cheng Cai finally changed from a prone position to a kneeling position. He hit an "enemy" in the kneeling position and shouted, "Xu Sanduo, I'm waiting for you!"

Xu Sanduo turned his head from the shot he just finished: "Huh?"

Chengcai looked at the three idiots who reacted a little slower, and wanted to punch him, but in the end he just made a gesture, and then ran away behind Yuan Lang and Wu Zhe.

The two people in front ran faster than the rabbit, and they had already withdrawn from the position before the red team could encircle them.

A smile appeared on Xu Sanduo's face when he saw the sign language. It was the sign language belonging to Gang Qilian, which represented "Never abandon, never give up"!
He will face the search of the Division Reconnaissance Battalion alone. In order to buy enough time for Yuan Lang and the others to retreat, he started to run in the opposite direction.

"There is a soldier king on the opposite side, everyone be careful, take turns to cover and move forward!"

This is the best time to train soldiers. Li Bing commanded this group of recruits to fight Xu Sanduo.

The "casualties" must be great, but this will allow the recruits to know the huge gap between themselves and the old A.

Soldiers in the entire factory area are advancing covertly and searching forward quickly.

That was simply not a force that one person could handle. A tracked combat vehicle was driving in the factory area, and the large-caliber machine guns on it smashed the masonry into pieces.

The driver in the infantry fighting vehicle is Gan Xiaoning, and the machine gunner is Gao Cheng.

They have forced Xu Sanduo to flee into an abandoned factory building.

The infantry vehicle stopped in front of the factory building, Gao Cheng jumped out of the vehicle, and ordered: "Everyone get out of the vehicle!"

The division reconnaissance battalion is a group of extremely experienced soldiers, maintaining an extremely tacit outflanking formation.

Xu Sanduo was forced to climb up the stairs in the factory building. There was no way ahead. He propped up a wooden plank, but the plank broke, and he fell from a height of more than ten meters...

The three of Yuan Lang were still running, they had already reached a mountain, and the scene where Xu Sanduo fell had become the distant view behind him.


Yuan Lang, who stood at the head, guarded the front, Wu Zhe and Chengcai guarded the rear, but no one caught up.

Cheng Cai and Yuan Lang's eyes met, their faces were indifferent, even a little hostile.

Yuan Lang didn't seem to care about his attitude, and turned his head to Wu Zhe: "Check the situation with the information center."

Wu Zhe began to retrieve the necessary equipment he snatched from the siege.

"The target has been destroyed, and our artillery fire will cover the surface position of City P in 4 minutes."

His fingers operating the instrument suddenly paused, showing a look of astonishment, "No...not right!"

His hands worked the instrument at a frantic pace, and he looked shocked.

After a long time, he raised his head and reported: "Report, feedback from the information center, the enemy's command ability still exists... The backup system has started..."

He smiled wryly at the newly transmitted data, "We have completed the mission, but we haven't completed the mission...New data, target, G4 military port!"

Yuan Lang took a deep breath. In an unexpected situation, the "enemy" quickly transferred the headquarters. This kind of operation is very normal.

Now, they must continue to the G4 military port and continue to complete the task.

"Go, go to G4!"

Chengcai said: "I won't leave! I won't abandon, I won't give up. One of our teammates is still inside and hasn't broken out yet!"

Yuan Lang looked at Chengcai: "He fell from the fourth floor to a visual height of 14 meters, and there was no sound from the intercom. He was either seriously injured, or... anyway, we have lost him."

Chengcai insisted: "Because of the six words of Gang Qilian, you beat me back to Class [-] of the Grassland, but now you let me abandon him?"

Yuan Lang explained: "Chengcai, my evaluation of your exercise this time is still unqualified. I advise you to go back where you came from, because our mission has not been completed. That is our ultimate goal, not to rescue Your friend, or to save our teammates!"

Yuan Lang turned around and left, Chengcai remained silent.

Wu Zhe in front whispered to Yuan Lang: "What's the point of you telling him this? You are obviously very interested in him?"

Yuan Lang put on his helmet again: "Contact again, if you still can't get in touch, go to G4 immediately."

"S3 answer, S3 answer, the enemy headquarters moved westward to the G4 military port, the position here has been abandoned, we are heading to G4, S3 please answer after receiving it..."

Wu Zhe desperately used the intercom to contact, but Xu Sanduo still didn't respond.

Xu Sanduo fell from mid-air and was injured. He woke up slowly and crawled slowly among the dense grass.

Li Bing surrounded him with the remaining dozen or so recruits.

Knowing that the opponent was injured, Li Bing still told the recruits: "Everyone, be careful, the opponent is old A, the kind of special forces who can launch a fatal counterattack at any time!"

The dozen or so recruits who are still "alive" have already learned how to be good, and they dare not be careless, and surrounded them from all directions.

"Da da da..." The [-] rifle in Xu Sanduo's hand sprayed the last bullet until it was empty.

Li Bing held the 85 sniper and fired a shot in the direction of the flame mouth.

The gunfire stopped.

"Go, go and have a look." Li Bing ordered.

He took the lead and touched it on his knees.

Suddenly, a figure rushed forward, and the dagger in his hand quickly pierced his chest.

Li Bing's reaction was quick, he dodged his body, and at the same time made a catch with his hand.

Xu Sanduo, who was seriously injured, was no longer as nimble as he was at his peak, and was caught by the wrist.

Li Bing held it with one hand, and the other hand quickly turned into a hand knife, slashing heavily on Xu Sanduo's wrist, and the dagger fell to the ground immediately.

Xu Sanduo hit his knee against Li Bing's stomach, and Li Bing was knocked back a step, opening the distance.

Xu Sanduo took out the pistol from his waist, hesitated for a while, and finally "Papa Papa" fired three shots in a row.

Although the exercise used blank ammunition, it still has a harmful effect on the human body at close range.

Li Bing turned pale with fright, and hurriedly dodged to the side. Fortunately, his speed was fast enough so that he was not injured.

The recruits around immediately rushed up, knocked Xu Sanduo down, and snatched the gun.

Some grabbed their hands, some grabbed their feet, and some hugged their waists. Seven or eight people pressed Xu Sanduo firmly to the ground.

Xu Sanduo was already injured, and was pressed down like an arhat. He groaned a few times, and passed out completely out of breath.

Before closing his eyes, he said into the intercom: "Captain, there is a problem with S3, and the task cannot be completed..."

"Hurry up, hurry up... get out of the way, don't crush people to death!"

He was beaten to death just now, and now Li Bing immediately went up to check his injuries, and he was relieved when he found that his life was not in danger.

The medical staff in charge of the exercise immediately carried Xu Sanduo into the ambulance.

(End of this chapter)

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