Chapter 16

The soldiers in the playground had already boarded the bus one after another. Chengcai showed his eyes in the tent of the military camp, staring intently at the luxury bus next to him. Now he still thinks that the luxury bus is going to the Seventh Steel Company.

As the luxury bus drove by, Xu Sanduo was busy saying goodbye to Cheng Cai.

Chengcai's eyes were red, as if he was crying, and he was afraid that others would see it, so he secretly wiped it away with his sleeve.

Xu Sanduo was stunned, and the circles of his eyes turned red immediately.

Li Bing was silent. He didn't know where the future was and where he should go in the future.

Gao Cheng shook hands with the instructor He Hongtao under the car: "You just have to work hard to see them off."

He Hongtao, the instructor of Hongsanlian, smiled: "Old Qi, you have returned with a full load this time, so naturally you will return home like an arrow."

Gao Cheng refused to give up at all: "The soldiers picked by the Red Third Company are not bad, and I have already given up a few good seedlings."

The commander of the third company said unhappily: "It's far worse than the seventh company of steel. You said that Li Bing is good. I saw his assessment results and he was the last one. Is this not bad?"

Gao Cheng explained: "Third brother, you can't just look at the last assessment, you have to look at the usual times, he usually performs well."

He Hongtao also said good things: "Yes, Li Bing is usually good, but this time the assessment is not lucky, he has diarrhea, and he missed a few exams."

The third company commander shook his head: "It's not bad at ordinary times, but when it comes to critical moments, I lose the chain. I think it's because of poor mental quality. Is this a good soldier? Lao Qi, don't lie to me, the last one and the second last one are all given to me." Leave me alone, I'm going to put them together and go to class five!"

He and Gao Cheng salute each other farewell.

Gao Cheng was helpless, sighed slightly, and jumped into the cab of the army card. The truck roared, and amidst the smoke and dust, Cheng Cai stared blankly at the luxury bus going away...

This small convoy travels on the combat readiness road.

He Hongtao is a very active person, patted the driver and said: "Go to the airport, go around and give them a lot of insight."

After finishing speaking, he turned to face a car of soldiers behind him and said, "Comrades, you are veterans from now on, and you can't relax without being watched. Let me first introduce the situation of our service in this division. Our division is T Armored Division, a nationally registered armored force, our regiment is the main armored infantry regiment of T Division."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pointed: "Comrades, look over there—"

The soldiers scrambled to see the past, and saw a sign of a military restricted zone from a distance, and an old T34 tank parked in a flower bed, with its gun barrel pointing directly at the blue sky.

He Hongtao went on to say: "That's the main tank regiment of our division, isn't that guy awe-inspiring?"

The soldiers cheered up: "Wei-feng!!"

He Hongtao shook his head incessantly: "Technology is advancing, and science is developing. Now we have replaced the fourth-generation tanks, and we will definitely have to replace them in the future—everyone, look over there!"

The soldiers' necks turned like steering wheels.

He Hongtao introduced: "Over there is the R Artillery Regiment of our division, equipped with self-propelled and computerized field artillery. Over there is the armored reconnaissance battalion station, over there is the division headquarters, and over there, everyone, take a look!"

As he spoke, he himself became excited.

Everyone turned their heads quickly, and two armed helicopters were rising from a treetop height.

Most of the soldiers could see it, and this was the first time they saw a helicopter up close.

He Hongtao's voice was obviously a few degrees higher: "There is a helicopter brigade! Equipped with various types of advanced helicopters, they are responsible for important ground support, anti-tank and assault transportation tasks."

The soldiers were dumbfounded, and one of them asked: "Report to the instructor, how fast can we go to the company by helicopter?!"

"This plane...there is no arrangement in the regiment for the time being, mainly due to scheduling issues." He Hongtao thought to himself, most of you may never be able to take a helicopter in your life.

He looked at Xu Sanduo, who was in high spirits, and then at Li Bing, who was always silent, and sighed slightly in his heart.

He looked at a barracks shaded by greenery outside, and adjusted the atmosphere again: "Have you seen the barracks gate? That is our glorious 702 Armored Infantry Regiment! We are all part of the middle. Comrades, you are proud Not proud?"

The soldiers shouted: "Proud-proud!!"

"Proud or not?"

The soldiers' throats were about to burst: "Zi-proud!!"

"Passion is burning, blood is boiling, this is what a soldier should look like. Comrades, how about singing a song?"

A soldier volunteered to speak: "Forward! Forward! Forward!"

"Our team is facing the sun, stepping on the land of the motherland, carrying the hope of the nation,..."

The roar of a song shook the ground, and the morale was so high that passers-by looked sideways at it.

Before the song was finished, when the motorcade was getting closer to the gate of the regiment headquarters, it suddenly turned a corner and went onto a trail.

Everyone was still singing, and the eyes of a few sensitive guys were slightly straightened. They found that the luxury bus showed no signs of stopping, and continued to move forward.

The truck behind drove directly into the gate of the armored regiment.

Cheng Cai was still sitting in the army card, lost in thought, while the soldiers next to him heard the noises around them, and lifted the hood of the car.

Cheng Cai's eyes widened in astonishment. Several infantry vehicles came out from the sidewalk and were pinned down by trucks. The infantrymen on the vehicles were unwilling to wait any longer, so they came down from the rear hatch and assembled in a line.

Chengcai was surprised to find the group of heavily armed soldiers, their uniforms, their rifles, machine guns, rocket launchers, field radios, and some weapons and equipment that were not even known.

What made them even more awed was that those soldiers had the aura of always charging into battle in the smoke of gunpowder, which was completely different from the group of them who had just shot targets a few times.

A carload of recruits also stared blankly.

Chengcai suddenly said old-fashionedly: "See? This is called armored infantry!"

The withered backs of the soldiers in the truck suddenly straightened like gun barrels.

The people in Xu Sanduo's luxury bus were still singing, but they were a little distracted.

This place was originally a small town that prospered due to the military garrison. After turning on the trail, the scenery outside the car immediately became desolate.

The soldiers gradually realized that something was wrong: "Report to the instructor, where are we going?"

He Hongtao didn't answer, but said vigorously, "Sing! Why don't comrades stop singing?"

Very mechanically, there is another song "We Serve as Soldiers". The soldiers looked at the endless grassland outside the car window.

Horizon, horizon, besides the horizon is the horizon, the semi-desert land makes people feel at a loss.

Xu Sanduo was still singing along numbly, and the recruits behind him began to cry: "Report to the instructor, where are we going?"

He Hongtao knew that he couldn't hide it, and said, "You will know when you get there."

The grassland is so vast that it can cast the shadow of white clouds, and a car and bus are no different from ants here.

Except for a simple road, there is no one in the surrounding tens of kilometers.

The voice of singing has gradually diminished.

The soldiers had already sung so dryly that they couldn't go on singing any more.

He Hongtao still wanted to command, but no one had spoken. They already knew that their destination was not the armored regiment, but the wilderness.

The luxury bus finally stopped in front of the gate of a small camp. There was a green vegetable field in the camp. Several soldiers were waiting in front of the gate, and one of them even held a hoe in his hand.

He Hongtao began to assign work: "Lu Ning, Liu Hongbing, you are here, the production base."

The two soldiers got out of the car blankly, and He Hongtao encouraged: "The multivitamins that the whole regiment takes depends on you. If you work hard, you will have a bright future."

Afterwards, the bus stopped in front of another small camp gate, and several soldiers were waiting at the camp gate. One soldier's military uniform looked as if it had been splashed with gasoline and was stained with oil.

He Hongtao continued to assign: "Oil warehouse - Ma Rong, Lin Dongzhi."

The two soldiers moved out of the car step by step.

He Hongtao continued to encourage: "The tank is short of fuel, and you can't run if you lie down. You can also do a lot here."

The number of people on the bus gradually decreased, and the song could not be sung. The luxury bus continued to move forward, reaching one camp after another, and the soldiers got out of the car one by one.

Gradually, the bus finally arrived at the terminal, and only Li Bing and Xu Sanduo were left.

Xu Sanduo seems to have just realized that the place he is going to is probably this endless grassland.

Compared with the previous places, this place is extremely desolate. On the wasteland outside the bus, there are four simple houses protruding, and there is no one to greet them.

He Hongtao said: "Li Bing, Xu Sanduo, this is the fifth squad of the Red Third Company, also known as the fifth squad in the grassland. You will guard the underground pipeline here in the future. Let me tell you, this is a glorious and arduous task."

(End of this chapter)

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