Who is the Soldier's Assault?

Chapter 18 The Street Writer, Li Meng

Chapter 18 The Street Writer, Li Meng

Li Bing took a sip and coughed from choking.

Xu Sanduo quickly patted him on the back.

But Li Meng wasn't surprised that Li Bing wanted to smoke despite not being able to smoke. He understood that it was normal for Li Bing to be so depressed, and Xu Sanduo's excitement was like a snake spirit.

A new recruit has just been assigned to a place where the birds don't shit. There are no tanks and armored vehicles in his dreams, only the endless grassland. Seeing such an environment, his face will not be full of excitement, but disappointment, frustration, or even Crying loudly.

"Li Meng, smoke."

Li Meng looked at the Yuxi in Xu Sanduo's hand, and was immediately amused: "Xu Sanduo, you don't smoke yourself? This cigarette is specially prepared for us veterans, right? It's very good."

Xu Sanduo said: "These are all taught by the grown-ups. He said that in this way he can build a good relationship with the veterans."

Li Meng asked curiously: "Who is Chengcai?"

Xu Sanduo proudly replied: "Cheng is my best friend."

Li Meng asked Li Bing again: "Cheng is from your recruit company?"

Li Bing nodded: "Chengcai, Xu Sanduo and I are in the same squad in the recruit company."

"Oh, I see. You're three big buddies, aren't you?"

Li Bing didn't continue to answer, but gave an answer in his heart - shouldn't it be?

Li Meng didn't gossip too much, got back to the topic, and continued to introduce the situation here, "Let me tell you this, we have no surprises or dangers here, the people here are simple and kind, and natural disasters such as storms and hail are rare in a hundred years. Pipelines are also professionally maintained by engineers.

It is not bitter to say that it is hard, it is not as good as the Long March [-].It is not tired to say that it is not tired, and it cannot keep up with the old predecessors of the Anti-Japanese War.In a word - boring! ...Xu Sanduo, what are your hobbies?Such as playing chess, playing cards, singing, dancing..."

Li Meng asked Xu Sanduo first, because Xu Sanduo "talks a lot".

Xu Sanduo thought for a while: "Hobbies? I don't have any."

Li Meng asked Li Bing again: "What about you, what hobbies do you have?"

Li Bing didn't think about it: "No."

Li Meng rolled his eyes and waved his hand: "I advise you, everyone, find a hobby quickly, otherwise life is short and the night is long, staying in this grassland will make you idle for 5 minutes. .

Let me tell you this, did the veterans in the class see it?
Xue Lin loves lost lambs. Seeing lost lambs is like seeing a big girl. He insists on acting as a flower protector and delivering them to the owner in person. People say something.

Old Wei, he gives people ten nicknames a day, and he doesn't repeat the same ones anymore.

Ma, our squad leader, I am no longer obsessed with chess, and I am studying bridge..."

Xu Sanduo was stunned for a long time: "Then you...then what is your hobby?"

"See you, don't call me 'you', my name is Li Meng."

Speaking of his own hobbies, Li Meng suddenly became very solemn: "My hobbies, to be honest, I can't realize them if I don't come to this grassland, but I can definitely achieve them when I come here. My hobbies are Write a novel, write a novel that is sought after calmly and steadily."

Listening to Li Meng's dream, looking at the prairie under the twilight, he was a little at a loss, and the scenery of the prairie made him even more at a loss.

"The content of the novel is about my life. Now that I am 21 years old, I can write 200 million words. If I follow the speed of 30 words a day... it seems a bit too much... 51 words a day, I need [-] days to finish... …Rounding up to about [-] years. If I were in a bustling city, I would not be able to finish writing until I was [-], but fate is always so magical. When it closes a door for you, it will open a window for you..."

"That year, I was the third-to-last in the recruiting company assessment, and I came to the fifth class of the grassland. I felt that God closed a door for me. At the beginning, the night was long and I couldn't sleep all night, so I Thinking wildly, I thought of writing a novel to relieve my boredom."

Li Meng looked at Xu Sanduo's serious expression and Li Bing's bored expression, and continued: "You should have heard the saying that the fifth class in the grassland is a paradise for bad soldiers. According to your current results, you should come here. When you arrive in heaven, you will feel the happiness and freedom you have never had before. Because you can control your time, do what you like, smoke, play cards, lie in bed, write novels... No one will control you."

Speaking of this, Li Meng smiled with satisfaction: "Did the instructor tell you that guarding the underground pipeline is a glorious and arduous task?"

Xu Sanduo nodded, but Li Bing didn't respond.

Li Meng took the cigarette case from Xu Sanduo's hand, "Xu Sanduo, you don't smoke anyway, why don't I hold it for you first?"

With that said, Li Meng ordered one, put the rest into his pocket, and continued: "Here, you will gradually understand a truth - glory lies in the ordinary, and the difficulty is because of the length. In any case, we can put A finite life is used for an infinite cause, all of which, the instructor will never understand."

Li Meng made the above emotion towards the wasteland...

He Hongtao sneezed violently, almost putting a bowl of noodles on his face.

With a blank expression on his face, the old horse handed over a rag to wipe the table.

He Hongtao didn't know, and wiped his mouth with it: "Old Ma, you have to work hard, this is a glorious and arduous task."

Lao Ma is like a person who has seen through that painting big cakes is not good. He is no longer as easy to coax as before, and he said something in his heart: "It's glorious, it's difficult."

He Hongtao was so angry that he put the bowl heavily: "Squad leader! Why do you say dirty words? Stand at attention! Look at me! Don't roll your eyes!"

The old horse immediately poked into a human stake, but his eyes flickered, avoiding He Hongtao's angry expression.

He Hongtao hated Tiebuchenggang: "Old Ma, look at how good you were before, how about now? Now you are like a few veterans in that room."

To a person who used to be the model squad leader of the third company, these words are very serious. He Hongtao thought that the old horse would be stung, but the old horse just sighed leisurely: "I can't change the environment, but I can integrate into the environment .”

"One and a half years," He Hongtao also sighed, "It only took you a year and a half from being the best squad leader in the Red Third Company to becoming what you are now. I want to know why?"

The old horse did not speak, but looked straight at the grassland outside the window.

There is a beautiful picture of cattle and sheep without wind and grass. There are no cattle or sheep on the grassland, and there is very little grass, because there is a layer of ore underground.

According to the detection of the ore, it is a kind of copper ore, but the copper content is too small to reach the value of development and utilization.

He Hongtao also looked at the grassland.

Two people, two windows, there is no difference between the prairie in this window and the prairie in the other window, all are endless desolation.

He Hongtao noticed the change in Lao Ma's eyes: "Are you going to blame this place again?"

"I don't know, maybe it's up to me."

He Hongtao patted him on the shoulder: "Okay. I know the hardships, and Lianli also remembers it. Lianli is trying to get you a third-class merit. To put it bluntly, if you can stay in this place, you should be unconditionally third-class. It is useful to find a job after leaving the army. , I won't let you stay here to waste money."

The old horse lowered his head: "Don't, don't! I didn't say I was leaving, the instructor."

He Hongtao was surprised and angry again: "Then what do you do? Do you have to lose your fame at the end of the day? You didn't lead those soldiers well, and let them lead you to ruin! If you don't get an honorable discharge as soon as possible, what is going on in your mind?" what?"

The old horse sighed: "Instructor, do you know? There are only a few people in a radius of tens of kilometers. If you want to stay well, you have to understand that the majority is good, the few are bad, and the few must obey the majority."

Such unprincipled words almost made He Hongtao angry again, but he just stared at the old horse and pointed at him fiercely.

The majority that Lao Ma mentioned refers to Li Meng, Lao Wei, and Xue Lin.

One to three, he had to compromise.


Li Meng took Li Bing and Xu Sanduo around the four houses and the sentry box.

Smoking a cigarette, Li Meng squatted down wearing a military overcoat, looked at the grassland under the setting sun and stopped talking.

Li Bing found a rock, put it under his buttocks and sat down.

Xu Sanduo stood at attention and asked Li Meng, "Li Meng, what is our training plan for today?"

Li Meng was taken aback: "What training plan?"

Xu Sanduo explained: "According to the plan of the recruit company, now is the time for free activities, and I usually practice the horizontal bar."

Li Meng blinked: "We have no horizontal bars, no parallel bars, and no playground. There is only a camp and a grassland. Do you understand?"

Xu Sanduo thought for a long time, and said, "I understand, you can only goose and run here, right? Then can I run now?"

Li Meng's heart gradually collapsed: "OK, OK, if you like to run, just run."

"Yes." Xu Sanduo saluted a standard enough military salute, then turned back and started running towards the prairie...

(End of this chapter)

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