Who is the Soldier's Assault?

Chapter 26 Going to the Regiment Headquarters

Chapter 26 Going to the Regiment Headquarters

Li Bing's temper is different from Xu Sanduo who can't get a fart with three slaps.

When Xu Sanduo came to the fifth squad in the grassland, he would not clash with these veterans, but Li Bing couldn't understand the behavior of these veterans, so the two sides endured for a long time, and today they finally came to an argument.

"Stand at attention! Take a break! Stand up for me!"

Lao Ma looked at the four people in front of him, three veterans and one new recruit, and said to Li Meng, Xue Lin, and Lao Wei: "Okay, they are all good at it, if one can't beat them, the three of them will fight together, right? Where can I put my old face?"

Li Meng, Xue Lin, and Old Wei quickly lowered their heads, it was really embarrassing, especially Li Meng, as an old soldier, he couldn't beat a new soldier.

The old horse said to the three of them: "I know, why do you hate these two recruits? Is it because their self-discipline hurts your paralyzed hearts? Am I right? Since coming here, let you lose Lost the hope of struggle, let you lose your blood, you can't see the future, you can't see the direction!"

"But these are not reasons to be lazy! When one day you realize that time cannot turn back and regret everything, it will be really late!"

"After these days, I, a veteran, have figured it out. I don't want to hang around anymore. To put it bluntly, if I keep hanging around like this, in another year, when the contract expires, I have to leave!"

Hearing the word "Leave", Li Meng, Xue Lin, and Old Wei all raised their heads in a flash. This word hurt their hearts severely.

A camp made of iron, soldiers of flowing water.

Nothing makes a veteran so sad as taking off his uniform, leaving his comrades, leaving the barracks.

Four people, including Lao Ma, had red eyes...


In the evening, the six soldiers from the fifth squad ate in the kitchen. The steamed buns the day before yesterday were buns yesterday, and today they were porridge-like noodles.

Their food is not bad, but because this place replenishes every three days, the supply of fresh fruits and vegetables is not very timely.

There is no shortage of meat and some green onions, ginger and garlic.

Five people ate fried noodles with scallions.

Li Bing is different. He likes to eat noodles and bite garlic cloves.

After singing the military song and eating, Xu Sanduo suddenly said to the old horse: "Report to the squad leader, I will ask for a day off tomorrow, and the road will be stopped for a day without repairs, okay?"

All the sounds of sucking and chewing stopped for a while, and this silence surprised Xu Sanduo too: "No...that's fine."

The old horse was busy wiping his mouth: "Don't forget it, why forget it?"

Li Meng asked: "Xu Mumu, you ask for a day off, what do you want to do?"

Xu Sanduo explained his reason for asking for leave: "I want to plant some flowers on the side of the road, and I want to go to the flower shop in the city to buy some flower seeds. Also, I have been in the fifth class for almost half a year, and I have never been to our regiment headquarters. , I want to go to the regiment headquarters to have a look, I also want to go to see Shi Jin, Chengcai and Wu Liuyi..."

Li Meng reacted the fastest, and immediately said: "Yes, yes, yes! This is a reasonable request! Is one day off enough? Do you want the monitor to approve it for two days?"

Xue Lin said: "It's a long way, can you walk by yourself? How about I see you off?"

Old Wei said: "Squad leader, why don't you let Li horizontal bar go too, if you are with Xu Liuxi, you can have a companion on the road."

Xu Sanduo was a little puzzled, and then he saw Li Meng, Lao Wei, and Xue Lin laughing loudly.

Li Meng said happily: "We think Comrade Xu Sanduo's spirit of moving mountains like a foolish old man is respectable, but we really should see what the other side of the mountain is like, and then come back and continue to do this coolie carrying rocks."

Old Wei said: "That's right, Comrade Li Bing's spirit of hard training is worth learning, but we really should see how the Seventh Steel Company trains, and then come back and decide whether to continue working hard."

Xue Lin said: "The outside world is very exciting, but the world in Class Five is very helpless... Let's go out and have a look, you will know our helplessness."

The old horse ignored the thorny veterans in their words, and looked at Xu Sanduo and Li Bing: "You two really should go to the outside world to open your eyes, you must go to the regiment headquarters, and go to the training of the Seventh Steel Company. Let’s take a look at the field and see what the real army looks like!”

In the early morning, under the eager eyes of the four veterans, Li Bing and Xu Sanduo got on a tractor used by herdsmen to pull sheep.

On the way, they encountered a passing army, and the two looked up at a group of stationary but unextinguished tanks on the side of the road, and the soldiers on the turret saluted them.

They return the salute politely.

Then the haughty eyes of those soldiers swept over them, as if they were a little surprised, because these two soldiers were sitting in a tractor bucket, staying with a few lambs.

The dust was flying all the way, dusty, disheveled, without the might of a soldier.

Xu Sanduo looked at the passing tanks, and at the few lambs around him, his inferiority complex came to him again after he left the small closed world of Class [-].

Li Bing was also at a loss in his heart. He knew that Xu Sanduo would definitely leave Grassland Class [-], because the road he built was about to be completed, and Xu Sanduo was about to complete a road that many people thought could not be completed.

He got out of the car with Xu Sanduo, and the tractor drove away.They looked at the August [-]st military emblem on the door and several sculptural soldiers, all of whom were in the most standard military posture.

A hand stopped them as a matter of course, and the sentinel was still looking ahead, but his hand stretched out in front of them: "Please show your ID."

The two showed their IDs.

The sentry's finger pointed in another direction: "Outsiders, please register at the window of the duty room."

The two were about to go to register, when a group of infantry vehicles were returning from shooting, when they drove into the gate of the camp, the roar of engines and the sound of passwords resounded throughout the world.

Xu Sanduo looked back and saw these mighty and domineering infantry vehicles and the heavily armed soldiers on them. Compared with the veterans of the fifth squad, they were absolutely different.

As the saying goes: no comparison, no harm.

Suddenly a shouting voice came from the car: "Xu Sanduo! Three idiots, is that you?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Xu Sanduo opened his mouth wide in surprise.

A man whose face was so smeared with oil paint, half of his body in full armor leaned out from the roof of the car, and jumped down. He was really a fierce soldier!

The soldier grabbed Xu Sanduo who was retreating, and punched him hard: "Third idiot, it's me, what are you afraid of, I'm a talented person!"

A platoon leader on the infantry chariot was already dissatisfied: "Chengcai hurry up and return to the team!"

Chengcai happily turned his head and yelled: "Platoon leader, these are my fellow villagers! They are my fellow villagers!"

He patted Xu Sanduo on the shoulder, then glanced at Li Bing next to him as if bragging, and said: "I will return to the team first, you wait for me, just wait for me under the flagpole in front!"

He jumped on the chariot, and the chariot quickly drove into the gate of the camp.

Seeing Chengcai's back, Xu Sanduo had forgotten to register, and followed the chariot in a daze, but the sentinel stopped him again: "Soldier, you can only enter after registering."

Li Bing hurriedly dragged him to the window to register.

Under the five-star red flag fluttering high, Xu Sanduo stood there honestly.

Li Bing was not so honest, but straightened his back, walked around, and observed everything in the camp.

If they have never seen a decent barracks before, then they have finally seen it now: a group of soldiers running in full armor, a row of soldiers are practicing dismantling vehicle-mounted machine guns, and several tankers are competing to lift 105 mm shells .

Weapons and soldiers, this scene will never appear in the fifth squad on the grassland.

Because the fifth squadron of the grassland has been isolated from the world, and it has returned to the era without mechanical weapons, and here is the truly modern armored force!

Xu Sanduo stood under the flagpole disconsolately, without even moving his footsteps, his eyes fixed on those tanks, unwilling to leave for a moment...

(End of this chapter)

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