Who is the Soldier's Assault?

Chapter 44 Learning to board the car

Chapter 44 Learning to board the car
Gao Cheng could see all the behavior of the soldiers in the third squad in the dormitory from the glass window.

The third class was reciting the Liange of Gang Qilian, and the unpretentious lyrics actually called out a feeling of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Li Bing spoke every word in a high pitched voice.

And Xu Sanduo mingled among them, opening and closing his mouth, his voice was very small, obviously pretending to be a slapstick, and he didn't shout at all.

Gao Cheng said: "Look at him, where does he have the aura of a soldier?"

Shi Jin said good things for Xu Sanduo: "His brain is slow to react, and there are some things he still doesn't understand. You have to give him time."

Gao Chengdao: "But a person with blood, his blood can be called out. Look at Li Bing, this is a soldier! The soldiers of our Seventh Steel Company!"

"Xu Sanduo was scared of being beaten by his father since he was a child, and there was a shadow in his heart. He was afraid of doing anything, and he didn't dare to do it, because he was afraid of making mistakes."

Gao Cheng gritted his teeth: "Then why does he want to be a soldier? Why does he want to come to Steel Seventh Company?"

"Give me a period of time, believe that I can change him, because we are the Seventh Steel Company! Even if it is a piece of iron, I can straighten and melt him!"

"You melted him with warmth, but he will freeze you to death!" Gao Cheng squeezed out the last sentence through his teeth: "I don't have any hope for this soldier."

Shi Jin was dumb and speechless.

When newcomers arrive, veterans usually give up the lower berths to recruits. This is a fine tradition of the Seventh Steel Company.

Li Bing got a bed below Wu Liuyi.

It was not easy to persevere in the fifth class. He was really tired and fell asleep after a while.

The next morning, the sky was dim, and a whistle suddenly blew up. In the darkness, the soldiers of the No. [-] Steel Company quickly got up from their beds.

By the time the lights were turned on, the quilts were already being folded, and the quilts of more than a dozen people turned into pieces of tofu in an instant. The speed and scene were really spectacular.

In the dim corridor, well-dressed soldiers set off in an orderly manner.

When Li Bing ran out of the dormitory, most of the soldiers had already lined up on the playground and could hear loud and clear counting.

After the assembly was over, the soldiers began to quickly enter several military trucks whose engines had been warmed up, dragged up smoke and dust in a blink of an eye, and drove out of the barracks.

This is really just what happened in three or two minutes.

The Seventh Company is currently practicing mechanized man-vehicle coordination training, and Li Bing has caught up on the first day of his arrival.

The wind was pouring into the speeding car, and the soldiers who had just climbed out of the quilt subconsciously huddled together to keep warm, and some people used this precious time to smoke their first cigarette after getting up.

Through the gap in the carriage, Li Bing looked at the misty starlight outside, and the infantry combat vehicle was heading towards the shooting range.

The so-called shooting range is a wide shooting range for armored vehicles, with staggered ruts and gray mountains at the end.

A row of three infantry chariots was galloping in the open space to warm up. Nearly a foot of floating soil had already been ground out on the shooting range, and it was flying all over the sky immediately, forming a thick fog.

For armored soldiers, eating dirt is a normal snack.These were not used to Li Bing who had just arrived, and they were choked and coughed non-stop.

What's more, Xu Sanduo started to get motion sickness after bumping all the way, and couldn't help throwing up. He looked at Wu Liuyi's warning eyes, and was afraid of throwing up in the car, so he swallowed what was in his mouth...

Li Bing did not get motion sickness because he had practiced abdominal circling in the fifth class of the grassland. The sharp contrast between his composure and Xu Sanduo surprised everyone in the third class.

The infantry fighting vehicle finally arrived at the designated place for training.

Gaocheng took one step at a time, pulled out his feet from the ashes, and stood in front of the team: "Stand at attention! Take a break! Today's main subject is the coordination of infantry firepower and chariot firepower. There are twelve of you in one vehicle including the driver. In my eyes, you are one gun and one cannon, in short, you are a whole and not twelve units, I hope you can brand the concept of coordination into your mind!"

Suddenly, there was a gust of wind, and amidst the roar of a chariot, a layer of soil fell on the uniforms of the entire company of soldiers.

In the dusty dust, a few figures appeared, and it was the head of the regiment, Wang Qingrui. They were not much cleaner than the soldiers.

Gao Cheng saluted and said loudly: "Report to the leader, the Seventh Steel Company is conducting a coordinated training of man and vehicle, please give instructions!"

Wang Qingrui returned a salute: "Continue training."

"Yes!" Gaocheng then shouted to the troops: "The wind and sand are strong today, which will obviously make our shooting more difficult. But I hope everyone knows why we choose such a weather. The visibility on the battlefield is probably much worse than this. We are The reconnaissance company on the tip of the knife must learn to shoot not only with the naked eye, but also with the feeling! That soldier, why are you covering your eyes? I still talk, do you think I eat less soil than you?"

Of course that soldier was Xu Sanduo. He was busy opening his bewildered eyes and rubbing them vigorously.

Gao Cheng glared at him, and continued to give orders: "Disband! Get the ammunition in the No. [-] car, and prepare for shooting in the first row."

After the soldiers dispersed, Gao Cheng turned to Wang Qingrui: "Report to the head of the regiment, after the speech is over, please give instructions to the head of the regiment."

The head of the group patted Gao Cheng on the shoulder: "Did you fill your mouth with dirt when you spoke? Do you want to drink the tea I made?"

Sure enough, Gao Cheng spat out a mouthful of dirt, and smiled: "This place has been run over by chariots too much, and there is a diesel smell in my mouth."

The team leader handed over the tea mug, and Gao Cheng took a sip unceremoniously: "Uncle Wang, why do you still drink scented tea? You have to change to green tea. It's not enough to get angry in the car?"

"You have to pick and choose when you drink tea. I heard that you are not satisfied with the soldiers I recommended?"

"You also saw it just now, Yang Batu covered that man's eyes so much that a bullet wouldn't scare him into peeing his pants?"

The head of the group was happy: "Your father told me that when you were in kindergarten, you hugged the beautiful female teacher and did not let go. He was afraid that you would become a philandering carrot when you grow up."

Gao Cheng quickly looked around, and after confirming that there was no one there, he rolled his eyes: "Why are you talking about those old things?"

The head of the group said earnestly: "Now, don't you have no desire to change? That means people will always change, and there is no limit to this change. Not to mention Xu Sanduo, there is also a Li Bing, this time you should be satisfied right?"

"Well, I admit that he is indeed a good soldier, but he is a little arrogant in his heart, and he is also a little too emotional, and his mind needs to be honed."

Wang Qingrui looked at Li Bing in the distance. After all, he jumped in line halfway and stood by the side of the training field. He really didn't know what to do, and stood there stupidly.

The most important thing is that he has been shocked by the momentum of dozens of tanks and infantry fighting vehicles charging together. That kind of impact scene is really the most touching.

An infantry chariot suddenly drove over and stopped in front of him.

As the class monitor, Shi Jin is the busiest during training.He explained to Li Bing and Xu Sanduo in his busy schedule: "You two, remember 207! This is the new tank of our class. You just arrived, let Wu Liuyi take you to familiarize yourself first."


Wu Liuyi led them to the front of the infantry fighting vehicle, and introduced: "The crew of the infantry fighting vehicle is generally 3 people, including the commander, driver and gunner, and there are 1 to 6 people in one squad. The total weight is 8-13t for the light type, and 15-22t for the heavy type. The interior layout of the vehicle is that the cockpit and power cabin are in the front, the combat cabin is in the middle, and the crew compartment is in the rear. The car body is welded with homogeneous steel armor or aluminum armor There are shooting holes, which are convenient for the infantry to shoot from inside the vehicle, so as to facilitate combat in the vehicle. There is a springboard or side-opening door at the rear of the vehicle, so that the infantry can get on and off the vehicle quickly and concealed.

"Li Bing, you are new here. I will be lenient to you during this time. But you also have to pay attention to your studies. For example, if the infantry vehicle is parked here, you can't do other training, but you can practice boarding the vehicle. If you don’t practice, no one will watch you, but you are the one who lags behind in the end.”

Li Bing nodded again and again.

Then Wu Liuyi said to Xu Sanduo: "Xu Sanduo, I have taught you how to get on a car many times, now I don't need to teach you again? You should make a demonstration for Li Bing to see."

After speaking, he stepped aside.

Xu Sanduo did it once, but Wu Liuyi immediately stopped him: "Xu Sanduo, you get in the car so slowly, all the people in the car will be blocked by you, do you think the battlefield will be just as strong as today? If there is a real war , it’s full of bullets and shrapnel flying outside! Come down and watch my movements carefully. Li Bing, take care of me too!”

After Wu Liuyi finished speaking, he curled his body into a ball, jumped into the hatch with a width and height of no more than 1.2 meters with a whoosh, and took the hatch with him, all in just one second.

Li Bing memorized all the movements of Wu Liuyi's hands, feet, and body in his mind, and then "shown" it again. He felt that he had learned enough. He imitated Wu Liuyi's appearance and curled his body into a ball like a Like a civet cat, it swished into the hatch, but the movement was a little slower.

Wu Liu nodded a little: "Li Bing is good, the movement of boarding the car is like this, practice a few more times, and it will be fast after you get used to it. Xu Sanduo, it's your turn this time!"

Xu Sanduo also flinched and jumped, and with a bang, he accidentally hit his head on the cabin door. Even though he was wearing a helmet, he was a little dizzy from the impact.

(End of this chapter)

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