Chapter 67
When the Chinese land is thriving, stable and united, it doesn't mean that there will be no wars outside.

A few years ago, there was a local battle that caused a sensation all over the world—the Sea Bend War.

The Sea Bend War was a large-scale local war led by the Mi Army.

In the war, a large number of high-tech weapons were put into actual combat for the first time, demonstrating overwhelming advantages in air control and electromagnetic control.

This war changed the traditional combat mode and strongly shocked the traditional concept of war formed since World War II.

Its biggest feature is that this is a war with the application of high-tech weapons.There are four main aspects:

①, electronic warfare.

Before the start of the war, electronic combat aircraft were used to strongly interfere with electronic equipment, suppress communications and early warning radar systems, and ensure the suddenness of air strikes.

In the whole process, powerful electronic warfare was implemented against command, control, communication and intelligence systems, and "soft suppression" was carried out on electronic equipment, air defense radar and communication networks, so that the opponent's headquarters failed, communication was interrupted, air search and Lost the ability to counterattack and was in a passive situation.

②, air power played a decisive role.

Air combat has emerged as an independent combat style, creating a precedent for winning wars with air power as the main body.

In air strikes, the use of a large number of precision-guided weapons improves the accuracy of air strikes and minimizes civilian casualties.

Aircraft for various purposes were dispatched to carry out tasks such as air strikes, reconnaissance, electronic warfare, escort, refueling, transportation, observation, etc., and carried out all-round and all-weather air strikes on command centers, air defense systems, and heavy forces groups, and completed strategic air strikes. There are four phases of tasks: 4. Seize the air supremacy in the theater, weaken the ground forces and support the ground operations.

③, the combat airspace has expanded unprecedentedly, and the battlefield is developing in a deep and highly three-dimensional direction, and there is no obvious front and rear.

First of all, double encirclement is implemented from the ground and the air. Through the high-speed advancement of ground forces and the projection of air forces, an active front is formed in the rear, and the opponent's main force is directly attacked from behind.

This kind of tactics based on mobile warfare has clear goals and resolute actions, which promotes the development of the campaign faster.

④, high-tech weapons have greatly improved combat capabilities, enabling combat operations to develop at high speed, all-weather, and all-time.

Aircraft, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and even individual weapons are equipped with night vision and night sighting equipment such as infrared night vision devices, laser night vision devices and infrared thermal imaging equipment, which enables weapons and equipment to exert the same combat effectiveness at night as during the day , can continue to fight day and night, and advance the end of the campaign faster.

Air strikes lasted 42 days and ground advances lasted 100 hours.

This war is a stimulus to the whole world, and it is also an epoch-making debut of new styles of play, new ideas, new tactics and new weapons.


C Group Army A Brigade Training Base.

In the squadron leader's office, Yuan Lang stared at the computer screen in front of him, which had an animation process simulating a war.

Because it is an exercise after all, and it is limited to the lack of certain weapons and equipment, in order to restore the situation at that time as much as possible for this exercise, the director team is going to set up a hypothetical enemy situation.

While Yuan Lang was studying the tactical plan of the exercise, the door of the office was pushed open.

Captain Railway walked in: "How is it, how do you feel?"

"Seeing this shameless black technology style of play, my hairs stand on end." Yuan Lang was really startled into a cold sweat, genuinely worried.It wasn't the drill that worried him.
The railway took out a pack of cigarettes, held one for himself, and threw one to Yuan Lang: "Drills are actual combat."

Yuan Lang lit a cigarette for the team leader, lit himself, and asked, "What if the red side fails?"

"It's not good. Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. If steel lions like the 702 regiment can't cope with this new style of play in the future, the troops will have to make adjustments, natural selection, survival of the fittest."

Yuan Lang nodded. He already understood that this was not just an exercise, but a test of the troops and a guide for future upgrades. "In today's meeting, our chief and chief of staff must have a bad face, right?"

Tie Tie smiled: "It's not only ugly, it's almost turned into a black face, and I didn't say a word from the beginning to the end."

Yuan Lang naturally knew what this meant, and said: "Our A brigade has offended many people over the years. This time, we are attacking our old troops. I really can't bear it. How about changing the battle damage ratio? ?”

The railway spit out a smoke ring: "What should be changed? Just follow the plan of 25:[-]. If we don't wake them up and hurt them, how can we know the true level of our troops?"

Yuan Lang reminded: "The 702nd Regiment is an old trump card regiment. We can't be careless. I heard that there is a Seventh Steel Company under him, known as the Sharp Knife Company. The company commander is the son of our chief. I want to meet him."

"Go. I don't know you yet. Taking advantage of the opportunity of the exercise, I went to challenge soldiers. It's a good opportunity to kill two birds with one stone." The railway saw through Yuan Lang's intentions at a glance.

Yuan Lang lit a cigarette, stood up and left gracefully. Before leaving, he said, "I'm planning ahead for our brigade. If I'm asked to pick soldiers, I'll pick the best ones. Brigade A would rather be short than overcrowded!"


The exercise needs to be prepared two or three months in advance, and the duration may take another two or three months, which shows how large the scale of this exercise is.

The big exercise this time is a battle exercise.On the grassland not in front of us, the 702 regiment had to be pulled to another exercise site hundreds of kilometers away.

The scale is larger and the equipment is more advanced, and their "enemy", that is, the Blue Army, is said to be a force that specializes in finding fault.

The specific team of the Blue Army is still being kept secret by the director team.

Gao Cheng put out the cigarette butt, confident: "Whoever came, the 702 regiment is an ace regiment, and our seventh company is a sharp knife company. I am not afraid of whoever comes. As long as I bump into them, I will go up and stab them. hole!"

Hong Xingguo was also not too worried. According to his usual experience, since the 702 regiment was in charge of attacking the red side, the result of the director team's guidance was basically that the red side would win.What's more, the 702 regiment has won the big exercise for five consecutive years. If such an ace regiment loses, it will be ugly...

Along the way, the hearts of the soldiers almost kept shaking with the rickety carriage.

Soldiers don't travel around the world like American soldiers. Most of the time that they haven't left the barracks is counted according to the year.This kind of fully armed exercise always feels fresh and exciting from the bottom of my heart.

Perhaps many people did not realize the real intention of this exercise: if the troops cannot adapt to this new style of warfare, then there is only one result-adaptation and upgrade!

Thousands of tons of equipment were pulled into the mountains, large-scale combat preparations, temperate forests, mountains, 2100 meters above sea level, and an average temperature of 21 degrees Celsius.

For the heavy troops of the 702nd Regiment, it was like an elephant chasing a hare, with great momentum.

The Steel Seventh Company is the vanguard company of this exercise.

Amidst the tremors of the troop carriage, people like Wu Liuyi, who are accustomed to long-distance travel, have already started looking for a place to sleep or play cards for entertainment.

Xu Sanduo was still looking at the outside of the car, and everything passing by outside the car still made him feel novel.

Li Bing looked solemn, and kept deducing how to change the outcome of the exercise to the greatest extent.He knew the result of the exercise long ago, but he couldn't prevent the fate of steel seventh company's reorganization.

Because the transformation from mechanization to informatization and digitalization is the general trend, it is imminent, and it is a change for future wars!

The night drowned out the long whistle of the military column.

Most of the people in the carriage had already fallen asleep, with only a few dim lights left.

Xu Sanduo kept his eyes open. People who don't travel often may find it difficult to fall asleep in the noise. He read a book by the light, it was an English-Chinese version of "The Happy Prince".

He finds it very difficult to see. His idea is to cover the Chinese characters below, cover a section and then compare the Chinese characters below.

This is what Li Bing told him. If he wants to go up, he must take time to study cultural courses and enter the military academy.

(End of this chapter)

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